The Gulf oil spill impacts on wildlife

floyd's picture
floyd started the topic in Sunday, 6 Jun 2010 at 5:22am


mishy1's picture
mishy1's picture
mishy1 Sunday, 13 Jun 2010 at 4:07am

how sad is this!! As surfers, we appreciate the little aspects of nature...anything to do with the water and look at it! Totally ruined by the ignorance of people today. Oil=money and that is all that people seem to care about today. Im sure to say that we are all disappointed by this misfortune.

mtw's picture
mtw's picture
mtw Sunday, 13 Jun 2010 at 6:38am

You would think that with the huge impact that this has not only on the nature but also on the small bussinesman who depends on the ocean like fisherman etc, that the engineers who design the machinery which extracts the oil should have a saftey net of some sort. It should be mandatory that the machinery as a whole should have a master shut off or valve which can be shut and is failsafe. Yep the machinery would cost a lot more but hey look at what can happen. We have a heap of gas and oil rigs around our costline, it could easily happen off one of our pristine beaches.

floyd's picture
floyd's picture
floyd Sunday, 13 Jun 2010 at 6:57am

Our coastline is definitely not safe. How many weeks ago was it that an iron ore carrier hit The Great Barrier Reef taking a short cut and a week later the coastal/shipping channel authorities were ignored by another ship in the same area when it was told to stick to the designated shipping channel?

Anyone who thinks it can't happen here has got rocks in their head and that is why what is happening in the Gulf with BP is important to us all.

subject22's picture
subject22's picture
subject22 Monday, 28 Jun 2010 at 7:56am

I'll put my 2c in..."ignorance of people today"?
That would be you and me.
I drive a car, i have plastic everywhere in my house and I even mow my lawn oncein a while.
So its our fault that theses companies have to take such risks to get oil. If we dont buy oil products(which is impossible) then they would have no reason to drill for oil..Human's are the greedy one's...its not just the oil companies fault..we are all at fault.