Shapers FCS 2 compatible fins

cgrover's picture
cgrover started the topic in Sunday, 11 Mar 2018 at 10:02am

I noticed these are now available - I was told that FCS had tied the rights to the new system as tight as a fish's bum. Anyone got any info?

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Sunday, 11 Mar 2018 at 8:44pm

Not the case by the looks- Gorilla fins do them
And then theres Mic Fin from the Mick Fanning store in China- Ali Express

Patent Pending the FCS design saga - by Stu Nettle

lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy Sunday, 11 Mar 2018 at 8:51pm

Soar was making them with fcsii front tab and fcs1 back because they said the clip lock was the patent.