tailpads and curing boards

bez's picture
bez started the topic in Monday, 20 Feb 2012 at 5:13pm

i just got a new board the other day and i need to wait about 2 weeks for it to fully cure, just wondering should i wait for the board to fully cure then put my tailpad on or can i just put the tailpad on whenever?


dave-evans's picture
dave-evans's picture
dave-evans Friday, 24 Feb 2012 at 9:25pm

hey ,i make my own boards and usually let it cure for about a week,even only about 3 days tail pad i always put it on the day before i take the board for a surf put a little wieght on it to make sure it sticks to the board ,,;) seeya

bez's picture
bez's picture
bez Tuesday, 28 Feb 2012 at 7:39am

Ahh thanks heaps mate !!!