Impact Of Tides And Current Flow On Incoming Swells

Yendor's picture
Yendor started the topic in Saturday, 5 Mar 2022 at 3:22pm

Hi There,

I've been wondering recently about the mechanics of how tides and currents impact incoming swells. Locally our tides create currents which broadly sweep sideways to the coast one way going out and the opposite going in. I've been wondering how this might affect the swell getting in to different spots. Certainly in parts of Indo the tide seems to have a major impact on how much swell is getting through, think Noosa Lembongan or DP, but I was wondering how this actually works, whether the current be fore, against or sideways to the direction of the swell?

Yendor's picture
Yendor's picture
Yendor Sunday, 27 Mar 2022 at 12:43pm

A bit of light trading to get started.$002fphoc$002f47$002f3$002fjpo-d-16-0108.1.xml?t:ac=journals%24002fphoc%24002f47%24002f3%24002fjpo-d-16-0108.1.xml#bib58.