I heart WOTD

goofyfoot wrote:blackers wrote:Very nice indeed.
Very Victorian looking coastline
Great pic
I thought it might be a particular spot over in SA

CMC wrote:goofyfoot wrote:blackers wrote:Very nice indeed.
Very Victorian looking coastline
Great pic
I thought it might be a particular spot over in SA
Could well be mate

goofyfoot][quote=CMC wrote:....
Could well be mate
Must admit I thought the same. Thought I could see evidence of one hand push-ups in the dust :).

Ha, nah overseas. I thought the same on first look.

How's AZ's face, great control!

Sick shot, wish we got these bigger, 2560x1440 would be nice to add to my wallpaper rotation ;-)

Yeah A.Z

Today wave looking dreamy. So good

Another dreamy special by Peter Jovic. Lovely.

Yeah wall hanger eh!

He certainly has the longer exposure and colour palate down pat. Nice looking wave too.....

Today's WOTD should be on the front cover of White Horses. Oh wait...

Not really a fan of Peter Jovic’s work as per this week’s two photos and especially the first the other day. I first saw this style of photography in the late great Peter Dombrovskis’ photography for the Wilderness Society where he used the blurred image to capture movement and to equally highlight the landscape.
I’m sure Peter Jovic is familiar with Drombrovskis’ work.
Today’s image is like Greenough’s all those years ago, no Echoes thou.
The thing that I disliked about the first photograph from the other day was the razor sharp horizon line that surely detracted the eye away from the main point of interest namely that hooting left.
Listen to me sounding like some ponce … but my art tutor says even though the horizon may be that sharp it needs to be burred

Each to their own Guy. There is a difference between painting and photography. Your "sharp horizon" is due to the contrast between light sky and dark water, could easily be softened in editing but it helps show the skill in creating the image. The technique used in the photos is not easy to master.
Nice painting by the way.

no love for today’s pic?
absolute cracker imo

Yeah it sure is. Love the steeze. Light years away from the Woz and pipe

synchrodogcal wrote:no love for today’s pic?
absolute cracker imo
Agree wholeheartedly, but shhhhhhh..... it doesn't barrel in Vic.

Today's is pure mind surfing, trying to imagine that speed, line and then turn. Epic.

Friday Cloudbreak, Saturday Pipeline.
Looks like the same board too.

See, Pete can do fast shutter photos equally well.

lostdoggy wrote:See, Pete can do fast shutter photos equally well.
And in the middle of the day! No end to his talents.

Great photo today. Big tube!

Ironically his nickname is shambles..

nice caption work Stu, took me a few seconds

As prompted, today's WOTD reminds me of....

well great @thermalben, now I have to listen to awesome shoegaze records all day.

Good one Otto, taking my clues from the horizon a place known but less surfed …. or maybe not

Yep, I'm fond of today's offering too

Doing a https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_Edson_Taylor without the barrel!!!

Good pic, maximum water pressure on the slice.

Great shot Greg! Looks like a cold version of Wurtulla.

Indeed, old mate's got a bit of paddling to do.

Timely too. Last weekend I picked up Barbarian Days to read the opening chapter on surfing Cliffs at Diamond Head. Couldn't put it down and am currently up to 'Against Dereliction', the chapter on Ocean Beach. Beguiling writing but a bit of imagery helps too.

stunet wrote:Timely too. Last weekend I picked up Barbarian Days to read the opening chapter on surfing Cliffs at Diamond Head. Couldn't put it down and am currently up to 'Against Dereliction', the chapter on Ocean Beach. Beguiling writing but a bit of imagery helps too.
Great book!

Yep. Very good. Anyone that hasn’t read it needs to get a copy and dive in.

Surprised you haven’t read it sooner, Stu. Enjoy it!

I think Stu meant to say, picked up again. He's def read it.

Yeah, picked it up and read it again.
Mine's even an advanced copy - woo hoo.

stunet wrote:Timely too. Last weekend I picked up Barbarian Days to read the opening chapter on surfing Cliffs at Diamond Head. Couldn't put it down and am currently up to 'Against Dereliction', the chapter on Ocean Beach. Beguiling writing but a bit of imagery helps too.
I’m listening to the audiobook (again) and up to the Ocean Beach San Fran section.
The way he describes the dark cold water, big swell, long periods and big poundings has got me absolutely gagging for this winter.
After a few years of kids arriving, work going mental over covid and other life shit that keeps you from the water I can feel the mojo coming back.

goofyfoot wrote:stunet wrote:Timely too. Last weekend I picked up Barbarian Days to read the opening chapter on surfing Cliffs at Diamond Head. Couldn't put it down and am currently up to 'Against Dereliction', the chapter on Ocean Beach. Beguiling writing but a bit of imagery helps too.
I’m listening to the audiobook (again) and up to the Ocean Beach San Fran section.
The way he describes the dark cold water, big swell, long periods and big poundings has got me absolutely gagging for this winter.
After a few years of kids arriving, work going mental over covid and other life shit that keeps you from the water I can feel the mojo coming back.
Goofyfoot. Hi mate. Hope ya well.
Annually, I read a shit load of books, Barbarian Days is by far the BEST surf book I’ve read.
In fact, it inspired me to go to Jardim do Mar on Madeira. AW

goofyfoot wrote:stunet wrote:Timely too. Last weekend I picked up Barbarian Days to read the opening chapter on surfing Cliffs at Diamond Head. Couldn't put it down and am currently up to 'Against Dereliction', the chapter on Ocean Beach. Beguiling writing but a bit of imagery helps too.
I’m listening to the audiobook (again) and up to the Ocean Beach San Fran section.
The way he describes the dark cold water, big swell, long periods and big poundings has got me absolutely gagging for this winter.
After a few years of kids arriving, work going mental over covid and other life shit that keeps you from the water I can feel the mojo coming back.
I'm with you all the way, GF.
Today is eleven months since I last buckled myself, but I'm feeling 100% better. No aches, can lay on my board for long sessions, take a bit of a beating. It's all good. In fact, the training and whatnot has me raring to go this autumn and winter.
Mr Webber has just shaped me a new shorty - being glassed with basalt as we speak - and news of the potential La Nina has me weighing up a top end gun for a certain east swell-loving bommie around here.
Surfing good waves is a great feeling, but the anticipation of surfing good waves has a place at the table too.

Happy 1st of Autumn everyone

Barbarian Days , gee I enjoyed that book .
Changed my view on Going for a Surf this week .
Have been getting back into the water after a long hiatus and desperately needed to catch some good waves .
Was told to lower my expectations .
Then decided I was just going for a Paddle and for some Exercise , to re familiarise myself with the Ocean .
Made my decision making much easier , if I can get out , I can exercise NOW ( tide doesn't have to go out or in :) .
Had 4 surfs in 5 days and sure did some exercise .
Guess what , I had fun and got waves .
Some great waves found ME , instead :)
I don't NEED Great waves or a lot of them , I just need to keep getting in the water and feeling good .

Go Mal, you bloody good thing

Nice one, Mal!
Good see there's a future for us hexagenarians.

That looks like Brutus on the fence….but if it is it won’t be for long.

Optimist wrote:That looks like Brutus on the fence….but if it is it won’t be for long.

One, it doesn’t look like Brutus at all.
Two, Brutus is never on the fence.

It was a joke, … but im glad as I can now see now what the boy is up to….
all the best bro …hope you get better soon…God bless your swift recovery…
Getting old is awesome but the side effects are a bit ordinary …
…and then…. in the presence of Jesus….so awsome!!!

Get well soon, MC! Best wishes to you!
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.