~ Random Insta Pics and Clips ~

Lungi channeling China.

23 ft Great white having a snack

simba wrote:23 ft Great white having a snack
I’m surprised the photographer didn’t take a selfie with old mate.

Does it come with a mast ?

This is absolutely wild . https://www.facebook.com/share/v/7g5n3S7jKFptZths/?mibextid=WC7FNe

That’s awesome for all. Especially for the kids to have their father in their lives now.

Yep, whatever you think of what he did, that is a great photo. And whatever you think of KRudd and Albo, they should be commended for the job they did getting him home, eventually.. Those kids getting a day at the beach with their dad...priceless. I hope he goes well.

adam12 wrote:Yep, whatever you think of what he did, that is a great photo. And whatever you think of KRudd and Albo, they should be commended for the job they did getting him home, eventually.. Those kids getting a day at the beach with their dad...priceless. I hope he goes well.
agree. and if the things in that pic can't help a broken feller get healthy, nothing can.

^ spot on b6 ;)
- he even has the opportunity to explore new things like creating and customizing sandwiches, or exposing the recipes which pose a threat ;);)

adam12 wrote:Yep, whatever you think of what he did, that is a great photo. And whatever you think of KRudd and Albo, they should be commended for the job they did getting him home, eventually.. Those kids getting a day at the beach with their dad...priceless. I hope he goes well.
Adam12. Hi mate. Hope you’re well.
I think that’s The Photo of The Year by far, even better than a surf one.
Totally full of meaning on many levels. The joy on all their faces is priceless. AW

What foam do they use in those lucid boards?
The stockies on their page look good from Gunther and Webby. I assume a FF channel bottom will be even more than the $2k +/- on those.

Farken great idea.
Amazed it hasn't been thought of sooner.

Hedgehog would have gone mad on day 3 of the Olympics.

Casual as

If you’re wondering where your luggage went . This is at sanur harbour

Ha those slippery slides are a death trap.
Bare foot for safety