Mid length options

I’ve got a Crossbreed with 2+1 set up. It’s a really good all rounder that I originally got for crowded sessions, or when surf is a bit bigger with fuller waves. It’s been a real surprise and is even better in good waves.

There’s a previous thread on this worthy of a look

I reckon you're doing the right thing getting a mid length.

From a short boarders perspective, why are the latest generation of mid-lengths typically around 2.75” to 3” thick rather than say 2.5”?
Not sure if it co-incidental or not that mid-lengths seem to have become more popular and available since the videos of Torren Martin carving the big twinny. And with the popularity the design has become more refined and distant from that of a min-mal. One thing I’ve noticed is that quite often they are fairly thick, even nicely foiled ones. Do they really need to be that thick and have all that volume?

Good question, they probably don't have to be. Where midlengths are at present is pretty exciting as there's no "one" formula of design that has come to dominate them. You can do pretty much anything you want.
For mine, 2 3/4 to 3" thick, yep - but then again my shortboards are in that area too, and I was raised on boards that thick so it's just what feels good. I'm not a big guy, either. Just didn't like 2 1/8 or even 2 3/8. The extra float on smaller or fuller waves helps you stand earlier, start turning earlier, I feel this is an advantage to be used. In marginal or crowded surf it can make a great difference, that extra 1/2 second.
Other thread is good place.

I always felt that longer boards that are thinner = easier to snap
And when you widen to 21”+ then there’s plenty of room to foil out the rails subtley.
Not that I really know anything just my own presumptions.

Imagine what a 7’0 Desert Storm would’ve been like in those same waves....dreamy.
Plus a rail to carve off of .

Blowin, how has your DS been treating you?

This has taken an interesting turn - yes the DS style design would work.
Though I don't have a DS I have something similar in foil/rails volume/entry all that, at 7ft it's an absolute beast. I call it the 'Yardmaker'. There's a point I switch up to it, from the minis if its over 4-5ft on fat waves, from shorter boards when it's a bigger day, really long paddle or far out to sea or windy. In smaller 3-4ft Winki it's going so fast you are kicking out 20-30m down the line from everyone else. Looong fast lines and rail turns. Up there in my 3 favourite all time boards. It can even work in smaller waves, paddles in nicely which is what everyone seems to want. It will be fun evolving it.

Note that the DS dims will vary my 7' DS isn't the same as the stock one advertised.
Webby will suss you out and adjust for your requirements.

Thanks. I hadn't considered the extra thickness for extra strength aspect for a mid-length.
And yes its definitely an exciting time in the mid-length evolution at the moment. I'm wondering if performance mid-lengths will become a thing, and if so will they be thinner to have a bit of flex and cut into the wave more. They'd have more plaining area and only need enough volume (?) rather than an excess to help on those mushy days. Obviously a performance mid-length won't compete with a shortboard, but theoretically it would be more lively than a hull, mini-mal, or longboard. Old guys like me need something to look forward too LOL.

I'd like to have a test ride of the firewire seaside an beyond. Maybe the 7ft or 7-4.
Like some feed back. if anyone has got one.. I'm 6-1 92 kg 57old , not sure on size..

Braddo1 wrote:I’m after a mid length for the quiver for surfing crowded waves in Sydney. Anyone had experience with Jye Byrnes Crossbreed or Ron Goddards quad M8(but smaller versions) I like the idea of a quad in a larger board to loosen it up and give it plenty of drive.
There seems to be a large variety of options for the mid length.

Hey Braddo 1 I have a Harley Ingelby mid length called the Moe 7-2 with the lighting bolt tech. Has some nice flex about it... only ride it as a quad. Large neon cavers front, 3 pc sides in rear.. check out his site..

also this is the new Channel islands mid length ...looks good...nice vid

Has this one been mentioned?
I like the look of it. More HP than cruisy, but that's no drawback.

IB you mean the Mid Strength model?

Slightly off topic but ive been riding 5,3 to 5,8s grovel type boards for some time now and before that was mostly ridding a 5,10.
Jumped on a 6,0 again yesterday as just wanted more foam for paddling and a change, felt like i was ridding a gun at first and first turn was so hard, but a few waves later felt pretty good, just the different drive kind of feeling and drawn out turns, i think it might stick with it for a while.

Go the 7 footer, I am similar weight and age and have a sea axe, similar outline and dims in 7'2" which is a ripper in open faced waves up to 6 ' or so,. Would have gone 7' if they had it. Also have a couple of other similar type boards in the 6' 10" to 7' range. The volume will be fine if you are coming off a shorty. The the longer boards seem to become a bit more log like in behaviour, which is fine if that's what you want. Try it as a twinny.

Oops, above comment addresses Nevertoold query re seaside mid length. Carry on.

Christenson Nautilus …. things go mental

Anyone surf a scorpion 2 tufflite? Comes in a 6’10 model that I like the look of.
I’m after a mid length for the quiver for surfing crowded waves in Sydney. Anyone had experience with Jye Byrnes Crossbreed or Ron Goddards quad M8(but smaller versions) I like the idea of a quad in a larger board to loosen it up and give it plenty of drive.
There seems to be a large variety of options for the mid length.