both get perfect 20's what happens?

groundswell's picture
groundswell started the topic in Wednesday, 26 Jun 2013 at 1:01pm

John John vs Parko was almost both guys getting 20.
What happens next? is it 3rd wave counted or something else.
What an amazing heat. Especially Kerr, J.J and Slaters..Lovely

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 26 Jun 2013 at 1:56pm

If surfers tie on scores under 20 then it counts back to the surfer with the highest wave. There's no rule for two surfers getting 20 each. It's likely be a re-surf.

FWIW I reckon Parko was overscored on the wave he fell off on.

staitey's picture
staitey's picture
staitey Wednesday, 26 Jun 2013 at 5:08pm

Did anyone hear what CJ was alluding to in his post heat interview also saying 'he and Kelly don't know if 2 x 9s and 2 x 10s hurt surfing''......its a hard one, cause when the waves are on like today, or when fiji was perfect or whatever, how do you split these blokes who all ride the barrel equally as well and the waves are almost identical down to the same cutback at the end??? ......I think weather conscious or not non-objective measures (ex. world champ, favourite, etc) come into play a bit

stickyson's picture
stickyson's picture
stickyson Thursday, 27 Jun 2013 at 2:52pm

If tied surfers can't be split by dropping a wave on a countback, waves are then added ie best three waves best four waves etc until the tie is split

groundswell's picture
groundswell's picture
groundswell Saturday, 29 Jun 2013 at 3:43am

Thanks fellas.

If surfers tie on scores under 20 then it counts back to the surfer with the highest wave. There's no rule for two surfers getting 20 each. It's likely be a re-surf.

FWIW I reckon Parko was overscored on the wave he fell off on.

By: "stunet"

I would have to agree on that, wasnt a long or deep barrel, fell off, how was it unbeatable? As much as i love Parko, it could have been improved on that wave.

I think CJ was underscored in Fiji a few times aswell.