The truth behind Old Woman Island

Sheepdog Island

i just finished reading bob mctavish's book "stoked".
he mentions a local maroochydore legend called tarzan that reguarly paddled over there and back in 50s.
he talks about surfing the island in 1964. rode a right all day with mates, there were lots of oysters and a spring of fresh water. says they went back a few times, and tells of a very big hammerhead in the channel on one of the trips.
he also mentions the island when he takes a small plane flight along the coast with george greenough filming. that footage is in one of his films -- can't remember if it's in "inner most limits of pure fun" or "crystal voyager".

Sharky paddle over there, even more when cut up on the reef for the paddle back!!! I was never game.

I wonder if the magic cream puff tree still bears cream puffs?

Ahhhhh memories. With all the whites following the whales up the coast these days, I think I'd invest in a jet ski lol. That paddle was DEEP. I remember once with Steve and Josh Fergo' from coolum, being ecorted over by 2 dolphins. Incredible memories

Gold, was my favourite film as a grom!
Would love to see that Flex footage.

stunet wrote:Such a fantastic location with reef/point set ups on each side.
The Left is definitely an anomaly in the area. First saw it on Brownies Coastwatch with Sasha Stocker recalling a recent session. Never surfed the right but did surf one of the rights in Kong’s Island every time it broke for a few years.

Less than 1.5km - get out there!

The fishing would have to be amazing around there ???

bit crowded out there nowadays

Beautiful wave, paddled out there numerous times.
It's a mission but you just put one arm in front of the other until you get there.

Beautiful at 3 foot. Serious wave with serious consequences at over 5 feet. I think it was Simon Anderson that rated the left the best left on the east coast. Shame it only shows its true teeth maybe twice a year.

Had so many fun times there, paddling & eventually with a 16 ft Clarke Abalone making the journey in my latter Sunny Hoax years. Not gonna claim local status, just a special place in Australian folklore that I was gifted to experience with sooo many local legends, you know who you are .... homage & honoured.
Eggy & I paddled it one day & he "freaked" on a shark sight on the way out. We kept going & scored a sick day on the left's.
Hayden K, that night,at the Alex SLSC said he saw us with several Tiger's under us during the paddle out during the chopper patrol that morning. Was always worth the paddle but the centre console became part of the quiver after that.
Love me some of that Sunny Coast heritage ... West is Best.

Had so many fun times there, paddling & eventually with a 16 ft Clarke Abalone making the journey in my latter Sunny Hoax years. Not gonna claim local status, just a special place in Australian folklore that I was gifted to experience with sooo many local legends, you know who you are .... homage & honoured.
Eggy & I paddled it one day & he "freaked" on a shark sight on the way out. We kept going & scored a sick day on the left's.
Hayden K, that night,at the Alex SLSC said he saw us with several Tiger's under us during the paddle out during the chopper patrol that morning. Was always worth the paddle but the centre console became part of the quiver after that.
Love me some of that Sunny Coast heritage ... West is Best.

Peter Troy was the man. He had a hut out there and owned the lease on the island for a while.
A really great fella too. lots of good yarns to share.

Opti - Facey Link above.

Wow great pics….i once got offered a block of sandy land at the all new waterfront Kawana waters when travelling to Noosa once…..$5000 each and I had $10,000 in the bank I’d saved…thought it was a ripoff ..ha ha….hindsight eh.

Atlas events organised an ocean swim around the island a few years back starting from and returning to the surf club which I was lucky to take part in - we had a reasonable South swell on the day too. Beautiful, challenging 3.5k swim just a bit lonely on the return....

Especially for the person coming last!
Kudos to you though. Well done!!

seeds wrote:Especially for the person coming last!
Kudos to you though. Well done!!
LOL - yes indeed, story of my life.
Never surfed it, always wantd to.