Where did you surf today?

Oh that’s not too bad , were you the only one out ?

Bar cam pic of that place looks filthy

5 skis doing stepoffs :-(
Only paddler, and I outlasted them, so had it to myself early and late

Good effort , ski’s probably ran low on fuel , hope they gave you right of way .

Yeah, nah. Some very greedy pigs out. Moved to a slightly wider peak and was mostly left unmolested.

Skis would have to be my biggest turn off regarding anything to do with surfing. Horrendous fkn things

Yeah IB, thought that'd be on yesty, how good, besides the skis :(

Didn't come close to ruining it. Very stoked.

That's great to hear!

IB photos look sorta ok .....said no one....... its pumping .........shit epic conditions ....long paddle by the looks

Unreal lineup there IB

Wow IB you're amazing doing that all by yourself. I surfed early before the wind got into it but perfect angle for the rights ay? Well done

Love your work I.B.
Look at those thick lines of swell.

Perfection IB

If I could, here's where I'd be surfing:
Ten foot ENE for days on a coast with enough indentations to escape the wind, then a few days grace before a ten foot SW swell.

Did you get a few IB? I didn't quite think it was epic but pretty close. Really strong and fast moving swell. Had my board ripped out of my hands twice on duck dives tonight!

Very powerful, aye!
Got smoked at Outsides and washed all the way into the Valley.
Very very good, at least :-)

And very very good again this morning. I'll have to flag much work stuff today me thinks

Nice lads, swell from the bombing low eh?! How big?

What were you Riding I.B. ?

poo-man wrote:And very very good again this morning. I'll have to flag much work stuff today me thinks
DId you get out this morning, poo? Outsides very good, though nothing like yesterday. Still some really powerful sets.
Udo, I was on a 6'9 Ray Findlay yesterday, 6'10 Desert Storm today. One fella I surfed with this morning was on a 10'0 Padillac yesterday!!!

set 'em up Joe!

Jasper stoke for our wave starved northern mates.

Great work Seeds and fantastic shot .
Please keep posting away .
Perhaps , a possible new Thread ?
pss Mackay ??? Oh My Stars !!! There is NOT supposed to be ANY surf popping UP there ( except with Cyclones ) I thought !!!
My kids ( or anyone's kids :) Surfing !
Have 2 daughter's and one ( thinks ) surfs .
An artistic type ( not like Me , and at Uni ) and does more thinking about surfing than doing atm .
Unfortunately , like me atm , so I will not be posting anything to contribute ( some will be happy :) to this possible thread .
pss , Sorry I am slow .
Joe can now say this " I remember the DAY I snapped a board at ......" and people will say back ....
"No fn way , are U for Real !!! "

Cheers Pop it’s a mates son in Mackay. Photo by said mate.
Hey Soggy this must have been all time up there.
Joe snapped his board that day. How often would that happen up there

I wonder if the people signing the petition have ever walked into a supermarket or bank?

Or just about anywhere on the street Zen.
Invasion of privacy with the surf cam? You can’t tell who’s who so who’s privacy? As you point out it’s the cameras everywhere else that can identify you.

Over her Chaps


You would think these two would have a better Grasp of it ...
And dosent every SLSC around the Country have Beach Cameras ...and some that Pan ?

Ohh no!
"The camera could lead to overcrowding and cause safety issues." says just about everybody at popular surf spots on the planet these days.
And no. Not much surf here ... check the Cronulla webcams.
philosurphizingkerching wrote:Not here.

seeds wrote:Or just about anywhere on the street Zen.
Invasion of privacy with the surf cam? You can’t tell who’s who so who’s privacy? As you point out it’s the cameras everywhere else that can identify you.
Thats bloody baz with the crook arm swinging wildly....and there's Terry with the bogged cutback. hehe. etc etc.
I don't think so.
It's a terrible argument.

Waves too big according to surfer.com https://www.surfer.com/trending-news/waves-too-big-world-surf-league-cal.... Geez the WSL are on fire this year with firstly nazare and now this fiasco .

Surfed my local, and it was bloody unreal.
Managed to sneak off an hour early from work, and had 3 hour window. Surfed myself silly.

Photo from last Tuesday's session:

Beautiful colours.
Bet it was hard work but rewarding.

Very long paddles and some thumpings. So so worth it.

Oh man that looks fun Ib. What board were you on?

Looks like steamer, hood and boots though?
Be toasty.

Beautiful conditions that would make up for the cool factor . Nice size crowd and can see why you were frothing like a grommet .

Very weird with the steamers. Most were in boardies or spring suits. Water is 23deg.
And 6’10 DS for me.

IB, wow! Cooking.

Zen, How has the surf been up in Ibaragi this winter?

Good mate. Lots of waves.
Todav is 6ft + and howling offshore. The only spot really handling today is doing a good improv of backdoor. Bit much for me.
Sent Craig a vid from this morning, he can vouch for it.
Got a good powder day Tengendai kogen in Yamagata on Tuesday.
If Craig wants to put the vid up he can- I don't know how to.

zenagain wrote:Good mate. Lots of waves.
Todav is 6ft + and howling offshore. The only spot really handling today is doing a good improv of backdoor. Bit much for me.
Sent Craig a vid from this morning, he can vouch for it.
Got a good powder day Tengendai kogen in Yamagata on Tuesday.
If Craig wants to put the vid up he can- I don't know how to.
"Got a good powder day Tengendai kogen in Yamagata on Tuesday"
heaven on earth
A Realsurf staple-( sorry Priddes for the plagarism)
No surf today but off to Vicco tomorrow for the weekend so heres hoping!