New Mentawai Surf Tax - $200 :(

Shit , on top of $50 per surfboard on flights with some airlines . If we all fly Garuda who don’t charge for surfboards and give you 20 kg included in flight the other airlines may wake up but I doubt it . Edit ……domestic flights I’m talking about .

Yep just paid 450 return for Bali to Bimu, without the surfboard tax as yet
Seems steep.
In other news, went through Denpasar a couple days ago and they weren’t checking the new tourism tax, I didn’t pay before boarding and couldn’t sort it before customs but no one asked

Have fun roystein , hope ya score.

Cheers Supa, few fun ones around in Lombok even with this low swell, hoping the small bump will open up a few options next couple days

Raising the surf tax to $200 is a joke- wouldn’t be such a big deal if was actually going to help the Mentawai people but no doubt just more local government officials with their fingers in the pie
So the Mentawai Govt in all it wisdom has put the surf tax up to $200. Apparently to keep the place eksklusif?! Is this a good or bad thing?