Drink plenty of fluids and you'll be alright!

Is it glued? If so, I don't think glue, heat and stretching it will go well together

Hey gopatter,
I have surfed in Tas for many years and haven't heard of anything like that suggestion.
I suspect Kaiser is right - hot water and the neoprene glue wouldn't go well together. In fact I wouldn't even put a wettie into a decently hot shower.
A few wears should stretch it out a bit. Some others wearing Patagonia here swear by how warm and durable they are - but generally admit they don't go near the flexibility of other suits.
Good luck with it!
This is one for the Tas crew. For the first and last time in 39 years of surfing I got a heavily discounted Patagonia 3mm wettie on the net. Super warm but a tad tight and really not that flexible. I heard through a mate that some of the Tas crew, who have to wear 5mm rubber, put on suit - hop into a hot bath and let the rubber mould to the body and stretch a bit with the heat. I have no idea if this is an old surfers tale or it actually works. Also sounds like a great way to get heat stroke. Has anybody actually tried this?