The Hurley Pro Sunset Beach: Finals Day
The Hurley Pro Sunset Beach: Finals Day
Pro surfing can really do your nut in, if you look at it too closely.
There's only one Golden Rule: Good waves solve all problems. Yet it seems like the league strays from this incredibly simple formula way too often for it to be incidental. There's no doubt the shift in momentum after consecutive epic Finals Days has been huge. From fan and athlete disaffection to massive levels of stoke and paradigm-shifting leaps in performance. The entertainment level of the women has risen to equal or exceed the men due to a core group of trans-Pacific talent, all of whom were in the Finals today.
CT problem solver. Though inconsistent in the morning, Sunset supplied the solutions all day (WSL/Heff)
Dreamy, shifting, peaks at Sunset Beach ruled the day with a wide spectrum of wave shapes, sizes, speeds, and swell frequencies setting a challenge for composure, positioning, wave selection, and execution for both sides of the draw. Mistakes in any of those domains were punished, excellence in all of them led to deserved wins for Molly Picklum, who backed up last years win, and Jack Robinson who improves on a 3rd last year, a 5th in 2022, and a win in 2019 (as a QS).
It's bracing to realise that Robinson, who for years struggled in shitty QS surf, would not even be on ChampionshipTour were it not for Sunset Beach and his win there in 2019.
Taking a wrong-side-of-the-peak entry, not unlike a neat day at The Box, Jack knifed his Arakawa through an immaculate Sunset barrel (WSL/Bielmann)
The day started off sleepy. Simply put, the surfer who caught the best wave of the heat won. Long lulls and a low-energy ocean left surfers stranded as the clock ticked down - none moreso than Caity Simmers. Her heat with Brisa Hennesy was over in the opening minutes. Caity contested a wave with Hennesy under open priority, had to concede to Hennesy's deeper positioning, then sat out the back for the entire heat before finally scoring a paltry 2-pointer.
Yesterday, Lakey Peterson had claimed that when it came down to the potential match-up with Molly Picklum it would be a case of, “putting the grom in her place." After a tight but clear win Pickles retorted, “The grom is in her place: she's through to the Semis!"
Of the women, the line separating old school and new is literal: After coming off the bottom will you turn for the open face, or will you take the line into the lip? Whenever possible, Pickles chose the latter (WSL/Heff)
Taking Pickles on in a confidence game of banter seems like a losing bet. There's no surfer in the draw, male or female, operating with more open swagger. You have to go outside the sport, to NFL, with Kansas City Chiefs Quarterback Patrick Mahomes, maybe prime-time Conor McGregor, to find an athlete operating with a similar level of confidence.
After throwing her board and body into the lip of the biggest wave of the day, adjusting through the detonation and freefall to cleanly ride away for a 9.67, Pickles calmly stated she, “threw a bunch of power at Sunset and hoped for the absolute best." Aiming up at that section is not something people do. Although arguably she could have gained her inspiration from Isabella Nichols' similar make yesterday.
Pickles smoked Brisa Hennesy. Put immediate scoreboard pressure on her with a rock solid 7.77 then watched Brisa self-destruct before delivering the coup de grace with what will become an iconic moment for women's surfing. Another one, after the 10-point ride at Pipe.
I had old mates who'd accused me of glad handling women's surfing texting me with apologies after watching that ride.
It was fitting that Pickles came up against the other form surfer of the event, Bettylou Sakura Johnson. Sakura showed she was willing to surf even more critically than Pickles, albeit lacking a little of Pickles' polish. She sent Issy Nichols packing with a dominant opening ride which seemed to generate all kinds of confusion for Nichols before a comeback still left her well short.
Nothing but positives for Nichols to take away from Sunset. She's shown she can hang with the top girls as far as big turns goes, and the heavy water waves ahead will not phase her.
Bella jams it hard for a well-earned 5th place finish (WSL/Heff)
As noted yesterday, the distribution of progression is not equal in the women's roster and that has created some anomalies. Surfers getting through easy draws with mediocre performances. Caz Marks has reached Finals Day now in both Hawaiian events despite a heat total average of 8.03. She has reached a combined heat total score of 10 or more in only two of her seven heats. Those are terrible numbers for the current World Champ and she should have been nowhere near Finals Day brandishing them.
Nonetheless, it took until the Semi-finals for Sakura to finally dispatch the out-of-form World Champ. Caz didn't surf bad, she just surfed completely safe and mediocre, despite beautifully-shaped waves that were begging for a backhand attack. Something is not right with the World Champ.
Contrary to prevailing viewpoints I have learned to love the Hawaiian leg opening the Tour. The dreaminess, the power, the challenge on all levels to pros, is wonderful to me as a season-opener. Just give me Cloudbreak or Tahiti for Finals Day, or some Indo reef and I'm all in. Just somewhere with stakes attached to it. A venue where the recreational surfer has to sit back and admit: FMD that is insane. Not some burgery peak where you could burn off a hangover cruising on a mid-length.
John Florence leaves Hawaii in yellow, which seems both fitting and a little underwhelming. Despite many moments of magic and looking the best surfer in the world, once again, John could not ice it on Finals Day. A 7.33 for a single-turn wave against Jordy was his high point but he could not find a two or three-turner that would have racked up an 8 or 9.
On a day of clean swell and long walls, John John wasn't able capitalise managing only single turns. Aside from Pickles, today was a day for combinations (WSL/Bielmann)
Maybe judges went too gaga for Jordy's tuberide picked up on the way back out? He didn't have to do too much other than pull in (in stark contrast to Jack Robinson's tuberides) and the 8.33 effectively closed out the heat for John.
Still, if they are completely honest, team John John will look at this Sunset event as a missed opportunity.
It's hard to categorise Jack Robinson's performance today in any other way than other-worldly: he was operating on a different plane. Both preternaturally composed and highly aroused. He was able to see things others didn't, find lines others couldn't.
Jordy distilled his surfing to the vital elements: barrels and turns, yet was ultimately beaten by heat strategy in his Semi against Kanoa (WSL/Heff)
Judges seemed confused, at first. A crazy late drop against Italo forcing the issue of the opening ride before a technical tuberide felt like it should have gone higher than a 7.50. It was an incredible ride. Somehow he ended up behind needing an 8.01 with five minutes to go. His response was to backdoor the outer peak for a dry hair barrel and big turns. It was one of two waves ridden today that could've been given an esky.
Similarly, the opening of the Final against Kanoa Igarashi was marked by a singularity of vision. Jack started the Final with a huge degree of separation to Kanoa, leaving him on the outer peak alone. He spiked an absolute west peak nug for three big turns and an excellent score, forcing an over-cooked reaction from Kanoa trying to keep pace. The final hinged on those opening moments.
He had Kanoa comboed in the first stanza of the Final. Kanoa broke free of that with three savage gaffs. Jack was all over him, forcing him into every decision he made. The Medina-like hustle went unnoticed in the booth but it was obvious that Kanoa was being forced to surf the heat at Jack's chosen tempo.
With fifteen minutes to go, Jack stroked into a deep peak, buried the first turn nose to tail right at the hydrodynamic limit, forced a slight stall then weaved through two open barrels. It was a pure WTF moment. Jack said he had never ridden two barrels through inside Sunset. I don't think anyone else has either.
That was it, Kanoa now in deep combination, was simply forced to accept fate.
The most dominant Sunset finals performance ever? If you can find a better historical performance I'm all ears.
Two starts at Trestles in the last two years and Jack has looked terrible out there. He hasn't won either of those heats. Not even competitive.
One of those things that does your head in: Our best heavy water surfer on the planet openly struggles in weak surf, where the Finals Day will be held, yet again.
That just can't be right.
Can it?
Three 10s. Molly, Jack, and Steve
That wave won’t be forgotten for some time , pictures look unreal blown up . .

For more photos of the day
Nice Pics mate
looks like a crease in her board to boot
Heroic and historic.
Even at second and third look it holds true.
Great stuff.
That was a 10. Straight up. What a legend!
Bloody hell, those stills really do it some justice.
Marcio needs to concoct something like Toledo's FT quad for Jack to give him a bit of spark in the small stuff.
FMD no it cant Steve .......probably too late to dump trestles or wsl cant....but what a start to the contest season ......hope it continues.
articulated perfectly steve- throughout the event the waves were so varied it was amazing
i used to be so-so on sunset but i’m giving it a 10 - best couple of days of competition one could hope for!!
The way that Jack got the double barrel was so natural it was like it happens every week, and Molly's huge turn is the most gutsy thing I've seen in a while. Aussie legends,
Gutsy is right. I can just imagine looking up at that looming lip and doing everything I can to avoid going where she went.
Gutsy is right. I can just imagine looking up at that looming lip and doing everything I can to avoid going where she went.
totally! I appreciated @stu's take on it, absolutely justifiable angle, but pickles CHOOSING to GO that.. the thing that sets this new-breed apart is taking their hard-won instincts and choosing froth and fearlessness. unbelievable.
Killer write up FR, interesting questions within astute observations, as per.
I've watched FA, haven't missed a write up though but managed to tune in this morning to see Molly and 'that turn'. I was amazed and that sassy comeback is the cherry.
Well done Jack too. Great to see an Aussie double.
Same here Zen, great timing.
More dominant performance...
Maybe Jack's in 2019?
Bloke's got the place wired.
Jack's in 2019 was the only one that came to mind for me.
He backdoored. The take-off. On The outside peak. At Sunset.
Still sinking in for me. Never been done that I can recall.
And agree, after that first crazy take-off to tube was underscored (then Italo's over) they put him in a position where he needed something magical. The conditions provided and Jack took full advantage.
There’s an amazing photo of Andy Irons backdooring a sunset peak I’ll try and find it
Just googled Andy Irons Sunset, wasn’t too hard heheh
Okay Andy did it too. Well acknowledged and that photo speaks volumes.
But any others? Pretty rare feet was my original comment
..but feet as well.
My memories of 2002 are a little hazy. Maybe once in a lifetime type stuff? Or at least, a bit out of his normal routine?
Got any more shots, from anyone else, ever? Stand by the rare feat comment.
Credit where credit's due to Andy. I'd love to see video.
Electrocute the brain cells.
Incredible photo.
Kong in 1987 won back to back finals at Sunset, Billabong Pro and the Hardrock. Didn't lose a heat at the Hard Rock then smoked them in the final. 4 man heats too
Jack was on fire, no doubt, but Kong's two week run there was insane.
He backdoored. The take-off. On The outside peak. At Sunset.
Still sinking in for me. Never been done that I can recall.
Great summary Steve, can’t help but think Molly’s turn is a generational equivalent of Tom Carroll’s in ‘91
Thought Wilcox would have been higher up in the ranks…. What would be the most inappropriate top 5 for trestles, jordy, jack, Wilcox
That double barrel was absolutely ridiculous.
Mollys wave will become part of history.
Missed most of today including the finals.
Cheers for the write up Steve.
Jack’s a freak eh!
What an absolute pleasure that comp was to watch. Sunset delivering the goods on finals day, and with outstanding winning performances to match those fabulous waves! Excellent report, as usual, thanks Steve. How you get it done in such quick turnaround time is commendable, as is your analysis. It was great hearing Randy Rarick dropping a few hints about having the tour finish in Hawaii again. As for your suggestion of replacing Trestles with Cloudbreak or Teahupo, yeah for sure, they'd make for a great finish to any world tour. But I think Pipeline can't be surpassed. Pipe is a even playing field. It provides dramatic lefts and rights in equal measure of intensity. There is no bias. Goofy and natural footers have to show us their courage and tube savvy, on their backhand and forehand, while being fully tested. No other location can provide it in equal measure like that. Plus Hawaii is surfing's spiritual home. As for Caz Marks, if she could get a little air game going, and show a bit more variety in her turns, she'd be even more lethal than she already is. Regardless, I still fancy her to do well in Portugal, Bells and Margs. We shall see.
I vote finish at cloudbreak.
The formula i reckon is heavy water, barrel opportunities AND big turn opportunities. Cloudy has that. Pipe and definitely Tahiti are more barrels.
Yeah, if they absolutely must have the finals format (and the shouldn’t) then Cloudbreak is the only wave that I can think of that would actually be fair and fitting. Pipe is so specialised, and if it’s any good is only a barrel riding contest (which is rarely genuinely even left and right). Chopes is even worse as a finals location given the skill required there is even more singular.
Cloudbreak meanwhile provides the opportunity for perfect, heavy surf that requires both barrel riding and a variety of turns, and is a wave that as much as possible is fair to both forehand and backhand surfers. If we think of the truly great performances there from the likes of Occy and Kelly and Luke and Andy and the Hobgoods and Joel and Mick and Taj and Owen and John. You don’t get that anywhere else.
But really, they should scrap the stupid, unfair final 5, and go back to the Dream Tour.
Fair enough Stamos. I could be happy as a viewer with a Cloudbreak finish. Also agree the top five finish doesn’t work for surfing, as proven with Carissa debacle and small wave surfers winning the title etc.
Cloudbreak definitely favours the goofies.
I’d love it to be there anyhow.
If you think of the percentage of naturals vs goofies and then look at the cloudbreak results it’s pretty stark.
Kelly practically lived there. Andy is insane out there.
14 contests
5 natural winners - Andy x1, Kelly x4
9 goofy winners
Runners up
10x goofies
3x naturals - Mick fanning, Andy Irons, Julian Wilson
1x I’m not sure - Ricardo Duarte?
Sorry the last one is Guilherme Herdy.
Wikipedia was talking shit.
So another Goofy in the final.
So the 4 natural surfers to make a final there are Kelly, Andy, Mick and Jules.
3 Multiple world champs and a strong contender for world champ.
On the Goofy finalist side we have world champs - Occ, CJ and Gabby
Plus names like Victor Ribas, Guilherme Herde, Wilko, Nat Young, Connor O’Leary, Shea and Cory Lopez, Cansdell, Mick Lowe etc
All great surfers no doubt, but not quite on the same plane as the naturals that have made the final.
That's fair.
I was going from my memory of great performances without checking the actual results.
Just goes to further show how flawed the Final 5 system is.
Is there any wave that is genuinely fair to decide the World Champion regardless of previous results throughout the year?
Probably not as a one off contest.
Someone will benefit over others for sure.
If they are going to stick to this format then trestles is probably as fair as it gets. I get the heavy water fan bias but for mine the history of pro surfing is performance surfing.
The problem with trestles though is it's a predominant right. And I recall some crazy airs being thrown on the left's (which often has the air wind) but them not getting as rewarded as consistent rail surfing on the rights. If I was a goofy of the likes of Italo I would imagine it being frustrating.
Real performance surfing happens when the waves are over 6 foot, not in 2-3' dribble.
Might be tough getting swell that late in the year for cloudbreak
September is prime time for Cloudbreak.
Its gotta be a Pipe finish
Rights, Lefts and a wave of consequence.
The world champ has to be able to surf Pipe.
Great to see the two Aussies win and how good is Molly surfing ?!!
I know it’s early days but did anyone else notice no Brazilians in the top 10 after the Hawaiian leg ???
That will change of course but it’s great to see the Aussies and Hawaiians really stepping up so far this year !
Yeh, Stab threw out some good bait and is reeling in a lot of Brazzos.
Aussie Gen Z is tops now
What a monster day. Molly brings excitement, loving watching the girls compete.
Always loved’s such a good comp when firing..I prefer Sunset over Pipe but this year both comps have delivered.
I can only dream about surfing Sunset.
Great write up as always. SN comp chat has was perfect…we are all WSL coaches and technical experts….these pros should log in and take our valuable pointers and knowledge on board. :-)
Just lovely FR. Thanks for the wrap.
Just awoke to recover my lost hours early this a.m.
Still in shock at Mollys turn.
I saw heaps of stuff on insta claiming it was the biggest turn ever by a woman.
I thought that was a little off. I thought it was the biggest turn i've ever seen done out there, on the biggest section by any human.
Has someone done a bigger one?
I can't recall anything bigger than that. That section was ridiculous.
I remember Richard Schmidt was doing floaters out there back in the day. And there's definitely been huge carves, but i can't picture a 'bigger' turn ever having been done out there by another human. Maybe equal?
Groundbreaking, not just for womens surfing, but for any surfers, for surfing Sunset.
We're watching a young lady becoming a legend in real time and it's bloody she's an Aussie!
In the replay you can see as she bottom turns, she almost does a little bunny hop over the chatter to set herself up to slingshot up the face with as much speed as humanly possible. She had so much want for that moment. Proper pinned her ears back and went for it. Respect.
As for Jack....sheesh! Unbelievable. No words really!
Great comp and hard to understand how Sunset could be so bashed as a wave by crew on the earlier days, when obviously it was howling sideshore and a funky mix of short and mid period swells from the wrong direction.
No where is good in the wrong conditions.
I saw in the live feed FR that you said you don't have a nationalistic oi oi in you until today. Have to agree. I've already sent off a few Aussie Aussie Aussie messages.
Epic stuff. Cheers!!
Complete agreement from me.
Today made Trestles finish seem a tragedy - Jack, Molly and BLSJ (JJF too) will all struggle at trestles, unless it’s solid like the first year? Molly and BLSJ are providing real progress, fearlessly attacking big waves.
Ps how is the embarrassing Hurley add featuring Filipe surfing waves my kids described as tiny.
Yes, that advert seems completely irrelevant.
They leave Hawaii, jjf in yellow, jack Robbo a close second. Molly leading the women. To be honest a fair representation of current state of competitive surfing. Cheers for the write up.
i agree 100% on the Hawaiian leg being the start as long as they back it up with the aforementioned legs to follow ,
i agree 100% on the Hawaiian leg being the start as long as they back it up with the aforementioned legs to follow ,
Great job Steve / Aussie crew...thumbs up all round swellnet!
Next pro stop ...gonna fit tight Tour schedule in here
23rd Feb > 24th Feb (Start ISA Margara)
Big fav National Teams
Aussies : Jack / Ethan / Morgan + Molly / Sally /Tyler
NZ : Billy / Kehu / Elliot + Paige / Saffi / Pia
US : JJ / Cola / Barron + Carissa / Caitlin / Caroline
Brazil : Toledo / Medina / Yago + Tatiana / Luana / Taina
France : Kauli / Mignot / Duru + J. Defay / Vahine / Tessa
Japan : Kanoa / Connor / Reo + Amuro / Shino / Mahina
Portugal : Morais / Ribeiro / Fonseca + T Bonvalot / Francisca / Yolanda
PR Host Locals : Delgado / Pastrana / Toth + Mia / H. Cabrero / J. Carreras
Both well deserved winners, but im surprised at the praise for the comp, i personally found it kinda boring.
If it was at the end of the season like the second last comp maybe it wouldn't be so bad especially if the race for number one or even top 5 spots was on the line, but this whole Pipe, Sunset thing to start with just feel like im eating desert before the mains.
Seriously? Nothing boring about good Sunset at all - especially when Aussies are charging it and winning
I don’t think it was boring, but every contest is diminished by the Final 5 system.
I usually check this recap and then the highlights. This time I haven't even watched any highlights.
Maybe i see it as boring because it's not a wave or type of wave i have a whole heap of interest in surfing.
Waves like J-Bay or Kermas i watch and froth and just wish i had it with one other guy, even 3ft Snapper.
Pipe or Teahupoo while i would never surf, i look at with awe.
Sunset is kinda like, yeah it's challenging in its own way but it neither has that froth factor or that awe factor.
But each to their own.
That said, i have always thought in theory it should be on the tour, two stops in Hawaii, a right and left, both with history, but then when it is im not really all that interested, again the current tour structure sure doesn't help matters.
People forget. Did an early surf check this morning. Got talking to a random fella and he said how good was pipe? I said yeah but they fucked over the women with the forecast and when a lot of the heats were run. I got an odd look. Still think a lot of people see it run and won on finals day in decent surf, then a lot of shit is forgotten. I’m sure wsl are banking on it.
It so true @ nextswell .
Not sure why , I watched most of both events
Yet skipped the final days of both events.
I scratched my head at that.
I think they could be way more selective with conditions and formats.
It's not all cream pies from Ted's bakery.
There's some pokebowls and spams also !
Totally. One good day of surf erases everything.
Just like that magical boat trip to Ments. As long as the last day PUMPs everyone goes home with smiles.
Great write up cheers.
Could watch the whole Pipe final, but only bits n pieces today due to work. Caught the highlights and luckily Robbos sick one in the final.
Great start to the year... Come on Aussie oi...
Molly, no words, what an incredible surfer.
Both Jack and Molly deserved champions, and nice to see Sunset in all its glory- a challenging heavy water wave.
Sorry don't agree about Hawaii at the start (although I see the attraction). The Championship needs to finish at Pipe.
...and how poor were the crowd numbers watching the awards presentation
Is Sunset a shit comp to watch as a spectator from the beach? Looks like the action is happening a long way out.
Yes it is, but a great wave to surf. Maybe the lack of punters at the presentation was more to do with the lack of a local winner??
Definitely need a set of binocs to get any details on what is happening out the back.
Best angle of the lot ...amongst some astounding photo ops.
Great shot of Jack backdooring the peak above, too. Rare feat indeed.
Turn it up:
?si=GkAvHLB_VYYpAEnPFriday arvo rock out?
I'm adding this from 'Toasted'. These germ free chicks really now how to surf
Complimentary bonus Friday special
?si=yxUvMtITPWSmefxnNice write up as usual. Was really impressed with Molly Picklum and Betty Lou Sakura Johnson’s surfing in these two Hawaiian events. Well done. They obviously have put a lot of work in the off season and in their mindset and confidence level. Puzzled by Simmers not taking a wave, but as pointed out in live comments, I don’t think her body frame is favored at Sunset.
On the Men’s side, I have always been big fan of Robinson and Florence’s surfing, and if they weren’t on tour, i would be left trying to psychically will Slater’s aging body to victory.
It’s a shame my live comment “Two of the top six (ranked men’s) surfers are Japanese. Jappo Storm.” fell on deaf eyes, since it is the best comment i have made on Swellnet.
It was a great day of surfing competition because there were two shining stars. If Kanoa, Jordy or Ryan were in the final it would have been meat & potatoes. But Robbo & Molly were two shining stars doing amazing things. That is what makes a great comp, such as when Gabe won J-Bay or got the freaky 10 at Backdoor or when Kelly won his last two Pipes with freaky surfing. That Robbo 7 whatever against Italo was such nonsense because it was such as memorable wave but then Robbo turned it on even more to be undeniable for the judges. Robbo was a supernova today. Robbo has grinded out all of his previous contest wins. None were special. But today will be remembered by many for a long time (like Barron's 10 at Pipe). Surfing needs these special untelegraphed unexpected waves by special surfers. Fil & Gabe not performing magic leaves a vacant hole to be filled.
Well said @BarbB
Exactly right.
TheWhoSellOut ...Jap invasion...crew got yer back...
(see above : Margara 'Fav Teams' line Up!) Kanoa / Connor
Silver medalist Kanoa was first WSL Pro to Qualify for 2024 Olympics.
Japan are incredible all round ISA / Olympic / WSL Team + Kanoa is the man to beat!
All nations would regard Japan as equal favs to win Margara Bonus Olympic Ticket.
Dec 2023 Japan also just won Junior (Tag/Team Relay) Aloha Cup
Crew Agree! Japan are currently competing as well or better than rivals...Ain't no easy beats!
"burn off a hangover cruising on a midlength" , what an accurate summation of Tresles , love it Steve . Thanks SW and FR .
The kids are alright , what performances , so stoked .
"Glad handling" women's surfing is not how I remember your commentary.
They were always going to stand up, all they needed was a couple of years to feel out Pipe.
Ryan Callahan's 9 in the quarters was pretty beautiful/brutal on rail power surfing.
There was a comment made by Joe Turpel early in the day that almost alluded to the finals being shifted back to Hawaii. It was when Randy Rarrick was sharing the booth. Didn't completely state it but did open the door.
I don't always agree with what you say but do find it very entertaining/interesting.
Now lion heart Toledo is out for the yr, if Kanoa makes top 5 he’d have to be a favourite on finals day. I’m all about John and Jack but they’d be up against it at trestles with him around.
Totally agree with previous points about finishing at Pipe. Roll into the New Year and first event at Sunset to kick off the next year's tour. Finish with drama and kick off with the same. Can anyone on the planet recall an iconic wave ridden at Trestles? Even when a World Title is at stake? Me neither. There's a reason JJF is disinterested, no-one else is either.
Very well written wrap. Excelled yourself I reckon.
Molly's attitude and commitment was next level for the women.
But how about Jack? Dominated the whole day with wave after wave showing mastery of the break and particularly the tube and would have won no matter who he faced in those waves.
"Preternaturally composed and highly aroused" ...great stuff.
Reckon he should be chilling kombuchas in a couple of over-priced yeti coolers right now
Jacks Jack and thats that.
Molly smoked them she will win this years title and when Tyler
quits like the rest that have seen the light it will be even better.
Jack is Jack alright. Bring on the Olympics!
Crazy thought, start and finish with Pipe?
Great idea...!
Congrats to Molly and Jack.
Your write up got the belly butterflies stirring Steve. Esky to you.
Mollys' claim alone should have gotten her an esky as well. And what did she say post heat there? " I'm gonna make it or die"....
Molly and Jack were in the zone, it was amazing to watch. R Cal and Bettylou not far behind.
Pretty intense start to the year, the swells provided a break but with that 1 or 2 day window gap it could have been even more so.
No hesitation from the Aussie Champs Jack and Molly. It was a fearsome display.
'im going to hit that frothing, foaming, spitting, exploding beast? Hell yeah'
And Molly's statement says it all - total committment! The younger brigade must have total disregard for self preservation to succeed in power surf. You can see that some of the older surfers are thinking of their self preservation in power surf situations
Excellent write up as always, cheers
Great article, great contest, great viewing. The younger ladies really blowing the older girls into the past. Just how long will the organizers persist with the anti-climatic, unwatchable , unjustifiable Trestles finale?
Why do I have the feeling I've just watched the most spectacular, engaging, surfelicious climax to the season?
Jack and Molly should be walking away world champions
Finish the season at Pipe in February
Nothing else makes sense
100% agree SL. That sure felt like a world title climax, not the wet fart that is Trestles
onya surfy, I got nothing against California at the top end of surfing.
Huey lives in Hawaii is all I'm saying
Spot-on with the write-up, SS. The thing spoke for itself, as did Molly and Jack, and yet somehow you managed to give it a little something extra, anyway. That's not easy to do. Hat's off to you, on that one.
Everybody's on about the Contest Year. Well ok. Since Sunset Beach spoke so well for itself, please allow me to join the group digression.
Start the year with a bang at Teahupoo and Cloudbreak, in that order, starting no earlier than the beginning of June.
Finish the year with Sunset Beach and Pipeline, in that order, finishing no later than the end of February.
Do whatever the hell you want to, in between those four, but J-Bay is always a good choice. And Australia is so overrun with world-class waves that we don't even need to enumerate them, but The Box is always nice to see, and so's North Point, but I'm none too sure about pushing that sort of thing on the people who live there. And again, in a place that's overrun with world-class waves, other quite-valid arrangements can always be made. Elsewhere, Mundaka might be nice, too.
We're stuck with Brazil and California because of M.O.N.E.Y., but, having said that, Treacles has got to go. World's Most Overrated Wave. Ditch that thing, soonest. And no Frankenwave Pool, either. Maybe Blacks, instead, I dunno. But anything at all is better than Treacles.
Let the waiting periods slide around some, instead of welding them down to the deckplates a year in advance. Do it like the Big Wave People do it, and put everybody on some kind of Yellow Alert, and then, a week before it looks like it's gonna get up and go, at any given venue, Call The Day, give it an opening date, and give yourself a fighting chance. Logistically and politically, that would be no fun at all, but if it could be done, then do it that way. Even if it's only at one or two spots. More would be better, and all would be best, but the Real World intrudes. As much as possible, increase your odds, every chance you get.
Outside of that, March through May, if you need ad revenue, then have yourself a few Specialty Events. As many as you want. With participation being NON-mandatory, and non-binding on year-end results. And try to have a little fun with it, at a few less-than-fully-obvious locations, perhaps with a set of less-than-fully-obvious rules, too. Let's have a Rave in Iceland. Let's see who can get the longest ride at Chicama. Let's take a chance on Skeleton Bay. Make a festival out of it. Bring on the legends, the graybeards, and the crowd-pleasers, for times and experiences both in and out of the water. Toss in a little Music. And a little Culture. Patch something together with Duct Tape, maybe, but whatever you do, keep it real, keep it light, keep it FUN.
Do something! Even if it's wrong!
Just roll out Kelly ha ha
Some solid thinking in there Mac. Shave a few of the mens roster and do away with the seeding round and its totally doable. Non world invitational events are a great idea and will sell. I could even live with a event at trestles is it wasn’t the final decider.
Bahahaha, Molly's reverse burn on Lakey was epic Aussie legend stuff. That she goes so hard makes it all the better. Already the world champ in my eyes
Preternatural - beyond what is normal or natural. Inexplicable by ordinary means.
Steve, as a lover of words, it would have been disappointing if you didn’t get that word in this report. Nothing more sublimely fits that word than Jack Robbo. He is a freak, sui generis.
So 10 out of 10 for that.
His focus is laser like too. He’s right there, in the moment, and has cat-like reflexes. The quick adjustment from his heaving turn to get into the first and then second barrel in the final was something else.
As for Molly, so cool to see her win. That TURN! I can’t imagine more commitment. One judge gave her a 10. Given that the judging stated that 1 big manoeuvre can score highly, in retrospect I can’t see how it wasn’t a 10.
Watching it, I just gave out a laugh, completely involuntary. A laugh of shock, disbelief and satisfaction. So happy for her.
For some reason I thought she was from WA. Hard to imagine how she got so comfortable in big surf coming from Shelley Beach, cennie coast. Perhaps some of those offshore bombies, seem to recall her talking about guys taking her out there.
And Betty Lou, deserved runner up and unlucky with a bit of a wave drought in the last 10 minutes. Perhaps a tactical error, waiting for a big set when she only needed a 5 or so. Molly caught about 4 waves in that time.
Great contest, the last two days mainly. If I had my drothers, I’d run the early heats in shittier surf to maximise the possibility of good surf for the finals. Pipe and Sunset have delivered.
Sorry I missed the banter, had to watch it all on delay due to other commitments.
yep - agree, the The Medina-like hustle was insane, reckon it impacted the heat in a big way.
I’m not the biggest advocate of pro surfing, however the Sunset pro this year imo was next level! Further to that Jack Robbo was off the chain.
Not some burgery peak where you could burn off a hangover cruising on a mid-length.
Geez Steve, way to write off my entire surfing repertoire