Hypto Krypto

Hi gman,
I have a Hypto. Its a sick board. In fact probably the best board i have ever owned.
Its dimensions are 5'8 x 19 1/2 x 2 3/8 and its got the round pintail. The thing is fast, even in mushy surf. I'd suggest its
'performance' capabilities are limited by the rider only.
Myself, i have ridden it in well overhead surf (which was not barrelling) and it handled it. I would happily take one to indo but i would also take something to handle hollow solid surf as my skills wouldn't cope with it on a Hypto.
I recently purchased a Shred Sled King Haydenshapes, think Shred Sled without flyers and a more pulled in roundpin tail.
Would be an epic board for Indo...
Happy to answer more specific questions if you have any. Happy board shopping, hope you find what you are after.

Oops you are off to the Maldives...Hypto would love those waves. I also have no troubles with it on backhand.

Hi gman, same height and 77kg. I can paddle it better (in a 4/3 wettie) than a 6'6" i own.
I went a little less width than the stock dimensions and i droppped thickness in the rails to 2 5/16. Mines a Futureflex version, the shapes a winner though i dont think it would matter be it PU or Futureflex.

I've had mine just under 12 months, unreal board. I'm 5'9 75kg and got the 5'6 stock. Only time I was off it was that june winter swell on the goldy when it was 6-8ft and wanted a longer board but thats me just being a kook.

Haven't tried the Hypro Crypto but it looks like a board I'd really enjoy.
Had a trial on a 5'8 Shred Sled though and didn't really like it.
It went great in hollow sucky beachies and powerful waves (as would any decent board) but once the wave slowed down and fattened out it didn't carry its speed at all and just about stopped.
I found it really lose and you could put it anywhere up in the lip but if you weren't on your game small errors were greatly exaggerated.
I was really surprised at how small, thin and lacking in volume the board was and I think this was the major issue with it regarding losing speed and drive once out in the flats. Maybe I needed the next size up.
The 5'8 Hypto Krypto is another 6 litres of volume on top of the shred sled and similar to my Al Merrick Pod which is my favourite board at the moment, so it looks like I'd really enjoy it.
On another note I've been surfing the Dumpster Diver lately and it goes great in surf up to 5ft. More a compromise between a standard shorty and fish with lots of paddling and planning volume as well as having a great outline to go vertical into turns.

I got a 6'0 x 20 1/4 x 2 3/8 Hypto Futureflex and it would have to be the best board I have owned. I'm 5'11 76kg and I got it about 6 months ago and I haven't been off it. Got it a bit longer so that I could surf it in a wider variety of waves but might have been able to get it a bit shorter. It's super fast and you can really whip it around. Paddles really easy and it picks up any wave. I reckon it has a sweet spot further forward and it really starts to move when you get it right. It would go well in any waves.

I've got one on order at the moment (5'10 x 20 1'4 x 2 5/8) - I'm 6'1 82kgs. Mate of mine has a 6'0. He loves it and reckons it's one of his best boards ever. Seeing him pull into and high line a solid 5ft barrel at Cloudbreak on it as well as the thing absolutely ripping in mushy stuff convinced me to give one a go.
The fibreflex tends to dent easy is the only downside. Ask for the heavy glassing! Adds a bit of extra weight too as they can feel pretty light.

Also interested in the Motor Boat Too by Channel Islands if anyone has ridden one - the rounded pin looks nice.
By: "gman"
I've been looking for some reviews on the Motor Boat as well, but haven't found much online. Anybody? And how would you compare the hypto crypto to the gravy and biscuit by channel island?

Ive got a 5'8" and goes insane i'm a bit bias as I've got 3 of hayden's boards. surfed them at the Banyaks and they all preformed fantastically

Hey Gman. I got a motorboat too, round tail. It likes hollow waves. The speed the board generates is insane. If you surf rail to rail and love a big bottom turn & snapping off the top to set up your wave, you'll like it.
It does paddle unreal if you're in the -- not very big -- sweet spot.
My last 3 surfs have been in 2-3 foot mid tide heading into a high tide Goldie beachbreaks -- ie the waves were filling up and fattening up.
As the waves fattened out, the board would still skate over dead sections, but linking turns was harder, and rails start to bog.
imo it's a 2-5 foot, (maybe 6 if you're good) board. I find it difficult to grovel on ... but that might be user error. I've just come from a year in tassie where it wasn't worth surfing unless it was 3-foot plus. So my grovelling skills aren't much chop.
I'd love to try a krypto. I had a shred sled which I loved in Tassie, but the board was limited, like Craig talked about.
Hope that helps yer mate?!

I have the 5'8" x 19 1/2" x 2 3/8" which my Grom mostly rides and I ride when it's one foot.
Unreal fast paddler and great at generating down the line speed. A little bit chunky in the rails however.
Even though the thickness is supposed to be 2 3/8", it feels like 2 1/2" and also more than the stated 30 litres. So my suggestion is to borrow one and try it out before buying one.

I didn't like it, too slow off the mark and bogs a lot. I prefer my Merrick motorboat or my Nick Blair

I am 5'11 and about 90kg. What size hypto would you recommend?

moolyland wrote:I am 5'11 and about 90kg. What size hypto would you recommend?
I'd say 5' 10.
I'm 78kg and rode the 5' 10 but defo need to go smaller.

I'am 5.7 ft and 73 kg begginer/intermediate surfer and I'm not sure about the size of the correct hypto for me. I'm in good shape and catch a lot of waves, don´t connect on every of them, do mistakes on some take offs and starting to do my first turns down the line. I'm thinking on the 5,8 or the 5,10. Any one could help me? thanks.

What has led to your decision to buy a hypto?
A 5'8 will be enough volume for you, I'd say because they're wide and thick.
What type & size board do you have now that enables you to catch waves easily?

They look like a single fin board...

vdeppe wrote:I'am 5.7 ft and 73 kg begginer/intermediate surfer and I'm not sure about the size of the correct hypto for me. I'm in good shape and catch a lot of waves, don´t connect on every of them, do mistakes on some take offs and starting to do my first turns down the line. I'm thinking on the 5,8 or the 5,10. Any one could help me? thanks.
I'm 5'7" and 75kgs intermediate/advanced i got the 5'8" was advised to get the 5'6" but couldnt bring myself to riding something so small. very happy with it...was advised to get the 3 fin as thats what there designed for..i wish i went the 5 fin setup to experiment a bit. in smaller stuff.

vdeppe wrote:I'am 5.7 ft and 73 kg begginer/intermediate surfer and I'm not sure about the size of the correct hypto for me. I'm in good shape and catch a lot of waves, don´t connect on every of them, do mistakes on some take offs and starting to do my first turns down the line. I'm thinking on the 5,8 or the 5,10. Any one could help me? thanks.
If you're set on the Hypo the correct size would be no bigger than 5' 8", I'm 80kg and 5' 8' is a good size.
To be honest, I'd choose another board though, it's not the easiest to ride, steep take off's need some skill.
There are better boards for catching more waves and starting turns in my opinion, because the Hypto needs to be ridden at the correct length otherwise it becomes too bulky.
I'd say go for a board where riding it at specific length isn't so important and something that for your size and weight can be ridden at a higher volume.
Something like the CI Average Joe.

Intermediate / advanced wont hurt riding a board you are a lil heavy for . you might be supprised....

gman wrote:Anyone sampled one? I know they are prohibitively costly, but interested in feedback on this board, especially in decent waves. Obviously Ando makes any board looks good but would like mortal surfer feedback. Particularly interested in whether the board works as a high performance board in good waves, goes well on one's backhand etc. Going to Maldives in July and would like an allrounder that goes good in the small stuff but can also handle overhead.
I'm 5'7" 68kg and in a very similar situation. Would be really interested to hear what size you went with and how you're liking it?

love my 5'4 hypto.. great purchase!!

I rode one for awhile. I ended up hating it. It's a really limited design by trying to be everything for anything. Ironic. Yes, I go suckered by the marketing as I needed a one board quiver at the time. Never again. Horrible things. Talk to your local shaper if possible. There's better options.

Its Australia Day, so whatever you ride make sure its made in Australia and support the local workforce who are making the worlds best boards.

Hi guys looking at getting this board, I'm 6'0 and weight about 75kg. Should I go a quad set up? I live on the Gold Coast and am a beginner, but not complete noob.
Anyone sampled one? I know they are prohibitively costly, but interested in feedback on this board, especially in decent waves. Obviously Ando makes any board looks good but would like mortal surfer feedback. Particularly interested in whether the board works as a high performance board in good waves, goes well on one's backhand etc. Going to Maldives in July and would like an allrounder that goes good in the small stuff but can also handle overhead.