Ghost, Sweet Spot 3, Sabotaj

Have you had a chat to your local shaper? If you have one?

I've ridden the Ghost and Sabotaj.
Both pretty sick, the Ghost has a particular rocker curve than can take a little getting used to. Never had a board that felt better and more secure knifing into hollow waves. Gives you a lot of confidence.
Sabotaj is a chunkier board but ridiculously easy to surf. I literally felt at home on it on the first wave.
Had the Sweet Spot 3 under the arm, it feels fine.

have you got other DHD's in the quiver?
or Lost's?

Don't be afraid of volume in the Ghost. It feels and floats and rides like a thinner board than the dims might indicate.

I've got a stock 6'1" Ghost.
second what IB says. It;'s pretty foiled.
I found no probs with the stock dims at all.

Hi FR76, IB, Eel, and anybody else wanting to contribute.
Even though this thread is 5 years old, it appears that these volume forward models are still go-to's these days for a lot of people. Doing a trip late August through September setting up in front of HT's/Lances/pick a name for a week, South Sumatra for a week and and a half, and Maldives South Atolls for 9 nights.
I'm just about to hit 53, comfortable intermediate, surfed on reefs in Fiji and Bali (overhead) so not over-awed by reefs. Fitness could be a touch better but that's down to a shit lung disease (never smoked or worked in a dust environment, how ironic). Currently on a 5’10 x 19 1/4 x 2 3/8 (28.1 litres) Pyzel Slab 2.0. Was perfect when I was a skinny bastard at 73kg but still enjoy in my older years at 82 kegs (although might be getting close to used by date at current weight/flotation).
Anyways, looking at letting the moths out of the wallet on a couple of boards. Was looking at 6'1 Sabotaj to compliment/step up from the 5'10" (and be a bit closer to proper weight/floatation) and maybe also the Pyzel Ghost at 6'6" as proper step-up (or vise-versa 6'1 ghost and 6'6 Sabotaj).
Not worried about Maldives (softer than Ments I hear). I suspect that Ment's and South Sumatra would mostly average around 4-6ft but maybe two or three swells pushing that up a notch. Comfy in 4-6ft solid, but 6-8ft I'd be very selective of what I paddle for. Getting in is 90% of the battle but as these reefs also have a predictability about them, it's why I'm thinking of smaller volume forward boards and leaving the 7'0 at home.
Any thoughts on board choices or sizing?

New model from JS, the ‘big horse’ fits the bill, Ash.

Ash - “ Getting in is 90% of the battle”
Based on this sentence and your weight I’d say go Webster desert storm 6’6 x 19 x 3

Thanks LD and goofyfoot. My boards are getting a bit long in the tooth so time to splash out. The big horse looks pure barrel riding but I'd also be looking that if not barreling, loose enough to throw a few hits in. I do like the idea of keeping a board in the same family so not too much of a stretch between board change ups/downs.
Lot's of good things heard about the DS too. Not sure if hitting the right website. I'm seeing them start from 7'0" up.
Getting in is 90% of the battle line was just sort of throwaway. Basically stating that if you get in early enough, gives you more time to set up and think through the next bit, not saying I'm too much of a fat bugger (yet) or having issues. Just in earlier the better.
Cheers mates.

Hi Ash. Sounds like a great trip.
Here's the link you want.
I've got the lower volume 6'6 (38.5L). Haven't surfed it in Indo but would definitely take it if I had a trip like yours. Great board as a step up.
I'm 78-80 kilos and early 40s.

I have a 6'1" Sabotaj and that feels like a versatile everyday shortboard for Indo good waves- rode it pretty much everyday on a mentawai trip.
Also have a 6'6" Desert Storm (swallowtail) that is much more of a step-up-rode that every day in G-land.
That would be a real good 2 board quiver I reckon.

Hard to beat the ghost style shapes
Webster Wacko are great if you like them short but easy in
6’6 DS would eat up most things thrown at it in your described range

For big name brands.
If not the big horse, some other options.
JS schooner or raging bull.
Pyzel ghost, mini ghost, mini padilac
Dhd sweet spot
Chilli faded
Channel Islands happy traveller

Also, not sure where you are located but I’d recommend a call to Muzz Bourton

Cheers Bankref, FR76, LD, and dilmah. I've sent off the contact form to Webby and will have a chat with him. Keeping the others in mind too.
Since most new builds appear to have 4-6 week lead in time and I have 7 and a half before I leave, looking to get off my bum this weekend.
FR76, I saw a picture of you over on realsurf forum riding your Sabotaj from a 2018 Ments trip. Board looks like a cracker, hence my interest.
Yep, Muzz is a go as well. I was going to give him a bell about the additional dims on the 6'5 he has on his Insta, that he's trying to offload. I picked up one of his 6'4" Pingers back in March. Took me a little while to work it out as a quad, but in steep chest and above, it's got some pace. Muzz said don't take it to the bottom of the wave and he was right. Needs to stick a bit higher to a wall. Seems to be okay off the bottom as a thruster though. Was a consideration to go in the bag for the trip.

If you want to “throw a few hits in” I’d leave the DS out of it. Good for barrels and carves though.

Ash, you’ve got good ideas, and plenty of good advice from the others.
I’m a bit tipsy and not at 100% laser sharp concentration, but I can fully recommend the Ghost and Desert Storm for surfing/getting into good waves when not at pro level.
Ghost is sharp and precise, DS is weapon, both have served me very well since ‘16-‘18.
Sabotaj looks and sounds like a slightly more mellow Ghost, i.e a really worthy board.

Can confirm. Had a 6’2 x 19 1/2 x 2 5/8 Dale Wilson, and loved it.


Ah LD, if that was from basesix, I'd think it was a wind-up. The Maldives portion of the trip is with my brother Zenagain, whom I'd snapped his Al Byrne Byrning Spears back in the day (sorry bro). It would give him the opportunity to return the favour, haha. Nice looking board though. Hadn't thought of channels.
Leaning to a 6'1 ghost or Sabotaj at the smaller end. Way too many options at the 6'6/step-up end. Going to have to sleep on that one.
I've just noticed the DS is futures. All of my boards to date have been FCS. No biggie, but will have start looking at related fins. I do like the look of the Wacko too.

DS also come in fcs Ash,

Cheers GF, will discuss when Webby gets back to me.

I’m liking you’re doing a trip with your brother.
I can’t stand mine and it’s been that way since we were kids.
Cherish that guys.

Cheers seeds. It's his first and he's very excited, like a puppy on speed. Will see how we get on after 9 nights in close quarters, haha. We've been blessed as a family unit. Wouldn't trade it. Shame about yours but wish you the best in other life aspects.

Just ordered a 7.0 XL Ghost , new years present to me .

Bali Build ?

udo wrote:Bali Build ?

Nice present, Supy. Enjoy it.

I was talking to an English gentleman that was flying home and he said his airline ( think it was a Chinese mob ) wanted 350 pounds extra for his surfboard . I thought fark me you would be better of ordering in advance a new stick then sell it before departure . It’s actually cheaper than buying boards in oz . I’m paying 9,650,000 rp with a 6&4 6 glass job 5 fin futures. I cashed in when rupiah went to 11000 so it works out at around $880 AUD

^ whhhheeeeee....!
Has anyone had much experience with these volume forward good wave boards? Im thinking of pulling the trigger on a step up kind of board in my normal shortboard length (around a 6'0). Reason being I hate longer boards. The Ghost seems too extreme, sabotaj maybe too chunky? Sweet Spot 3 seems like a happy medium.
Appreciate any feedback on these 3 boards.