Stop killing our women...

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog started the topic in Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 12:13pm

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 12:15pm

That's well over 200 murdered per year... And if it was our soldiers being killed? Or terrorist attacks on home soil??
Over 200 per year...... A fucking disgrace......

floyd's picture
floyd's picture
floyd Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 12:41pm

Good on you sheepy for loading up this topic. It is a fucking disgrace.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 12:48pm

You boys sure do love saying that things are disgraceful.

I suppose if you've got nothing positive to add, then pointing the finger is the next best thing , right ?

So I guess that you two will form a little vigilante posse and go door to door righting this wrong.

Or a you going to contribute by raising awareness ?

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 1:36pm

You really can be an idiot sometimes, blowin... I have posted heaps of positive threads - "underground hero's", "Bloggers photo's" just to name 2...
Why don't you go give the missus a backhander, mate... Take your frustrations out on her.... lol

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 1:45pm

She's barefoot in the kitchen right now, I'll give her one when she comes out....there will be no chance she's cooked my eggs right.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 1:52pm

Yep.. The thread is just in it's infancy.. And Blowin has already given floyd and me a backhander, and treated 3000 dead women with contempt....
Luv ya work, mate........
As far as raising awareness goes, I suppose starting a thread on it counts..... Right? Using a pic from a facebook post I did that got over a 1000 views counts, doesn't it?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 2:00pm

Please don't think that my contempt was directed at the murdered women.

It was directed at Floyd and yourself.

Here's a question for you - Q : What's red, yellow and orange and looks good on sanctimonious whiners ?

A : Fire.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 1:59pm


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 2:26pm

They are both important issues but very different issue's.

We must be doing something right though only two is pretty good but just like 9/11 it could only take a few minutes for close to 3,000 people to die.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 4:35pm

Indo, Indo, Indo.

It's not enough to care about people.

You've got to care about the zeitgeist victims....the ones that didn't rate a mention till they hit the headlines.

That's who the real independent, free thinkers are concerned with.

Till they're told who gets priority next of course.


Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68 Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 5:12pm

Bad batch of Mushies Blowin?

Thanks for starting this post Sheepy. Creating a greater awareness of the issue & the more the issue is discussed in person & online the more it will gain momentum towards positive outcomes & hopefully a reduction of this hidden gutless violence. The more people willing to step in & ask questions the better. Cheers

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 5:58pm

No bad mushies Rabbits.

I've just had a guts full of this new, appear to care imperative that's gripping the less thoughtful amongst us.

Or are you saying that you've got a female friend that you've noted as being abused and you've never had the courage or inclination to enquire about her wellbeing till the professionally concerned in society brought it to your attention that you should do something about the situation ?

I've got nothing but concern and sympathy for the abused women in Australian society, but I'm over whichever cause du jour that these fuckwits hitch their wagons to.

And it's sad because these muppets actually make me resent otherwise legitimate issues.

Name me someone that DOESN'T care for abused women - apart from the slime doing the abusing .

Just one part of society in Australia that condones, permits , encourages or doesn't outright reject the entire circumstance of spousal abuse.

That's right - such a part doesn't exist. Because Australians already abhor this abuse.

But to listen to The perennially offended duo of I Care and I Care More ( Floyd and Sheepdog ) you'd think that Aussies were braying for the blood of housewives.

And where were they before Rosie Batty ?

They were at the pulpit lambasting Australia over their callousness regarding ....fuck, I can't even remember, but it was no doubt disgraceful and something we should all be ashamed of.

The new missionary's - they can suck my engorged cock.

Mind your own backyard and shut your mouths.

Or alternatively, as is their want, they can fill 10 pages of thread with solutionless recriminations and hand wringing as to the plight of our apparently rudderless ,immoral society.

So it's over to you Sheepy and Floyd - let the self flagellation commence.

PS notice how quickly Sheepy said I'd treated 3000 dead women with contempt ?

For fuck's sake.

And this is the man that is constantly harping on about his rejection of the " Either with us or against us " stance of the government.

And if Floyd joins the conversation proper, I will Eat this IPad if he doesn't level the blame at the Abbott government in some way.




jeez, could be time to go for another surf to wash this dirge out of my mind.

I'll just leave this thread to the " Adults" then should I .


Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68 Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 6:11pm

I suppose the thing is Blowin these issues unfortunately take time to be exposed then addressed. It takes the smallest actions thru to the huge actions to bring about awareness & change I believe. My only personal experience are those horror stories told to me by my now wife, who ended up literally fleeing her home, from her ex husband, with a 10month old child in her arms, having been strangled whilst breast feeding 5 minutes before. This same "man" still has shared care of his son to this day. Trying to prove this violence before these "men" actually kill there wife's/partners is a nightmare process in itself.

Your beef the Sheepy & Floyd is your business of course. Hopefully the seriousness of the issue isn't lost in the small stuff. Cheers

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 6:22pm

Rabbits, all I can offer is that you go around to this fuckstain's house and physically repay the favour that he bestowed upon your missus.

Or pay someone else to do it.

And I'm dead serious.

Because all the awareness and bleating in the world hasn't and won't change a thing in the minds of the criminally violent.

Cunts like that only respect and understand consequences.

Balance's picture
Balance's picture
Balance Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 6:33pm

sheepdog i sincerely applaud you for the post, but I have worked in welfare most of my life, and have a lot to do with womens refuges. Would like to know where you got that stat from...I know a few stats, off the top of my head, so not saying its fact, but one death per week is an average I have heard used several times. Also, in the last 5 years the rate of homicide in Australia has decreased dramatically, but the rates of domestic violence deaths has increased

some more info some may be interested in:
violence against women occurs across all cultures, ages and socio-economic groups. Demographics has little impact on reports of abuse. It is widely recognised the vast majority of cases of domestic violence go unreported.
1 in 5 women experience sexual violence
1 in 6 experience violence from a partner
1 in 4 women experience emotional violence from a partner
1 in 3 women experience physical violence

Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68 Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 6:34pm

Mate, all the payback theories have been played out, trust me. Unfortunately they end up with me in jail & him dead or just being "the victim". Life is cruel at times.....

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 6:46pm

Rabbits, better you than me mate.

It's devastating to inherit a situation like this for someone like yourself ( or myself ) let alone your partner that actually underwent the whole sorry saga.

Your damned if you do and your damned if you don't.

Hopefully your lady can put it behind her without crueling the present or future.

Don't get me wrong, as I said, this topic deserves every sensitivity - as it always had.

I'm just over the form of Sheepy and Floyd and it was exacerbated by the way the post was initially framed , as though Australians didn't care - who the fuck thinks you can't care about two issues at the same time ?

The simple minded, that's who.

In summation - love Women, hate abusers, love Australia, detest whiny blame mongers.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 6:56pm

Rabbits ,Payback - in these days of DNA ...its so easy......its easy to get and easy to plant.....anywhere .......crime scene...unsolved case ? !

rees0's picture
rees0's picture
rees0 Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 7:41pm

I didn't see the reference to domestic violence as anymore important then terroism and its threat, Just that the statistics state that it is currently a more pressing issue then the obligatory 10 mins every news feed (and theres a lot of them) dedicates to an issue that has killed 2 people in australia. Bear in mind one of those was friendly fire too.

As for payback, well it makes you no better if you feel that more violence is your only answer.Just keeps the cycle in motion keeps you angry and makes you no different to him. What possesses a human being to feel that it's ok to physically harm another is beyond me but thats the way i was raised. Walked away from plenty of fights in my life i don't need to injure somebody else to feel like a man. Compassion, love and empathy go along way to making you a better person not perpetuating the vicious cycle.

benski's picture
benski's picture
benski Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 8:03pm

"And it's sad because these muppets actually make me resent otherwise legitimate issues."

Wow, so the one with delusions of rationality won't take responsibility for his own thinking.

Climb down from your tree blowin. It's possible to give a shit and still be a tough guy. Real tough guys can see past the messenger and take the message on its merits.

Only good can come from discussing this stuff more openly. There are lots of people who might not be comfortable confronting an abuser they know, but with more focus in the media there are some people who might find the courage to speak up when they would have stayed silent before. Not because they condone dv but because they're too scared or not comfortable sticking their nose in someone else's business, no matter how nasty it is. And of course that ain't the only situation this conversation might be useful for.

Now I'm not referring to anyone like blowin, he's already got this covered. But not everyone has it so together, the rest of us can benefit from talking about this stuff.

Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68 Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 8:25pm
Blowin wrote:

Rabbits, better you than me mate.

It's devastating to inherit a situation like this for someone like yourself ( or myself ) let alone your partner that actually underwent the whole sorry saga.

Your damned if you do and your damned if you don't.

Hopefully your lady can put it behind her without crueling the present or future.

Don't get me wrong, as I said, this topic deserves every sensitivity - as it always had.

I'm just over the form of Sheepy and Floyd and it was exacerbated by the way the post was initially framed , as though Australians didn't care - who the fuck thinks you can't care about two issues at the same time ?

The simple minded, that's who.

In summation - love Women, hate abusers, love Australia, detest whiny blame mongers.

All good mate. Understood. Cheers.

Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68 Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 8:40pm
udo wrote:

Rabbits ,Payback - in these days of DNA ...its so easy......its easy to get and easy to plant.....anywhere .......crime scene...unsolved case ? !

Sounds tempting doesn't Udo. Ive always favoured a "fishing trip" out on the high seas with said incapacitated "man", concrete shoes etc. Its just too hard & in all seriousness not worth the potential consequences. Cheers

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 8:33pm

fuck you make me laugh blowin, whether it is fellating a bintang besar or challenging the unchallengable (domestic violence towards women, really? you went there) I like your efforts, because I agree, it is a little sickening how these issues get addressed in the modern age. but I think it's more about social media, than the bandwagon jumping, from nothing to saturation point overnight. he does make some good points though, especially the fact that 99.8% of Australians abhor these things, it's hardly a cultural problem, maybe in the 70s but not now.

sorry to hear your story mr. rabbit and I feel for the lady. what does my head in about this issue is why women stay in these abusive relationships? there is fundamentally something wrong with the female psyche that makes them hang around. I know people will say there's nowhere to go, or we need more women's shelters etc. but I disagree. if one of those big scary aussie chicks was beating me (and this is an issue too! ) I'd be out of there in a flash. there are plenty of police resources available, and sleeping in a car has to be better and healthier than what some of these wonwn put up with, yet they stay where they are. it's gotta have something to do with women's obsession with comfortable surroundings. while we need to focus on the fuckstain perpetrators I think educating women may be the best way to deal with this stuff. but to be honest there already seems to be enough resources dedicated to this. women are puzzling creatures!

chickenlips's picture
chickenlips's picture
chickenlips Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 8:55pm

Blowin cock! Your a prick! Talk a lot of shit! Put your face too your stupid dribbles!

Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68's picture
Rabbits68 Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 9:01pm
sypkan wrote:

fuck you make me laugh blowin, whether it is fellating a bintang besar or challenging the unchallengable (domestic violence towards women, really? you went there) I like your efforts, because I agree, it is a little sickening how these issues get addressed in the modern age. but I think it's more about social media, than the bandwagon jumping, from nothing to saturation point overnight. he does make some good points though, especially the fact that 99.8% of Australians abhor these things, it's hardly a cultural problem, maybe in the 70s but not now.

sorry to hear your story mr. rabbit and I feel for the lady. what does my head in about this issue is why women stay in these abusive relationships? there is fundamentally something wrong with the female psyche that makes them hang around. I know people will say there's nowhere to go, or we need more women's shelters etc. but I disagree. if one of those big scary aussie chicks was beating me (and this is an issue too! ) I'd be out of there in a flash. there are plenty of police resources available, and sleeping in a car has to be better and healthier than what some of these wonwn put up with, yet they stay where they are. it's gotta have something to do with women's obsession with comfortable surroundings. while we need to focus on the fuckstain perpetrators I think educating women may be the best way to deal with this stuff. but to be honest there already seems to be enough resources dedicated to this. women are puzzling creatures!

With respect Skypan I think you need to give it some more detailed thought. The fact that a lot of women fear leaving, therefore staying, is a very complex issue. I don't think it makes them puzzling. The length these "men" will go to to track down their wife's/partners is unbelievable & the subsequent consequences equally so. I am certainly no expert on the issue & my experience is limited to this one example, however my wife has shared the stories of some other women she has met in similar circumstances. The best outcome for these gutless "men" is to end up in jail. From what I've gathered they get similar treatment to the child abusers inside. Here's hoping!!

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 9:32pm

Blowin... If you don't like heavy political or social issues being posted in the POLITICAL forum of all places, then fuck off to the board design thread.... You write "PS notice how quickly Sheepy said I'd treated 3000 dead women with contempt ?".................. Well, mate go back and have a look at your very first post... Go on... You fuckn attacked me for starting this thread.... "Pointing the finger".... Vigilante posse"..... Fuck off mate.....
Here I am "raising awareness", and you even attack that... Why the fuck are you even reading this, apart from being a classic troll? What the fuck has gotten into you lately, man?? Don't post again tonight, bro... Come back tomorrow, and re read your stuff.... tell me if it's fair...

Rabbit, benski, reeso, and balance... Thanks for your honest input...
Balance, You may be right in regards to homicide deaths/dm deaths... I don't know... But I do know that 62 women have been killed by their partners since the start of the year to sept 10.... And "killing season" is yet to come.. As families buckle under financial pressure in nov/dec - before xmas of course, this is when the murder stats go through the roof... So we will top 100+... And god knows how many damaged for life, how many related suicides...
Cheers, man..

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 11:08pm

Hey sypkan, I think that inferring the answer may be to educate women and that women have psychological flaws that somehow abets domestic violence is poor form.

I also think that you are looking at the wrong end of the equation. I agree there is enough 'awareness' anyone in this day and age that thinks it is acceptable to bash someone is unhinged.

Why is it that people resort to violence to resolve disputes/conflicts? what can be done to give people...educate or whatever the abilities to deal with conflict resolution without having to resort to violence? What needs to be done to ensure that potentially violent people are not able to be in a position to harm someone?

Imo these are the questions that need to be asked.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 11:22pm

Yeh rabbit, I've been close to a few examples of this, I get the fear thing, and see that most of the women who escape this stuff, It's through making themselves in accessable at least for a short period. But still surely the first step is going to the police, empowered by fear and injustice. Unfortunately it seems It's women's good qualities that inhibit this process. I hate to stereotype, well not really, but generally women are optimistic or like to be, and they have this innate tendency to give a second chance, and third, and...a great quality for rearing children but it has its downfalls, like when practiced on their men, they like to think things will get better. but these arseholes are inherently arseholes, and will not get better. This where women need to be educated, but unfortunately they don't like to listen to such logic, or anything that questions/crticises the female character, another shortcoming.

Your right these guys go to extraordinary lengths grooming these women, just like pedos do, thankfully they are treated the same in the big house, for a bunch of crims they are good at sorting some injustices out.

Sorry I disagree, they are still puzzling.

They love to complain about arseholes, but most women are attracted to them. Probably because women love change, therefore they think they can change men. So naive most women.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 11:43pm

Yeh sorry sillicun, not problemising women at all, just mystifies me why they put up with shit for so long

Agree with what u say

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 at 11:54pm

Stereotypes are not useful they are low resolution, you cannot account for the variables in personalities or situation by using stereotypes. Normal people like you and I can commit domestic violence its not something inherent to a particular type of arsehole, its not helpful to suggest that it's an inherent quality and can't be fixed.

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 12:03am

Being mystified I understand, most guys do. Suggesting that women need to be educated or that somehow flaws in women's (or whoever's) character as a victim, abets domestic violence perpetrated on them doesn't address the problem.

If someone is equipped with the ability to deal with a conflict without resorting to violence we can have a domestic dispute that is settled without violence, its simple.

rees0's picture
rees0's picture
rees0 Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 8:36am

I think that's generalising women a bit and ignoring the dynamic that exists in a narcisist/co-dependent relationship. Often these women feel that it is thier fault, that they are so worthless that they deserve to be beaten and abused. To imply that the reason anybody man or woman would stay in an abusive relationship based on stereotypes of their gender is ignorant at best.

As men we are not likely to experience domestic physical violence against us. Mental and emotional abuse yes but physical violence and genuine fear for our lives from our partner no. We experience it second hand as yourself sypkan and to a greater extent rabbits so how could we possibly understand that feeling?

rees0's picture
rees0's picture
rees0 Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 8:53am

Did this woman sound "comfortable" with her situation.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 10:20am

yeh I got a bit excited with my steteotypes there, perpetrator ones anyway, I was thinking of a particularly nasty example.

but I stand by my gender stereotypes, not saying that's what's necessarily happening, just trying to understand why the women do what they do. the comfortable I was referring was nice house and stuff comfortable, not relationship comfortable, versus starting from scratch independence. no reeso she doesn't sound particularly comfortable. .at the end. but it appears she was seeking the good life I wss talking about. shacked up with a biker arsehole, what did she expect? irrational thinking at best in my book. she may have been intelligent and strong, but obviously naive as fuck as well. shame on the police, and good on her and her friends for trying. but again she must have hung around a long time to come to that

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 10:40am

Lol, I keep reading this sypkan but I keep thinking that it can't be true, have you seriously made 3-4 posts on a domestic violence thread talking about your inability to understand why women put themselves in violent situations? Mate youre off your fucking head. "She must have hung around a long time to come to that," how long is it that you have to hang around to get beaten to death?

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 10:34am

Ahh, grandpa sypo....
". it's gotta have something to do with women's obsession with comfortable surroundings. "

" I think educating women may be the best way to deal with this stuff."

"This where women need to be educated, but unfortunately they don't like to listen to such logic, or anything that questions/crticises the female character, another shortcoming."

"So naive most women."

"shacked up with a biker arsehole, what did SHE expect"

"she must have hung around a long time to come to that"

Nahhh, mate...... Nahh...... Sounds alot like victim blaming to me.....

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 11:27am

nah, I don't blame the victims at all, despite what I've said the lady deserved nothing she received. just trying to understand it and look for solutions. rather than have a pointless little exercise where we all nail up our colours and agree that we're on the right side of the debate, when really there is no other side, avoiding another little back patting exrrcise that solves little.

all the stuff I've said many women would agree with, well they have with me, they have said it, surrounded by them at the time, it usually takes a few wines to get to that level of frankness, but it's not as radical as you guys are carrying on about.

there are many forms of domestic violence I'm talking about the extremes, the serial offenders, the narcissist fruitcakes. I'm not off my head sillicun, I think you must be (no affence) if you think that biker dude is gonna be fixed with your ideas,and strategies, many people can be, thankfully, not sure about that guy.

i know you well educated types don't like generalisations, but it's gotta be more than coincidental that most psychopaths are male. and the same well educated types embrace 'a female perspective' when it suits the cause. so do they think differently or not? modern psychology is going more this way, most women relish and celebrate their non logic when it's to advantage, for every action there's a counter reaction, women's intuition is great, but not flawless

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 11:55am

"i know you well educated types don't like generalisations, but it's gotta be more than coincidental that most psychopaths are male."
That's a red herring....
Men are physically stronger... Have been since the cave man hitting one on the head and draggin her back to the cave......Plains and simple as that sypo... Don't need to be "educated" to figure that one out...
And you throw back to "womens intuition" straight away.... Once again, it's up to the woman's "intuition"
And I didn't start this thread to be on the "right or wrong side of the debate".... There is no debate... Belting or killing a woman is wrong...... It's gutless.. Cowardly.... walk away... We have the physical strength that they don't have... As far as your reference to chicks beating on men, how many men have been beaten to death this year by their women... Anywhere near 62?

Yeah, women aren't perfect... I'm married to one lol..... But I'm not gonna start pointing out flaws in the female personality to cloud the issue of bigger stronger males killing females.... Just doesn't cut the mustard for me, sypo..
We all pay taxes... Alot of taxes.... I remember getting a fridge magnet for terrorism.... I've seen the one punch media blitz.... I've seen 90 million plus spent on a union commission.... I've seen millions dedicated to an ice advertising campaign.... Well I suggest a "coward" ad campaign... I suggest a separate division within the police, mainly run by female cops, dedicated to domestic violence... I suggest a safe house organization, run in conjunction with the police.... I suggest an organization where men who think they are on the edge can go and get serious help and support....
If that girl in Qld had've gone in to report an ice dealer, the cops would've jumped within 24 hours.... But when it's domestic violence. they sit on their hands..... Well..... She's dead... And sypo, he wont cop it in jail like you reckon... He's a high ranking bikie...

rees0's picture
rees0's picture
rees0 Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 12:09pm

Women are not so different to men. It's also posible the male can be co-dependent, quite common really except they are usually on the recieving end of the emotional abuse. Think manipulation, insults, cheating etc. But these are diferent to physical side, as male we usually have a stronger physical presence and as such it's to forget how easily we can physically intimidate a female.

Have you ever been in an unhappy relationship sypkan? Haven't we all been naive at some point or with a girl who doesn't really treat you how a human deserves to be? Where you responsible for her actions? What if you started feeling it was your fault she cheated on you like you must be so worthless that it's all you deserve? Then imagine been beaten near to death or in Taras case to death for even suggesting that you deserve otherwise...

It's not about been smart or been right it's about changing the attitudes of men. To stop blaming the victims for been too afraid to stand up for theselves for fear of serious injury or worse. Women are not objects despite what tv and every media outlet has been suggesting. Women are not sluts, whores or bitches because of the clothes they wear or the fact they won't fuck you.

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 12:40pm

Hey sypkan, you've inferred that the victim or women are in part blame in a few of your posts, perhaps you think like this and so do some of the women you know. Perhaps the awareness campaign hasnt got an effective message across. Looking for reasons within the victims behaviour or nature that might have provoked violent behaviour is victim blaming and you are asking why these women behave like that rather than how can the behaviour of the violent offender be modified. Beyond that you focus on 1 or 2 particular behaviours that you generalise across the poplulation, there other situations where domestic violence happens, the common thread is the violence so that's where to look for the solution.

I agree there are many forms of domestic violence which is why you can't generalise. I'm not sure you know enough about this biker dude to accurately assess whether he can be fixed or not but that's not the point of my suggestions as solutions these things need to be taught in a formal sense rather than people being socialised into using violence to deal with disputes.

Let me explain another way. I grew up getting in trouble for various things. If it was at home and i did something that my parents didnt like I would get yelled at sometimes I would get a smack or a belt. If I was at school and I'd did something that the teachers didn't like I got yelled at, I got caned once and plenty of other retributive punishments. If I did something a kid didn't like I might get pushed, abused verbally or punched. Consequently when somebody did something that I didn't like at some point it would result in me being abusive or violent. That's how people dealt with being angry at someone or hurt by someone etc, that's how I learnt to behave in those situations.

This is what we learn growing up, retributive justice often corporal punishment. This is often how you see everyday disputes go down. Guys gets the shits in traffic, yells at another guy, he yells backt things escalate. Having problems at home arguing with the missus, argument escalates and ends in violence. When I was learning to socialise this was it this, this was how people in the world around me were relating and where would I learn any different? Not at school, I never got taught conflict resolution, I barely even got any education in ethics/morality maybe a bit through scripture. Were you ever taught conflict resolution at school? Why not? Why aren't we taught how to relate effectively, how to deal with conflict effectively? If these things were taught in schools you wouldn't be trying to save people.

PS no offense with the off you head remark, some of your comments just seemed a bit way out but important none the less.

Reeso spot on

Smurfburger's picture
Smurfburger's picture
Smurfburger Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 12:24pm

if all these mongoloidal, 'roid popping, bad hoodie wearing boofheads in the UPF and Reclaim 'Straya spent their time protecting women instead of posting youtube vids about how Halal causes autism and how anyone left of Cory Bernardi is a national traitor... well i reckon domestic violence would plummet...

Smurfburger's picture
Smurfburger's picture
Smurfburger Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 12:28pm

and by protecting women - i mean compelling men to stop being violent -

also - fuck me there's a lot of victim blaming in this thread...

it's not about educating women - it's about educating men not to be violent criminals

rees0's picture
rees0's picture
rees0 Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 12:30pm

It's not just about the one on the end of the beatings either. Young boy sees dad punching mum, this is seen as acceptable behaviour cause really who's telling him it isn't. Young boy turns into young man, what does he know about a healthy relationship? Fuck all because he's never seen one, and the cycle continues..

Young girl sees dad punching mum, calling her slut, whore etc.. Young girl turns into young woman. What does she know about self-respect, what does she think is an acceptable way to be treated. Well she knows what shes seen. That cycle just keeps going when is it going to stop?

sharkman's picture
sharkman's picture
sharkman Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 1:51pm

Last night watched a program that claims 1 in 5 kids are abused in Australia .

this means there is a culture of child abuse accepted in Australia and that women also are abused at an increasing level , as Reeso says

Young girl sees dad punching mum, calling her slut, whore etc.. Young girl turns into young woman. What does she know about self-respect, what does she think is an acceptable way to be treated. Well she knows what shes seen. That cycle just keeps going when is it going to stop?"

add up the child abuse figures with the women abuse and we have a very unflattering view of Australian culture ,the weaker being abused by the strongest , so yes its about educating men to stop bullying and abusing women and kids!

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 3:08pm

with respect sheepdog, I don't give a shit why you started the thread, it's not all about you! (smiley face) while swellnet likes to keep their articles on topic, their forum policy is it can meander wherever people take it. I'm not here for a 'love in' I'm here for vigourous debate, as are you, I believe (most of the time).

males and pschopathy, yeh your right, males are stronger so more tendency to use it, but this does not account for the many shootings across the world, where one does not need to be especially strong to pull a trigger. most people accept men are more aggressive by nature, not just stronger.

I was trying to avoid raising autism but someone brought it up, in a totally unrelated manner, but clearly I dont care about that! haha. there is a theory about autism that sufferers just have a more extreme male brain, therefore lack female qualities like empathy. the flipside of this is they are more systems driven, more agressive, more narcissistic, and lack social skills. while it's controversial I think it has merit. Martin Bryant, the batman killer and others are said to have had autism or asperghers. this doesn't mean all men have male brains, but it identifies male traits, one's very similar to an agressive, narcissistic, egocentric DV perpetrator.

no sillicun, I was never taught conflict resolution in school, never seemed to need it. not sure if that's because I was a weedy little kid who had to learn how to negotiate issues, or because I have been blessed/cursed with a somewhat female brain, probably both, as I am actually a lesbian trapped in a weedy mans body. while I didn't need such training, I can see the merits of this education, and I'm aware many schools do actually teach this now. I'm not against anything you guys have posted, I'm actually all for it. but being soneone who literally works with psychopaths, both the born ones and created ones, through two different occupations I have an unhealthy interest in these things, so enjoy the debate a little too much, I apologise for any offence. I also see the cycles you guys are talking about, and frankly I'm tired of seeing resources targeted at symptoms, on fruitcakes,, and little focus on the beginning of these cycles, hence my suggestions on educating females on how many men actually think. really not inferring any blame at all.

here's an article from the guardian on male brains and autism. from a lefty paper no less, ya know the guys that don't like to generlise, as the article says, we need to be careful of stereotyping but not let that impair aquiring good scientific knowledge

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 3:28pm

"with respect sheepdog, I don't give a shit why you started the thread"...
And I don't give a shit that you've taken part, sypo... ... But you sure have..

"males and pschopathy, yeh your right, males are stronger so more tendency to use it, but this does not account for the many shootings across the world, where one does not need to be especially strong to pull a trigger."..... And it's women that need to learn, right? Seeings men also kill alot of men in shootings as you say, perhaps we could join the women in these classes of yours to learn more about ourselves lol

Also, I didn't mention psychopathy.... You did... It has no MAJOR impact on the amount of women murdered due to domestic violence... There are many factors... hundreds of women have been killed by a guy under total social/economic pressure, who love their partner dearly , and they just snap... Bills, mortgage, pressure, screaming kids, screaming wife, beers, late night saturday, yelling starts, woman slaps man, drunken man retaliates not knowing his own drunken strength, womans head hits the kitchen tiled floor..... Guy holding her, sobbing, screaming..... Deep down he knows how strong he is.. He knew a king hit would send her flying... But his dad did it... So did his grandad... No psychopathy involved whatsoever.... Just pent up rage and learnt behaviour...... If his dad had've been a man and worn that nasty girl slap, and walked away????? THAT'S why "with respect" your psychopathy angle is bs....

" hence my suggestions on educating females on how many men actually think.".... I don't think the same as you... You don't think the same as Stu.... Stu doesn't think the same as Blowin.... Nahh, mate, Sorry to use "hollywood", but even the bad arse mafia dealt with woman bashers in the godfather...

benski's picture
benski's picture
benski Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 3:31pm

Read this earlier today, about why women might stay in a dv situation. It seems it ain't because they have some kind of need for "comfortable surroundings" (what an odd idea), and more to do with the psychological trauma that goes along with abuse.

silicun's picture
silicun's picture
silicun Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 4:00pm

Ha youre a funny bugger sypkan. Working with psychopaths I'm sure you are aware of various types of behaviour modification. You are lucky that you grew up with and developed negotiating skills, I'm sure you would agree looking around you at general violence - people not dealing effectively with stress, anger, interpersonal relationships etc there are plenty of people not dealing with these things as well as you.

Steretypes aren't useful in scientific inquiry, they just aren't useful!

Good read BTW and benski cheers

prothero's picture
prothero's picture
prothero Monday, 14 Sep 2015 at 10:09pm

sypkan...I dont agree with your blurb on autism and i definitely dont see them as 'sufferers'...they may have a tantrum if things dont go to plan but they are not in the same league as psychopaths........Sobering stats sheepdog......they say that women and children get hit hardest during wars....looks like a war is going on.....wonder how many of the women were indigenous ? what was the mean household income ?

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Tuesday, 15 Sep 2015 at 8:34am

ABC online : NT- 5hr fatal assault on wife .