The Wozzle Shamozzle…

You mean you don't understand "Bracket Stage"??
Sounds like a placeholder for an idea till you think of something better.

I’m going to say that overlapping heats has been a brilliant idea that took a long time to come up with. Great for surfers, great for viewing, compacting the time element.
Other than that I can’t help you.

Something for the comp couch types to mull over...

Sally Fitz wildcard, letting trans women surf against women, the final at Trestles. They are doing a great job at fucking everything up time and time again.

Nick You’re not the only one with that realisation. Check out this recent Surf Splendor YouTube clip where they discuss WSL fails

Yeah watched a bit of that ABB yesterday mentioned above.
It was absolutely awesome.
Held in the junkiest grindiest conditions, yet absolutely riveting for all the reasons outlined in the article.
A long way off from the WSL s{l}ickfest.
Congrats to BBB for the win.
And to think Dakota Walters is nowhere to be seen near a WSL event yet completely stole the show yesterday and showed himself to be one of the very best competition surfers in Australia.
How exactly does the WSL get it so wrong?
I'd start with chief SUP rider and work my way back from there.

I honestly can’t get myself to watch it. I have many more important things to do.

“incredible feedback”

"continuation of the successful onsite activation"

No sign of "forward leaning"?Can't be corpo speak without it.

Would love to see big Luke on the commentary team.


Ha ha! Gold.
In fairness though, I reckon the WSL have upped the production quality of the whole show compared to the past.


Hope he does more of them, that was hilarious. Rosie nodding along is priceless.

Big fan as corny as some of the clips he does but just does it so well


Nice bit of greenscreening? During the broadcast, Turps gave glowing praise to ex comm Potz- but no word on his demise. Anyone know why he got hooked? I think he was living in Vic at some stage.

suchas wrote:Nice bit of greenscreening? During the broadcast, Turps gave glowing praise to ex comm Potz- but no word on his demise. Anyone know why he got hooked? I think he was living in Vic at some stage.
BL was shafted because he didn’t get the poison, not sure about Potts

Notes from the road. Enjoyed watching Kaipo get stuffed 3x in a row by beginners and lady loggers. Snagged one inside Blakey. The commentary crew all in the drink at once. No Rosy though.

soggydog wrote:Notes from the road. Enjoyed watching Kaipo get stuffed 3x in a row by beginners and lady loggers. Snagged one inside Blakey. The commentary crew all in the drink at once. No Rosy though.
Word is...and it's from a solid source...that the Woz will soon be running all commentary from the Santa Monica studio. Retaining one colour guy on the ground (Strider in the water most likely) and a revolving door of sultry, bi-lingual interviewers for the post-heat stuff.
Gotta enjoy the junkets while they can.

stunet wrote:soggydog wrote:Notes from the road. Enjoyed watching Kaipo get stuffed 3x in a row by beginners and lady loggers. Snagged one inside Blakey. The commentary crew all in the drink at once. No Rosy though.
Word is...and it's from a solid source...that the Woz will soon be running all commentary from the Santa Monica studio. Retaining one colour guy on the ground (Strider in the water most likely) and a revolving door of sultry, bi-lingual interviewers for the post-heat stuff.
Gotta enjoy the junkets while they can.
Wow, that sounds horrible.
Getting local commentators for each location would be way better.

The Woz sure is a joke

stunet wrote:soggydog wrote:Notes from the road. Enjoyed watching Kaipo get stuffed 3x in a row by beginners and lady loggers. Snagged one inside Blakey. The commentary crew all in the drink at once. No Rosy though.
Word is...and it's from a solid source...that the Woz will soon be running all commentary from the Santa Monica studio. Retaining one colour guy on the ground (Strider in the water most likely) and a revolving door of sultry, bi-lingual interviewers for the post-heat stuff.
Gotta enjoy the junkets while they can.
Thats crazy, the commentators job is to help give the online audience more of an insight into things in all kinds of ways.
They cant do that properly from a studio on on the other side of the world, they need to be there to live and breath it all in real time, there is so much you cant pick up from a video feed that you can in person, you need 360 vision and see what the cameras aren't seeing, and seeing not only the surfing but audience and surfers out of the water and feel the vibe of the event, even feel the vibe of the place and subtle changes in what the wind is doing for example.

Here's David Wassel in the booth "checking all the boxes, speed, power and flow,"

Surprised it's taken this long. WSL told me ten years ago that's how they planned to eventually broadcast their events (commentary team back in Santa Monica HQ, which is what they built the studio for).

Artificial Intelligence commentary next?
Feed Turps, Pottz, Rabbit etc. past years of commentary into the computer. AI could then generate a few hundred thousand comment lines to suit any situation and weave at will according analysis of waves ridden.
AI could limit irritating words like "bricks" and "reset".
Might be an improvement...
Then one day, the whole tour will be AI. No real surfers or waves. 80ft Cloubreak, 60 foot Burleigh. All done from Elo's basement.

Here's one data set for that AI to digest frog.


I’d love to have independent commentary teams. It’s any wonder it can be so bad given the commentary team is employed by the organisation.
For example, when you watch a game of footy, channel 9 / fox are actually pretty critical ie: ‘the ground is a mess’, ‘he’s having a terrible game’, ‘what is going on with this team’ etc. There is a good mix of varying opinions from all sides of the argument. Same with any professional sport world around.
Imagine if in the NRL had Graham Annessly and Andrew Abdo commentating the footy, would likely sound as washed out as the Woz.

Speaking of footy style commentary does it get any better than the late great big Darrell Eastlake commentating Bells??,..

Cederman strikes again.

Be good to have Sally back on. Too many smooth surfers at the moment, with her and De Souza off tour there was nobody repping the poo-stance crew.

Nick Bone wrote:Can anyone in marketing or whatever please explain to me how the WSL:
A. Come up with the viewer numbers?
B. How they are able to lie through their teeth?
C. It’s so blatantly obvious that they’re bullshitting so why would anyone want to advertise through them?Please. To keep my sanity intact, enlighten me!!
A. n^2 + 3
It's all in jest :)

Wasn’t sure where to post this , first I’ve heard about it .

velocityjohnno wrote:
It's all in jest :)
Haha isn’t that how blokes work out the length of their……….;)

When the teat runs dry, move on to the next- and keep sucking_______

Pretty crazy this comp happened in 2000 and we dont really have anything like it now almost 25 years latter.
Second video is a good watch.
Timmy Curran SURFING 2000 Op Pro Boat Trip Challenge - Mentawais Islands
It’s doing my head in. Can anyone please explain to me how anything the WSL seem to do just seems plain bad. Like they’re trying to go out of there for negative criticism. Tell me one thing they have achieved that has been met with universal acclaim and not vice versa.
I don’t understand. Surely they have a little team monitoring the feedback on there activity yet the just keep making poor decisions. Not only that but there is never any acknowledgment or ownership of they’re poor decisions. Lies and exaggeration are just the norm. Trestles was watched by 7 million+ people. Bullshit. How do they expect us to believe that when they can’t even crack 10k viewers each competition.
I need answers, theories, anything to help me understand this whole situation.