Board options - Scorpion

skik's picture
skik started the topic in Sunday, 5 May 2013 at 6:04pm

Hi All,

Trying my hand to get in the water and sussing out if the board i have is too small to use?
I have been given an opportunity to purchase at a very cheap rate a used (10times) Donald Takayama - Scorpion Quad tuflite 5'10 to learn on in Perth and surrounds from mate in good nick.

Just wondering if this board is too small even if i was an intermediate to use? I am 5'10 (175cm) and 78kg. Is it worthwhile looking for another hybrid/fun board a little longer maybe in the 6'2 or 6'4 range? And if so what do you suggest?

I dont want a long board and dont ming slugging out the hours doing it tough learning as i am now able to get out there 2 x times a week on average. Would prefer an all round board for Perth metro / South west WA and Indonesia.


50young's picture
50young's picture
50young Monday, 6 May 2013 at 9:17am

Board would be ok for intermediate but is probaly not enough volume for a beginner at 37litres. You want to get a good wave count, so you can learn and progress and surfing only 2 x a week won't keep your paddle fitness up there. A little more volume will allow you to catch more waves and give you more stablity until you are more comfortable on popping up and standing on your board. Just my humble opinion

more's picture
more's picture
more Monday, 6 May 2013 at 5:11pm

bigger, wider , more foam, more stability, easier when learning, try 8fter. or 7'6" mini-mal for few months to get alot