Artificial reef cams

I noticed that these two cams went down when the V8's came to Surfers but they haven't gone back up since. Such a shame as it's the only two cams that are front facing for the beachies up this way.
Hoping someone from SW will see this and provide some further information!

You could send an email.
Just saying
I find the free access Nazza cam the best of the 2

Always on it wrote:You could send an email.
I could but didn't think of doing this given the admins of SW frequent the forum so I figured I'd chime in on an existing thread.

what happened to being able to zoom in , whilst checking the waves on the cameras

Yes, it would be good if we could have another cam back on the northern end of the G.C. Ideal would be at the sandpumping jetty or Phililp Park at Seaworld.

They'll be back soon, apologies for the inconvenience.

Hi Ben, just backing up HowardS. It's been a long time since these northern GC cams went down, any word yet on if/when they'll be back on?

Hi Ben,
The cams on the northern end of the GC have been out for almost a year. Can we expect to see perhaps one cam for the northern end anytime in the foreseeable future?

Can't you guys clean all the cameras or does it have to rain? to clean them

nice of you to offer, kez, keep the pressure up
Hey, just wondering if you are aware of both artificial reef cams on Gold Coast being off-line?
Maybe not accessed as much as some of the others, but they were a factor in my decision to subscribe to swellnet. Great service and the other cams are great. Hopefully this issue can be sorted. Thanks.