Best local shapers on Sunshine Coast?

Hit the Goldie..lowen 88...

Inside edge at cotton tree worth a look, bryan weir has a great deal of experience and knowledge haven't owned any boards but his quality is high from what i've seen lots of locals surfing good on them.
Neil belcher makes a good shorty ridden quite a few of his boards all of them went good. They where glassed light however and didn't last long but thats to be expected.
Theres heaps of them out there Mark Pridmore has some pretty cool designs some really different and knows his quads if your into that.
I get my boards from Richard Harvey at miami have been getting customs for a while they keep getting better, they last ages and theres something about a hand shaped board i like.

Peter stumpy Wallace... Marty Simpson.... Mick Grace... Shotgun aren't too bad either.

You've probably already found someone, but BECK surfboards are pretty good.
Any suggestions for the best shapers on the Sunshine Coast? Looking for my next everyday shortboard