Has ASP stuffed up world title outcome results

pblewis's picture
pblewis started the topic in Thursday, 15 Nov 2012 at 5:39pm

Can people please correct me if im wrong but ASP has stuff up the hypothetical world title outcome.


If parko comes 13th, 9th or 5th, kelly only needs a 13th to win the world title. Parko currently on 53900, if he places 13th, 9th or 5th (with his 2 throwaways) leaves him on 49900. Kelly's on 50700, if he places 13th (his 2 throwaways are 13th & INJ) leaves him with 50200.

Parko needs at least a 3rd AND for kelly to bomb out at 13th, for parko to win the world title.

Please let me know if you think ive stuff up the calc.

pblewis's picture
pblewis's picture
pblewis Friday, 16 Nov 2012 at 9:07am

these are what the ASP says the outcome will be, but the points just dont add up

If Parkinson finishes 13th, 9th or 5th at the Billabong Pipe Masters:
- Slater needs a 5th or higher to take the 2012 ASP World Title.
- Fanning needs to win at Pipeline to take the 2012 ASP World Title.*
*Contingent upon Slater finishing 5th or Lower at Pipeline.

If Parkinson finishes Equal 3rd at the Billabong Pipe Masters:
- Slater needs a 3rd or higher to take the 2012 ASP World Title.
- Fanning needs to win at Pipeline to take the 2012 ASP World Title.*
*Contingent upon Slater finishing 5th or Lower at Pipeline.

If Parkinson finishes 2nd at the Billabong Pipe Masters:
- Slater needs to win at Pipeline to take the 2012 ASP World Title.
- Fanning cannot win the 2012 ASP World Title.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 16 Nov 2012 at 9:40am

Hi Pblewis,

The ASP have it correct this time, read my comments at the bottom of this story to try and understand what the current situation is.


pblewis's picture
pblewis's picture
pblewis Friday, 16 Nov 2012 at 10:04am

Ive read your comments and can see theyve been worked out prior to the cold water classic, this event has now been run, and only 1 event remaining, so ive been working off the current points tally to date.

According to ASP website, with 1 event to go, the rating sit as:

Parko 53900
Kelly 50700

At worst case for kelly (he bombs out at 13th) which brings his total score to 52450, this leaves kelly with his 2 throwaways being a 13th & and Injury, so the adjusted total will be 50200.

For parko to win the title (assumming kelly's 13th place) he needs to better 50200.

If parko gets 5th, his total points will be 59100, take way his 2 throwaways(9th and 5th) his adjusted total will be 49900. which is not enough.

If parko places 3rd, his total points will be 60400, take away his 2 throwaways (9th and 5th) leaves him 51200. Parko wins world title.

A 5th wont be good enough for parko to win world title, even if kelly only gets a 13th.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 16 Nov 2012 at 10:22am

No, the totals have been worked out after the Cold Water Classic, and also adjusted to already drop the worst result.

So if Parko gets 3rd, he will actually be on 55200, and if Kelly also gets 3rd then he will be on 55450, giving Kelly the win.

If Parko gets a 5th, and Kelly 13th, Parko will win. So a 5th is good enough for Parko as long as Kelly bombs out straight away, which is highly doubtful.

Also if Parko gets 5th, and Kelly gets 9th, Parko will win by 50 points! 53900 Parko to 52950 for Kelly.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 16 Nov 2012 at 10:29am

You are forgetting to take that 5200 (13th) points, which is a throw away from that 60400 pblewis, that's where you are going wrong, and same with the 59100.

pblewis's picture
pblewis's picture
pblewis Friday, 16 Nov 2012 at 10:35am

i think i see what you mean now craig.

ASP website total score are tallied as best 8 events of 9 so fair (with the possibility of all surfers gaining a possible throwaway in event 10), and not tallied as a total of 9 events with the throway results tallied at end of the tour.

Cheers for that, i had a feeling i was missing something and glad someone could clear it up

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 16 Nov 2012 at 10:37am

Yeah, they've made it a tad confusing including the throwaway already, but I'm glad you understand it now.

pblewis's picture
pblewis's picture
pblewis Friday, 16 Nov 2012 at 10:40am

maybe the ASP made the same mistake i did last year..haha