I heart WOTD

Today’s ~ For Whom The Bell Tolls

haha, took me a minute, peel/peal, brilliant.

basesix wrote:haha, took me a minute, peel/peal, brilliant.
Yep, very droll

GuySmiley wrote:Today’s ~ For Whom The Bell Tolls
God no.

basesix wrote:haha, took me a minute, peel/peal, brilliant.
Was gonna spell it "pealing bells" but thought I'd be defending bad spelling which takes the fun out of it.

stunet wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Today’s ~ For Whom The Bell Tolls
God no.
as in hell no

The vid is even better!
southernraw wrote:That's insane. As good a Kirra water pic as i've seen.

Amazing wave and pic!!!!

Looks like an oil painting. What a wave!

Is he just your average punter on the wave of his life?

i think the short answer is 'kinda' @goofy, there's an article in surfer about him, well-above average tho I'd say, here he is donkey riding:
(apparently sth african born, lives in indo)

Insane! Great shot TB and epic wave NIck.


Crew are superstoked with majestic swellnet WOTD gallery...salute photographers!

Wonder how many times Micks been in that position.
I remember watching the old Quik movie ETR when I was 14-15 and Mick was getting sooo tubed at Kirra.
My mind couldn’t comprehend how a skinny little kid only a couple of years older than me could get tubes like that. I’d never seen anything like it

I've never understood the aggro towards waves by some surfers...Now this fella may be telling a mate or photographer or a potential dropin or a horrendous close out section coming up where to go but I've never understood guys telling waves to go get fkd... Some kind of competitive mindset against nature? If that's the case it telling of the state we're in... Please surfers, remember yr hippy peaceluvin roots...

Most likely someone shutting down the section on him/dropping in or it’s for a water photographers photo.

Or simply saying hello to friends.

Gold coast salute.

I thought he was ordering two, one of each please.


Even after so many years, that step never ceases to astound. Freaky frame grab, crazy stuff by Kipp. I assume there is vision of the carnage that followed?

Blackers - imho - its the most Intimidating Step in Australia , any Surfer can take .
There seems to B a FNP Painting on the Face , wishing Kipp , Bon Chance with The Step , mate !
The Fact it appears and then , sometimes doesn't , makes it even more Mysterious imho .
A Bit like Pipeline and Chiops ,in that it looked Unridable until , Someone Rode IT .

insane - Hiro making art in metaverse 2.0 - almost too much to take in TimBo!
Kipp Caddy, best name, insanely photogenic on a wave, and bloody goes!

Pop Down wrote:Blackers - imho - its the most Intimidating Step in Australia , any Surfer can take .
There seems to B a FNP Painting on the Face , wishing Kipp , Bon Chance with The Step , mate !
The Fact it appears and then , sometimes doesn't , makes it even more Mysterious imho .
A Bit like Pipeline and Chiops ,in that it looked Unridable until , Someone Rode IT .
Yeah Pops
Looks like a Wandjina figure - altho way out of country in Tassie - overlooking Kip's skip

^ ha, I thought wandjina-type looking down at kipp at first, now all I can see is a slain lizard-king looking skyward, as kipp makes his getaway, two palace guards in the foreground, one aiming a bolt-thrower at kipp..

basesix wrote:^ ha, I thought wandjina-type looking down at kipp at first, now all I can see is a slain lizard-king looking skyward, as kipp makes his getaway, two palace guards in the foreground, one aiming a bolt-thrower at kipp..
Basesix. Definitely a Bradshaw figure or if you look closely, a fuzzy woolly Koala. A bit of fun.
We need a bit of enlightenment, over at the Laura channel, heavy.AW

After a Closer perusal , its a Rainbow Serpent .
Spreading out it's head out , to hold the Lip Up , 4 Kipp .
It's a real strain on the Old Snake , but definitely helping imho .
Whatever it is , it sure is a Classic photo .

^ I like it @ Pop, a serpent head poking through..
I'm still seeing a mohawked doberman-king, snout pointing toward the lip, clutching his right shoulder in pain, blood spurting from the inside of his left elbow. maybe it's just getting late.

Great photo
I see a GW wizzing up through the wave to not get wiped out but looking down on his intended prey and thinking so close you lucky mofo.
ps can someone punctuate this


Wow! That pic and accompanying footage of Laura Enever charging and making insane bombs at Shippies is absolutely insane. Respect!!

Screen saver for Mal!

Margaret Rivers self proclaimed worlds best builder, Mal Caithness, 108, has today been rushed to hospital after experiencing a hard on so extreme that the end has actually blown off sources say.
A witness claims Mal opened Swellnet only to be hit full frontal with a L.E WOTD and within seconds the colour drained from his face as the blood made its way elsewhere.
More to cum.


goofyfoot wrote:NEWSFLASH!
Margaret Rivers self proclaimed worlds best builder, Mal Caithness, 108, has today been rushed to hospital after experiencing a hard on so extreme that the end has actually blown off sources say.
A witness claims Mal opened Swellnet only to be hit full frontal with a L.E WOTD and within seconds the colour drained from his face as the blood made its way elsewhere.
More to cum.
So, so good. I’d say Mr Caithness’s downstairs department is probably now, ‘Mal formed ‘.
Great WOTD , Laura showing us all shes got big ovaries. AW

Definitely mischievous intent from Swellnet putting that as wave of the day :)

AndyM wrote:Definitely mischievous intent from Swellnet putting that as wave of the day :)
Naughty but nice !!!!.

Someone should make a Laura Enever rag doll…seems appropriate and I think she’d sell heaps.

Opti - Rag or Blow Up ....


Hahaha, made me laugh goofy.. very good

Gold gold gold GF

I like today’s photo a lot. It’s not the usual angle. It really shows the glory of a beautiful sun-dappled cresting wave on a blue sky day. Soli giving the wave a crowning white spray as he speed banks down the wall.
It makes you want to go surfing.

Todays WOTD.
Correct, nowhere near the electricity grid, it’s a wonderful world, there. AW


someone took a plane flight.
And yesterday's was an epic dramatic shot with Soli, I could see the wall moving just looking at it.

Epic wotd today Andy. At an old familiar haunt.
Lest we forget.

Thank you for today's wotd.
In the meantime, NZ's capital, Wellington, cancelled its Anzac Parade "due to strong winds". Fuming.

Great shot Andy. Fitting for today.
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.