Lexus Pipe Pro 2025: Day One
Lexus Pipe Pro 2025: Day One
A fun but understated opening day of the 2025 CT season at playful Backdoor after a build-up that wasn't just anti-climactic but borderline catastrophic. The current three-time men's champ walked away a week before the season opener, moreorless the same time as his only real rival had to kick out with a pectoral injury that almost certainly will rob him of the chance to compete for a fourth title. The mouth-watering prospect of a JJF/Medina showdown at pumping Cloudbreak is gone, probably for good.
A scrappy forecast after an Hawaiian season of plenty was the lemon next to the lemon. To be frank, it's hard to imagine a more underwhelming start to the season.
Seen through that prism, Day One was a pleasurable surprise. The sport seems in another of its weird phases. The desperate hype of the ELO years has gone, no Make or Break cameramen buzzing around the site like flies trying to glom onto any little dramas hoping to sell the sport to a mainstream audience. That dream, even allowing for the Olympic shine from the Medina crucifix kick-out, seems to have died down. The new CEO is running a restrained, subdued program and despite the World Champs' content to walk from the sport in their prime it can't be argued that the schedule is vastly improved this year. It could still be tweaked and they could still get skunked but it's the best it's been since 2006.
The opening ride of the 2025 season was a 1.00 from Yago Dora. It still felt good to see it live. He followed it up with some playful turns but still came up short to Seth Moniz and Edgard Groggia - the first rookie up for the day. There could not be a more playful and welcoming day for rookies at Pipe than what we saw today - and for two-time champ Filipe Toledo if we are being honest. The champs' last showing at Pipe was so disturbing to his equilibrium it precipitated a year off to restore his mental health. His last appearance in the jersey was at ten-foot Chopes in the Olympics where he spent the majority of the heat with priority hiding up the reef.
Edgard Groggia (WSL/Bielmann)
This is not to slag off Toledo, just a brief recount of the facts. His problems in heavy surf have compounded in recent years so to even make a showing at Pipe takes a certain courage. A blessed relief for Team Toledo to not have his preparation or mental state tested on day one. He cruised through at a canter with high performance surfing.
How did the rookies go? Is the GOAT still competitive at Pipe? Are the teenage women surfers, including the current World Champ still ascendant? Would John show up hungry or in cruise mode with his mind a million miles away from pro surfing? These felt like the main questions for day one.
The difference from edits and the attraction of watching surfing as live sport is we get to have our questions answered in real time. This will be the main feature I'll miss from JJF not being on tour this year. Yes, the edits will be incredible, but they will lack that magic of witnessing it live.
Each heat is a body of work, a chance to watch the artist create something in real time. We see the good and the not so good. Sometimes the sublime follows the ridiculous.The edit comes with those imperfections whittled away. We see what they want us to see. Our judgements are carefully curated by their editing decisions.
Back to the questions: For the rookies, a mixed bag. Groggia struck a blow straight away in Heat 1 by advancing over Dora. Jackson Bunch got sent straight to the Elimination Round after not finding a decent second ride. Al Cleland and Liam O'Brien fought a pitched battle for advancement behind a dominant Jack Robinson and it was Cleland who squeaked through in a decision that could have gone either way but felt right at the time. George Pittar advanced in an unspectacular but unfazed performance. He will not give away heats easily which should see him make the cut.
Al Cleland jr (WSL/Bielmann)
Alejo Muniz was his scrappy self but was just edged by current Pipe Pro champion Barron Mamiya.
Joel Vaughan had an absolute shocker that scarcely could have gone worse and will need a total reset.
French-Mexican-Canadian Marco Mignot surfed to the highest heat total of the round with pits and a lofted air reverse into the flats.
For mine though, the performance of the round for rookies (retread rookies included) was Ian Gouveia. He scrapped with John John Florence in the opening minutes which caused the champ to wave his arm in frustration, gesturing for a block call from the judges. The contrast between the two pro surfers could not be more stark. One riding a wave of success seemingly without end. World Title, Hawaiian real estate, bluewater boats, a flourishing business and a whole world eager to jump on board his next adventure. The other coming from obscurity and injury and long years of toil with little reward. After riding the winning wave Gouveia broke down on the glass. Suppressing sobs while detailing five months without surfing after qualification, on the couch with a back injury then overcoming a wound to the knee requiring 22 stitches and which put his appearance at Pipe in doubt.
We overplay the psychological element in pro surfing. It is the age we live in. Therapy speak rules: belief, mindset, and other intangibles assume primary importance. Reality dictates otherwise. Talent and skillset triumph over belief 99 times out of a 100. Despite these facts redolent of the brutal, uncaring universe we inhabit, Ian Gouveia's performance, his resilience and will in overcoming obstacles, gave me pause to reconsider.
After steeling himself he looked down the camera and simply stated: “No-one's gunna get my jersey."
Ian Gouveia (WSL/Heff)
How was John..? Moments of brilliance but everything about his mindset and preparation was said when he put the jersey on. He looked a little out of shape. It spoke to the decision to leave the tour having been made some time ago. Priorities have shifted for John. He's got a new kid, dad duties inevitably bite into water time without the utmost in discipline and focus. His eponymous business will need some attention. The wildcard came as a surprise - a favour to the WSL and a chance to mix it up at Pipe with no crowds. Maybe add another Pipe trophy to a surprisingly threadbare cabinet. A very strong impression was left though, that John will walk from this comp regardless of the result without a care in the world, or a backwards glance into whatever he has planned next.
John (WSL/Heff)
Kelly spiked a pair of clean Backdoor tubes to take a low-scoring heat win but the real highlights came in the presser. First heat win at Pipe since 2022, reminded Strider.
The GOAT was lightning quick on the counter: “I don't remember."
Kelly also confirmed his preparation had been sparse, after the end of the heat showed him puffing heavily on the sand.
“I need to get back in shape,” he said, “ I haven't surfed in five weeks."
That shows, not just where the GOAT is at, but where the WSL is at, with John and Gabe out.
Imagine putting a guy on the bench in AFL or NRL for First Grade who hasn't played a game of footy or even run around the oval for a kick and a pass in five weeks?
They obviously need him to show up but the feeling has changed. There was no sign of a Slater vibe in the crowd, or even in the booth. Time, and the sport have finally moved on from the Slater era, even if he is wheeled out for a few events this year.
Jack Robinson cemented World Title favouritism in a single Opening Round heat with perfect reads and execution. No-one on the roster today can decipher a reefbreak like the former teen prodigy. He's looked by turns impotent and over-aggressive in two starts at Trestles, failing to advance through a single Final 5 heat. It's impossible to see that happening at Cloudbreak, assuming he can make the day.
Jack (WSL/Heff)
The therapy speak continued as the women hit the water but it was current World Champ Caity Simmers who struck a more spiritual note familiar to all recreational surfers. Caity described a simple experience common to all surfers, as her heat hit the water. The sun came out, the waves glassed off and and in the recognition of this magical moment, she felt a feeling of desire and joy about the surf ahead. Caity obviously isn't a normie or a jock, there's a floaty, almost flakey, creativity about her that surrounds a steel core. She makes pro surfing fun to watch.
Caity (WSL/Bielmann)
The biggest surprise of the day came via the performance of Tyler Wright. With rivals Carissa and Steph gone, there's a palpable sense that Tyler has been relegated to irrelevance. As if her retirement is imminent and merely a formality. She obviously has other ideas. Intuitive tube-riding and vicious full-rotation hacks showed showed a simple formula for beating the teen wunderkids. Her advantage in power and athleticism can make the teens look like lightweights.
Tyler Wright (WSL/Bielmann)
On the glass in the evening sunshine, Tyler seemed more at ease than we've seen her in years. The normal angst was absent, in its place a desire to enjoy the job of pro surfing. Maybe good people have been in her ear over the off season. No doubt pro surfing has its challenges but given the choice, most people would opt for the pleasure of being paid to surf over the real world, anyday.
You could see that in the performance of Gouveia and the 'last chance' rookies.
Anything to avoid being sent back to the salt mines of the Challenger, or a real job.
Well said again FR ..slater won his heat with an 8 ..stood in the tent puffing away not one person acknowledged his heat win , his head was looking around every where for some one to talk too ..could only watch the last 8 minutes of that heat then went to work it looked slow and boring for the first round.
Edit vs Heat..seeing it live vs highly polished composition of the editing process… I will take the unscripted theatre of live sport!
Me too Dazz. But today I had to pop in and out so couldn't devote too much to it. Great write up and looks like not too much was missed- it was pretty slow every time I tuned in anyway.
They'll be talking Kelly if he wins Pipe again. It's not out of the realms of possibility.
Did Slater get washed back in at the end of his heat? We saw him paddling back out and he threw his board away under one wave then duck dived a few more then next thing he's on the beach. Pretty average fitness wise and that's pretty poor to not surf for 5 weeks when you know you have a wild card. I love watching KS but that's quite hard to understand. Wouldn't you want to turn up fit?
Good points but can you imagine not surfing for 5 weeks then paddling out for 30 mins and scoring two pretty decent pits? He cops a lot of heat on here but so many surfers his age struggle with pop-ups and would need to surf every day for 5 weeks to even get a sniff of a pit. He's remarkable and hopefully a heat win gives him confidence to get on a roll . . .
Forecast looks like onshore shit though so its gonna be tough for him to progress further.
Yes, but the point was that he should have bloody well surfed the last 5 weeks. Show up prepared, take things seriously. Maybe then he wouldn't have been puffing and struggling.
Kelly unfit? dont think so. he had two or three minutes of waves breaking on top of him and had a little chuckle about it
Does anyone truely believe Kelly hasn’t surfed for 5 weeks?
Maybe he's been doing FIFO in the north west?
yeah take that with a grain of salt. and caitys not flakey either.
Nice wrap up FR.
Disagree that the tours the best it's looked in years though.
Pipe to a wavepool in abu fucking dhabi, to freezing cold closeouts in Portugal, to El Salvador which can sorta get good but not really, all at the expense of the big wave stop at Sunset, one of the best comps to watch.
The rest of the years ok, Cloudbreak a great choice to finish on, but not with just 5 bloody surfers. Ridiculous. Other snoozefests in between are Saquarema, lower Trestles, and if Snapper doesn't fire, 3foot sand peelers wears thin pretty quick as a viewer.
Which leaves Bells(no doubt that'll be scoffed at by most), Jbay and Chopes as the three events in season to look forward to. Pipes already a write off.
Hardly anything significantly different in my opinion.
But at least its free so i'll stop whinging now.
Massive KS fan as well , but it’s like watching a old great league footballer running around in bush league for money ..
Rubbish size all day,a joke for pipe when hardly one wave was surfed going left
And has been the case for quite a few yrs now once the wind goes onshore the contest becomes a bloody boring air show
I suspect if conditions continue like this Joel Vaughan might bounce back and catch 15 waves looking for as many ramps as he can just like Mignon. Boring
Pity G-Land didn't fire for the past comp and more's the pity it's not on the tour anymore.
Hoping the stops deliver this year, especially J-Bay- I love that comp.
I love Bells too just quietly.
Go Jack for 2025!
Not surfing for 5 weeks shouldn't make you that unfit, considering the surf size.
He's not on the durries and Jack Daniels is he?
At age it drops off real quick and is twice as hard to get back as when you are younger.
Absolutely. If I have a week off I’m back to square one it feels these days. Same age as Kelly. Same haircut too. Probably 20 kg heavier though
‘ Talent and skillset triumph over belief 99 times out of a 100’
I disagree with this comment. At this elite level where the surfer’s skill sets are split by a hair, a person’s mindset or confidence can be all that separates………just ask Felipe.
Just to counter: surfing heavy reef waves is a skill set- one Filipe has never mastered.
Yes, there is courage and confidence involved but fundamentally, it's a skill.
True, but none can honestly say Fil is without the talent or skills to go well in heavy water. Everyone knows it’s his head.
To be successful you can’t have one (talent/physical) without the other (the mind).
I agree that heaps of them garb on with their psychobabble.
But mindset is a precursor to big wave skill.
If you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll never take off or even paddle out = no skill.
Actually, I don’t care. Great write up. Shamefully, I still pulled for ‘ol KS. Nice to see him thread a few. But 5 wks dry shows zero appreciation for the wildcard spot he took.
2 surfers that have Gaming Issues JJ / Erin > Heats were scratched from WSL Betting Slips
Now hear this out...2 surfers copped wrath Kelly got caught inside + Ramzi Said board Wobbled
Ok! So while we're all talking about those distractions...
Few if any notice both Kelly & Ramzi had no Watches at their Beach Interviews...
Yet Ramzi can recite to the minute the exact time in hours & minutes with Wobbly Board...
Kelly says he came in 1 min early & guess what...if any care to notice...
Both talk about time but neither wear their watches on Beach interview...Spooky!
He approaches AJ all smiles...then screen goes all huh!
Ask why does the Screen go Black just as he & AJ sort Shit...why censor that union?
Coz minutes later he's being interviewed without his watch...
Why would ya risk taking off Watch anywhere else in the crowd over sand...
So wotz so secret about taking off a watch huh?
Not the first time we see WSL competitors hide (Secret) their watch creepy!
Now some extra...About wot crew discussing ~ claiming he got smashed paddling...
Again a distraction...but this one is accidental BUT...possibly even more important to Tour Crisis!
Well...see for exact same interview that WSL hassle Kelly over being hammered!
Look over Kelly's shoulder to Check JJ getting Smashed going backwards...such irony...
Strewth...the poor bastard...go film something throw up...such punishment!
Like he was just hammered gone for not just Kelly but JJ is not travelling well...
#1 Pro gets pulled back heaps...takes him 2 minutes just to return to where he wiped out.
Kelly said he came in with a minute to go >
WSL #1 Surfer / Hawaiian exhausts twice that time > (2 mins) to get back out in tiddly winx pipe!
So...Who's outta condition...coz tbb can't tell anymore!
If yer looking for another reason on JJ's Gambling Boycott then check JJ in Kelly's interview...
Oh the Humanity....
Just saying all these things tbb says here....heaps going down that we don't see!
We see world's best surfer struggling...Heaps! Shh! Be asking why JJ can't paddle back out...
If that's the reason why he's pulling out of tour!
Fine for Short Paddle Pipe / Pool Tow Cameo...but not a real work out...Huh!
Also this swellnet vid has better Look at Product Placement than vid tbb shares in link below...
Both YouTube Vids look the same but they're not! Possibly not see JJ struggle in other below Edit...
swellnet Vid...this one is not edited...can see JJ struggle... see what ya think...Not pretty!
yeah i'm not reading all that.
happy for you though, or sorry that happened
Here's the short version
JJ caught 9 waves in last Fiji Heat
JJ caught just the 2 Mandatory waves in his only 2024 WSL Final Heat
JJ caught just the 2 Mandatory waves in first 2005 comp heat at Pipe
Just saying it's clear to all that JJ surfs & paddles less than every other comp surfer on tour.
From Sept surfing the bare min' obligated requirement & not a motion more!
Seems odd recipe for surf less waves & paddle least to be rewarded the Grail?
Thought the idea was to enjoy surfing yer brains out with only 2 surfers in the Line Up?
It's not something a surf fan would ignore...if ya like surfing ya wanna see/surf more...not less!
tbb hasn't surfed for 5 years...that's why it's easy to spot a fellow isolating surfer!
Don't have to share the obvious #1 News that #1 Surfer avoids surfing waves & paddling?
So much so that he right now wants time shows in every recent outing.
Not sure how surf fans can't or don't see the obvious #1 Surf Boycott by #1 Surfer?
How is that not news! Do we all just go on ignoring our raison d'etre.
Yes...equally sorry to fellow injured surfers that must avoid surfing...heart goes out to them!
Mate what are you talking about here, i read through this twice and still have no idea what you are on about
JJ has surfed just the min 6 scoring waves in the last 3 heats he's surfed.
Sure + one or two ultra quick pull outs to regain priority where possible...
But sticks to bare min Comp surfing requirement!
Trestles 2 waves in 35mins + 2 waves in 35mins + Pipe 2 waves in 30mins
Like as if JJ is reducing his Paddle requirements to bare min...
Judges show he's restricting scoring waves to bare min.
That's why he most struggled to paddle back out...
Judges confirm he paddles least of all during last 3 comps.
If ya know of any Pro CT surfer surfing less waves or paddling less...feel free to share!
How do surf fans not notice...
When #1 Surfing Performance rarely flows from the tap!
JJ may be a minimal wave catcher during comps tbb but I can’t imagine he’s struggling to paddle out at 3 foot pipe because he’s not surf fit.
He’s often said in interviews he is addicted to surfing and surfs for hours and hours at a time.
Nathan posted a clip yesterday of an all day session of himself and big bro
So ya reckon JJ surfs his brains out on Dreamy lay days...but camps in the Office?
tbb will accept Surf Safaris are the New CT.
Brings it back to the Prime Time Live Lineup WSL Apology for The Yellow Guy
{ Censored } Heat 6 Ross Williams in the Line Up Live :
"It's not supa comfy for JJ with all this priority hassle & getting outta position...Now he looks settled...One other thing to take note of is it's really tough to paddle back out right now...guys are getting smoked on the Reef!"
Commentators : "JJ is Waving Arms at others & getting in others way!"
Live GOAT cross >
World sees JJ Back paddling for 2 mins to kill time thru 2x 15min smokos.
tbb never parachuted edge of yer seat nerve-racking Live Prime Yellow apologies!
Nor the one Withdrawing him from tour or wild carding him for Pipe & The Pool.
Nor the one wiping him from WSL Fantasy League Heats.
Nor the one openly Judging & sharing his Lowest # Wave & Paddle Km count..
WSL are the ones kicking their...Prime Time SOB Yellow Jukebox.
tbb is simply sharing the Yellow Hawaiian Shirt has some kinda Brady Bunch Tiki Curse.
Not even saying if it's Taboo...might turn out to be a good luck charm...
WSL...Wot...Ya really think so Bobby!...Peter : Nah! Watch out for that Spider!
“ So ya reckon JJ surfs his brains out on Dreamy lay days...but camps in the Office?”
Yep, sure do.
How good was that episode of the Brady bunch?
Well done FR, once again transmuting lead into gold.
If you just looked at the photo of AC jr, you'd think today was pumping, what a shot.
Zactly what I thought. Looks heavy in that shot.
Yep incredible capture!
Oh no we've lost Craig to photographer wankspeak, it's a fucken photo mate. ;-P
not pumping by North Shore Winter standards but there was a few decent ones in the earlier heats. not enough of them in each heat to be truly fair and contestable though.
Its a pity that the WSL can't get close to the consistency of the great write up's FR
Over the last few years I've enjoyed them more than watching most events.
Thank you.
Steve, I have no idea if you have a remit for these (often selfless(maybe?)) recaps but for mine this one conflates reportage with opinion in a bit of a messy way. I value your critical eye along with your learned experience but I also want to catch up on who's through and who's fighting in elimination. I know I could go elsewhere to find this out but honestly the luridness puts me off.
We are all different but I enjoy reading Steve's insights and the stories he weaves around aspects I'm often not alert to. In my view its as good as surf journalism gets and I'm very grateful that we are provided with it in real time for free. Sometimes the opinions are provocative but it creates activity in the comments which is all part of the job I suspect - lurid is a stretch.
Have to agree with you there Nolan and that's why I enjoy reading him too. Not withstanding the broad range he writes about outside of competitive surfing, I wouldn't quite say FR is the provocateur but more so one of the few surf writers that calls it as most people see it and puts it out there. It's refreshing.
Edit: 'most people' maybe I could change that to 'I suspect most people...'
I agree with you Nolan. And it is the days of the internet and the WSL website is excellent. You can easily get every heat result.
Nolan. apologies for my lack of clarity. I very much enjoy Steve's writing and agree, as surf writing goes I herald him. In this instance luridness is used to describe the other sites that I struggle to visit let alone pay a sub to.
Ah, got it, that now makes sense Mugs
Copy that Mug.
I'll try and keep the guitar solos in check.
Been a long off season.
Please don’t change a thing. Especially at the beginning of the comp when the heats themselves aren’t life or death. So much more interesting to hear your thoughts overall rather than a basic recap. That what makes it interesting for me anyhow
Don't you dare change !
Partly my fault, Mug. I usually whack the results at the end of Steve's recap so if they're not part of the copy you can still find it out.
Thank you very much for the replies Gentlemen. Coming here for the recap is genuinely one of my favourite parts of a days competition.
kelly never been one to indulge in a bit of misdirection re the 5 weeks comment ?, haha , i see author and plenty here took it as gospel. sheesh - get a clue peeps ;)
Well he didn’t compete at the Eddie, vans or da hui where we would normally expect to see him take advantage of time at pipe with hardly anyone out. Plus all his social
Media has been golfing all over the world so it wouldn’t shock me at all if he hasn’t been surfing.
What evidence do we have?
Kelly jetting all over the world golfing.
Taking advantage of his relationships with key figures in the new Trump admin Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jnr.
No shows at Eddie and all Pipe gigs.
Plus clearly being out of breath on the sand for minutes after getting caught inside at 4ft Backdoor.
Then his literal statement that he is out of shape and hasn't surfed for 5 weeks.
Yes he could be sandbagging with classic Slater mind games, but in this instance, I'm inclined to take him at his word.
Are you interested in a used car ? . One owner, older person , only drove it slow on weekends? Trust me it’s the truth .
RFK junior are you serious? Is Kelly that deluded? It seems like all the high flyers are kissing the ring of MADA (Make America Dumb Again) Trump.
Steve; thanks for colourfully contextualising todays pipe efforts. Your selection of photos are icing on the cake as always.
Ian Gouveia's backhand tube was so yoga, those injuries were forgotten.
The heat highlights are worth watching, though lost some dynamics in the 12x hasty utube edits (maybe caffine withdrawal after 8 hrs on the screen). WSL have 5/6 days till the next comp day...Wed?
Most surfers I know would love to have been surfing these warm waves today.
Thanks for the Surf Shop Display photo Steve.
All previous years banned blatant Surfboard / merch promos in post Heat interviews.
If ya get a chance to view the 2025 Glasshouse Window product displays...
2025 allows Surfers to Promo products during Interviews
12 Men in Winners Circle + 1 WC
You'll notice they now got a Board Stand with Clap / Lame Leggie Display holder the moment it's not mandatory...likely a trial year before modelling assignments!
Product > # of Models / Oddities...
Caps = 11 ( 2x Red Bull / Quiky + 2x back 2 front)
Boards =10 (Ian G / New WAI Board was best AD + Kelly was best at modelling his board)
Some like Kelly or Jordy got a better go at it...seems WSL will lease out Promos in this spot!
Chest/Biceps = 8 Flexes & Pumps...all were blatant otherwise tbb would let it slide...gross!
Watches = (7 Rotten Apples / 2 Black Lolly Pops / 2 not seen + 2 Removed)
Removed Watches Kelly slipped his off From Beach to Interview...Top Secret!
Ramzi likewise lost his watch but can oddly recall exact 1hr16mins with Busted Board (Huh!)
tbb is guessing Ramzi / Kelly watches are being trialled for Next Pool Comp.
Jack / Kanoa wear them Tower of Power Round Watches...see Caroline wears that White One..
tbb has covered this...Watches change during comps / season / finals day / reef Towers!
Sunnies = 7 (No particular Brand stands out to tbb...but Gromz 'd be all over it!)
Leggies = 4 Displays ( 3 used the dud display stand + This here (Above) Loop over the nose)
(Above Photo...Important) See how Caity cleverly does wot Kelly Said...hook it over the Nose...but!
Silly Chiko Chick has hers back to front...Doh! See brand is at good there girlie!
But Steve's Photo clearly combos the Sunnies / Red Bull theme...Know what tbb means...Got it!
If ya see Kelly his Leggy Loops over the Nose to Lord his Leggie Ad over the Comp = #1 Pipe Ad.
Gold Bling = 2 Kanoa has competition > WC Macho Mexican is Shirtless in Disco Chains...Drool!
String Bracelets = 2
So if ya wanna see a Product Trial...
Gillivray + Commentator Lead sell > nice Cap > Board > Leggie + Ian Gentill (ad combo)
Give us a look > Jordy's Daggy Dad range + Wearing his Leggie!
Kelly ( Watch > No Watch? ) + Board / Best clever Kelly Slater Leggie Ad
See also Ramzi No Watch but Perfect to the Minute Timetabling > Bizarre!
That Jousting Jet Ski with weird PVC Pipe...some sorta Poop Scoop / Portaloo Pipe / Pole Dance
Anyhow...Plenty of Kookie Changes in first comp of the Year...
Main one being this switch to WSL Display Window Wax Models
Caity smokes a lot of herb. The others are uptight and could use a puff or two .
If I could smoke a lot of herb. And surf that good I would smoke everyday
Ditto that Sublimey
Nice one, FR.
Caity's flakiness over a steel core is spot on imho.
I was stoked to see Tyler surf really well and look healthy. What a change.
Kellys lucky it was 4 ft and not 8 otherwise it might have been CPR on the beach televised world wide....
Always believe in your soul
You've got the power to know
You're indestructible, always believing
You are gold
Glad that you're bound to return
There's something I could have learned
You're indestructible, always believing
Belief is everything.
Ha, ha-ha, haaaa ha VJ, I know this much is true- someone is a Spandau Ballet fan.
Probs wouldn't go advertising it though.
All Time zenagain.....
Lyrics to sum up Steve's writing, inspiring VJ.
"Life in your new world
Turning round and round
Making some sense
Where there's no sense at all"
No Promises
&si=gHSri-Jzd8LUljUdGeez he looks young and was all those years ago.
Is that a mullet Perm?
Permanent mullet.
When temporary wasn't enough mullet
Peak hair
Hahaha, fast wit zen
Remiss of me not to thank Steve and SN for providing these synopsises. I honestly have not been very excited about this upcoming season, however getting on here reading Steve’s musings has reinvigorated my interest.
Let’s hope for a pumping back end of the forecast.
didn't see any of it live but watched a couple of snippets last night - which then has me totally agreeing with you steve that the 'live'ness of it is where its at - the highlights were a bit underwhelming (but pipe is a high bar).....the photo's in this article make it look way better than the broadcast did.
I realise KS squeaked through for a heat win with a very low total. But when its inco and tricky the guy who's spent the most time on the reef often gets the best waves - an easy mantle to take when you've been surfing the joint for 35 years.
He got through the hardest one (ie small and super clean). With a bigger, windier and tricky backdoor outlook, he will be hard to beat - if he has slept and isn't sick and he's on the right board and....
Cheers for the day 1 wrap Steve. We can sugar coat it though and call the conditions fun all we want. When Toledo beats Barron at pipe you know the conditions ain’t fit for competition.
JJ is probably reasonably surf fit, but he's packed on some pounds for sure. Fil, too.
Phil is $31/1 worth a small wager?
How smalls small?
$50 will get you $1500 and change if he wins.
If he loses, you learn a valuable lesson.
Couldn't pass up those odds. I'm in the running to learn half of a valuable lesson..
He is a former world champion after all..
His first heat, conditions were dreadful, Here's hoping for more of the same...
If you’re throwing money away I reckon Eli and immi are worth a shot. Way longer odds and at least they know the reef and will know which ones to go in cross shore shifty back door.
Tell us about the blue marble again grandpa spacecadet
They love sport there, they have races for everything, walking races, running races, sprinting races, sprinting and jumping over things races, jumping in things, jumping off things. They race bikes, cars, monster trucks, you name it, they sport it, you can race a bull, you could race a cheese wheel.
Woah !!
And they had PRO Surfing !!
Oooh! What's that??
Healthy fit young athletes in bathing suits, paid to surf against each other in competitions to catch the best waves, daring each other to go steeper and deeper behind the curl then lascerate the end section with their whippy styles and spicy manoeuvres, sometimes launching into the sky and gyrating manically.
It's not easy, they had to sacrifice their lives to do this but they had fun, we found inscriptions in the change rooms. ‘Caio is a root rat’ still trying to decode them.
Wow !!
And they had a world tour !!
A whaat ??
To the most beautiful and dangerous oceanside locations, all over the world, with judges and compares, a webcast crew, it was like a big travelling circus and it was beamed live right around the world so everyone could watch and they did, several hundred of them, and then they would get together at the surf website where the best writerer in surfing, the one who could string a coherent sentence together was paid swellcredits to write stories so they could all read about it and make hilarious comments lampooning the lionhearted former world champ.
Phoar !!
And that's the story how we went across the galaxy to find the ultimate human to clone you from, all hail Kelly !!
Hmm, was right before the orange Antichrist fracked the planet to death.
Does anyone around here know how to change a nappy?
Kelly hasn't surfed for 5 weeks.
Must have been staying on SC. :/
Don't get the chance to watch live, so really appreciate the write ups.
"He looked a little out of shape. It spoke to the decision to leave the tour having been made some time ago." FR , would you have written this if it was a womens competitor ?
Possibly not in that language- but if surfers want to be treated as serious athletes, which they do- then they can expect to be written about in those terms.
Very common in other sports for their athleticism, preparation and conditioning to be commented upon.
I'd use UFC, NRL, Tour de France, Boxing, EPL etc etc as examples where I've heard competitors competition readiness spoken about in physical terms.
Kelly doesn't strike me as a guy who stays out of the water that long. I mean I can't even go that long without getting wet just for the sake of it - and he seems no different. Injured?
Agreed Freeride. I still cough-laugh when surfers are talked about in the same context as swimmers, cyclists and the likes.
The surf world is quite delusional when we use the word ‘professional’ when describing the sport……..however, as we do, I think a level of scrutiny regarding their fitness and preparation is more than fair.
I think that language would ( should) be ok for all . I was just takin back by an honest description of a surfers condition , hardly ever hear it . Yet its probably the number 1 topic in most sports .
You won't hear that in Sumo.
Ha! Thanks for the laugh Zen, just got back from ye olde Nihon and watched a few bouts on TV, maybe they'd comment on them not eating enough.... I read up about their training regimes, sounds intense, they don't look it but they are very athletic. Hope you're getting plenty of japan's finest this winter
How are you Mundies? Saw the name there and wondered if you'd been getting amongst it. Where'd you go? Mate of mine sent a pic from Tsugiake yesterday and the lift line was at least 200m long and a lift ticket over 10,000yen a day- WTF?!! Nagano is cooked, Chinese buying anything that moves and Euro's taking over Aussies.
Sad to say haven't been once this season but heading up Monday to little local place in Yamagata- only a Ropeway and three pair lifts. This month I should get out a few times.
Hope you're well.
Ps- you want freshies in Japan? Hire a car and explore Tohoku.
Good call. Just got back from Yamagata / Tohoku region. Had a great trip, very quiet on the hills. The only lift line I encountered was for a gondola to a tourist attraction peak, the line was all non-skiing Chinese and Japanese tourists. Only did that once.
Otherwise lots of fresh lines without much competition for them. My daughter had her 14th birthday while we were there and we barely bothered going into the trees, a good layer of powder topping the groomers kept us happy all morning.
Sweet. I love the quiet hills here. Maybe C-grade facilities but A+ snow. I follow the storms now these days- quality over quantity.
Good waves too- all day offshores, water turns blue.
Come back soon.
Edit: I know where you were. I love that spot. Beautiful place not so far away from there you can ski in May too.
Yep we pretty much aim for a mid winter trip to Japan every year, it's too good not to. Lots of mountainous nooks and crannies to explore, most likely heading back to the same region next year, at least for part of the trip. Mid-winter Japanese surf not really on my radar, too much gear to lug around and plenty of waves at home.
Stay safe, the hills are loaded at the moment with a bit of a slide layer from that warm 2 days a week and a half ago. I saw footage of a substantial avi inbounds somewhere in the Hakuba Valley three days ago, scary shit.
Will do, thanks man and back atcha.
Hit me up next year. Maybe we can meet up.
Hey Zen, yes will do. Aiming to spend a bit longer and probably hire a van and seek out some harder to find places. What approx locale are you based in again? I have a feeling you've given me that info before but that'd be buried under 100,000 SN posts
I'm in Northern Ibaraki so mainly go out to Fukushima either the Bandai area or Aizu area. I try and get around too- love Geto in Iwate but that's become popular cause the snow is so deep. I love Yamagata and like to explore more of Gunma.
I love the roadtrip just as much as the boarding.
Yep, hit us up through SN, i'll do my best to hook up.
Thanks mate, hope you have a great season.
Mt G in May?
Correct IB.
Aiming to ride G next season
Great first day in my opinion, finally got to sit down and watch all the heats.
Interesting as always, fil looks great on the quad. Jordy has been on tour 18 years.
Robbo and jjf are wizards.
Yet the most switched on surfer I watched was Ian gentil.
Old mate looked great on a black sled with a sticker. Hope he gets a full year.
Seth looked good also.
Title race is anyone's. Who has the most hunger and drive
An Ethiopian cabbie?
You win. Daylight second!
Took me a second or two to figure it out Zen - cracker. One of your best.
Classic! You could teach a few other poster's in these threads about how to be clear and succinct.
Keep em coming.....