fish: twin fin or quad?

jackymac's picture
jackymac started the topic in Tuesday, 16 Feb 2010 at 9:50am

Hey guy,

I have been looking at getting a fish surfboard for a few months now. I have ridden my mates twin fin recently and really enjoyed it, but after researching found out that quad fins hold better in larger surf. I have been looking into a twinnies but would also like to ride larger and a little hollower surf as well as smaller fatter waves. As i haven't really ridden a quad fish i wouldn't really be able to be the judge of this. I was just wondering what peoples' thoughts and opinions are on a twins VS quad fin fishes. Also can types of fins such as keels have different affect and hold on a wave as well?

Thanks heaps

speedneedle's picture
speedneedle's picture
speedneedle Tuesday, 16 Feb 2010 at 10:25am

Hey Jacky,

A quad can be given a greater range of wave sizes it'll handle, through the use of different fins. Rake, base width and depth are factors.

Twin fins will be more dependent on tail width for hold:- Pulled-in tail, then big raked fins further back. MR's are a classic example...he handled some serious size on twinnys.
These same factors would restrict the board as a groveller. There's also a point after which your'e restricted to glass-ons in a normal-construction board, because big fins can rip out fin systems.

One of my alltime keepers is a twinny, but it has limitations...It'll drift easily, spin out when pushed too hard and is utterly impossible to ride backhand. The drift is fun in certain situations, but in a bit of juice it often costs me.

For reliability and versatility in a good range of waves, go a quad, and have a bunch of fin options on hand.


rpugh's picture
rpugh's picture
rpugh Tuesday, 16 Feb 2010 at 11:49am

I have ridden both. With the twin you get amazing turning ability, but when it comes to drive and trying to pump it you get no where. With the quad you get more hold, more speed but sacrifice a TINY bit of turning ability. They are still really fun and loose and you can surf them backhand with out drifting out like the twin.

blak's picture
blak's picture
blak Tuesday, 16 Feb 2010 at 10:46pm

I have a 6'10 fish with twin keel fins.
Maximum Ive had it out in was 3-4 foot waves and it was fine.
Interested to see how it goes in much bigger stuff though.

westy71's picture
westy71's picture
westy71 Tuesday, 16 Feb 2010 at 11:22pm

Definitely go for a quad...

Speed, arc, power through turns (no flats spots experienced in Twinnies - drift), very very agile... no contest in my opinion...

Have a look at Murray Bourton’s website for some more accurate detail on quads...

I have ridden them (almost exclusively) for the last 5 years after riding twinnies for about 2... True they will hold bigger waves, I prefer my semi gun when it gets over 2 metres, but on the Sunny Coast this is not that often... I am riding a Lost Round Nose Quad at the moment & am loving it...

Good luck… DAve

Btw – some surf shops will have test drive boards…. Or pick up a cheap 2nd hand on ebay????

nev89's picture
nev89's picture
nev89 Wednesday, 17 Feb 2010 at 2:38am

hey jack,

a keel fish will fly in small to medium surf including hollow sucky waves ... checkout what joel tudor does on one on youtube (one california day). quads will also fly in the small stuff & will surf up into much bigger surf depending on what model you go for ... their are traditional & modern rockets. checkout sixounce board store in sydney ... ben sells dick van straalen, mackie, sea & MOTE fishes ... keel & quad all my great (hand) shapers. there are all sorts of places to buy a more modern quad including base & diverse. .... good luck & enjoy the trip.

jackymac's picture
jackymac's picture
jackymac Monday, 1 Mar 2010 at 2:25am

ok i am still undecided because i keep riding my mates twinny and loving it. but its only been fairly small surf. anyone got any estimates on like how much bigger a quad would hold in larger surf as to a twin fin. i currently got a 6'0 short board so i am thinking bigger surf i am to pull out my short board but still very unsure on a quad or twin. i really like the looseness of the twin fin. the fish fry is coming up in 2 weeks and i am looking to get one there.

thanks heaps

olskool's picture
olskool's picture
olskool Friday, 9 Apr 2010 at 2:42am

hey jack,

you have probly got yourself a board by now but i have lust got myself a 6'4" quad.i got this made so i can ride it in bigger surf as i ride a fish any other time.the fish does get a litle scetchy in over head stuff so i got this board for bigger surf.i am stoked with and had it out in realy good size surf,7-8'face.both boards are quads and i love how they ride.i also have any old twinny and they are so simular in shape,all 3 the best,i say go the quad.....

stred's picture
stred's picture
stred Wednesday, 26 May 2010 at 10:34am

QUAD FINS how many training wheels do you need man
i have a 6.6 twiny & it will ride anything from 2ft guna to 8tf bells (yep i had it out on the last big fiday at bells). ifn you want a good one cruise down to rye & find mick pearce for a twiny that flys over the flat spots & you can still do the big turns on it . micks even got a few pics of himself riding gland at 10ft plus on the nose of his twiny

olskool's picture
olskool's picture
olskool Friday, 11 Jun 2010 at 2:39am

Sted, you could be right and im about to get into boardmaking and twinnies are on the menue.i will put your theary to the test......stay posted...