Rebuilding the Twinny

At first I figured the points had been ground down, but after doing a bit of searching it seems MC made a few swallows that were shallow with rounded points.
See below.
Though he also did some more orthodox pointed ones so the choice is yours (prefer sharp swallows myself).

Dick Van Straalen also shapes rounded fish tails. I have a quad fish with the rounded ends & and keel fish with pointy ends. Both fly ~~
Hi all - a question for the old crew or shaping history freaks. Just got my hands on an old Michael Cundith Sky. Was looking for an in-between board for my daughter as none of my performance boards are right - and stumbled across this old girl. More nostalgia for me - as I had a flouro hot pink Michael Cundith as my first board after learning on the obligatory brothers hand me down. I still remember picking it out as it sat on the lawn of the Sky factory in Byron.
Anyway! Memories aside - I want to rebuild the tail but not sure if the originals were a rounded swallow or sharp. My old Aloha twinny had a sharp swallow (used to smash it on the ground all the time) but not sure if this rounded design is the original design intent or its just been rounded off over the years by smashing it!
Any ideas welcome.