
The voice of an angel.

seems a very interesting human, too ^
Grace Cummings is playing at Adelaide's Crown and Anchor, two days before Garage Sale in a few weeks..
(been saving sbs' 'this town'. cold and rainy day, reckon I'll binge it in chunks)..

About a week ago.
Live at the isle of Wight festival.
Fucken insane.
They haven't lost a bit of it.
(skip to the 3min mark)

Happy Canada Day to those who celebrate such things.

I’ve never seen this before. Anyone else?

seeds wrote:I’ve never seen this before. Anyone else?
Saw them together at a Big Day Out. Can't recall what year.

Here's one thing I'd never seen before.
While searching YouTube for music yesterday:

- I think it was '92 the BDO, another collab in article

....hang in there stu ;)

Will do.

stunet wrote:Here's one thing I'd never seen before.
While searching YouTube for music yesterday:
Yep exactly same thing happened to me when searching for the same band.
Geez they were good a little while back on Sunny Coast!!

..speaking of Henry Garfield...
from around '81/'82 the DC two-piece below, Snakes, was doing tongue-in-cheek pisstake punk, surrounded by the emerging hardcore and straightedge dudes (Minor Threat, Dag Nasty, Fugazi, etc). Henry was in a band with them (SOA), and convinced 20-yr-old Ian MacKaye to record the Snakes duo for Dischord records, but they were eventually released on the Discard sub-label, cos they weren't seen as cool enough by Ian, et al. (though punk pathetique was an authentic part of the DC scene.. ):
"everyone did these serious bands but then we all made ridiculous tapes at the same time, which were always more fun than the real bands. I have this tape of a new romantic band called Show 'n' Tell, which was Ian (MacKaye), me (Michael Hampton, Snakes, SOA), Eddie Janney (Faith, Rites of Spring), Mark Sullivan (Kingface), Ivor Hanson (SOA, Faith) and those are actually really good songs. We were trying to do Flock of Seagulls"..
I can't find that, (unfortunately!), but for $8, here's the Snakes debut:
or a free taste:
this stuff is very listenable for lovers of Meanies, Hard-ons, etc.. but if you like your punk like you like your wrestling, below is a gem of a clip from some of the above musos:

^^ Alec Mackaye, you-know-who's brudda, on vocals.
That Snakes song is great. DC hardcore encouraged monomania, short songs, stripped back, it was part of the monastic appeal - even shaved their heads like monks - but it also meant harmony and irreverence were in short supply.
That said, I enjoy the occasional Minor Threat live clip, especially the gigs in halls and rooms where there's no raised stage so the band and audience are level and bedlam ensues.
Like this. Minor Threat's greatest minute played live. Yeah it's a cover but whack it in the basket labelled 'covers that are better than the originals'.

that's epic; that guy throwing himself onto his own face halfway through sums up the scene's exquisite commitment.

These guys are good. Plini. (no singing lol ;)
Young bloke got me onto them he's a mad guitarist.
He saw them in Copenhagen last night.

Minor Threat/Ian Mackaye legendary stuff.
Grew up on that Minor Threat album.
Seemed like each song got faster than the one before it.
Original punk ethos. Respect.

+1 for Plini.
Cenny coast boy FWIW.
Had tickets to see him and Sungazer a couple of months ago, until the mrs pointed out that leaving her at home with a newborn and a toddler wouldn't be a wise move... mates said it was a great show.

Clowns are scary....
Scary good!

Happy Sunday Crew ~ Thanx for the Tunes...enjoy yer week...Keep The Fire Burning...


Speaking of Minor threat, right now im just listening to a great Podcast with Ian talking about recording Out of step. (the early EPs were much better though)
Great podcast, the pixies surfer rosa was a good listen and surprisingly the violent femmes ST was even better.
Yet to listen to any others a few good albums covered though like from Melvins, Mudhonry etc

Thanks for that ID.
From left field comes a visit from a band I hadn't paid attention to since they had their cocks in their socks and jumped up and down a lot.
Oddly the refresher came via my prodigious 14-year old nephew playing a song of theirs I hadn't really known, and upon lyrical inspection appears yet another ode to Hillel Slovak - released twenty-something years after his death and who-knows-how-many other musical odes later.
If Caravaggio can endure down through the ages for painting nude salad-dodgers then Anthony Kiedis can find his muse - and keep finding his muse - in the needle and damage done.

I think I’ve posted about these guys before but to be so young (16-17) and come out with a song like this is fucking epic.
Too bad two of them died of heroin overdoses at 30/31
Never get sick of this one.

Joel Silbesher is still kicking around. Plays in Headland, do live soundtracks to surf films, worth catching.

blackers wrote:Joel Silbesher is still kicking around. Plays in Headland, do live soundtracks to surf films, worth catching.
The guys that Torren uses in his clips? Wow, didn’t know that. Thanks blackers

yeh, wow @blackers, didn't peg the connections, cheers

blackers wrote:Joel Silbesher is still kicking around. Plays in Headland, do live soundtracks to surf films, worth catching.
Hoss still play semi-regularly. Always worth checking them out...extremely underrated band.

thermalben wrote:stunet wrote:seeds wrote:I’ve never seen this before. Anyone else? them together at a Big Day Out. Can't recall what year.
Didn't the HardOns also tour a BDO with JerryA?
Yes 1993

Thanks for the Tunes...
tbb is gonna take a rain check & let his Record collection do the talking...
Pluck out a Top Shelf treat for the Crew...if ya aint got this Oz Comp...just kill to get it!
Found the Whole LP...crew will freakout at the quality of this Post Apocalyptic Groove!
tbb was honing in on the first track to perfectly tribute our Politics of the Day!
Recommend to enjoy this quality Oz Alt Comp LP as recorded...
Now! This was a one off but spawned Young Blood II / III ( Ain't got 2 but also got III on CD )
Be stoked if crew could share the groove on [II] ( If crew dig this we can revisit (III)
Those wading in for the Super Cool Tracks...
Bonus CD...( tbb will include Bonus Opening Track so crew can read up on their fave tracks / bands)
Mostly coz this is actually a Sampler so it's hard to lock in info! You'll wanna know more!
#1 All Hail the New Right {Trilobites} Obvious Masterpiece ... A Play for Today!
#2 Heaven {The Faith} Check out this Bunnymen/Yardbirds Tribute! OMGodz...
#5 Down to the Tip {Violet Town} Naturally love this Gritty number!
#8 Psycho {Hipslingers} If the opening track blows yer away...then this will bowl ya over!
The Australian tribute to Dave Vanian / Damned (Nope! Not a Cover but an Audacious Classic Salute!)
Honestly...Love the Damned then these Impossibles will leave ya Drooling for more!
This Track should be on Damned [Anything LP]...( Better than impossibly excellent ) Hooked 4 life!
Kinda weird theme of familiar hooks were sought for this School of Classic Rock Lesson.
Each song lends a hint to their maker but all just load it up & shoot for the moon...Skyrockets!
Some real clever bugger is toying with our tiny minds...Oh yes Please Master!
Reckon the crew will like any / all these trax...plenty of choice examples & all timeless compositions.
Salute the Quality Timeless Presentation of this Compilation...A true Oz Dedication...
Let Oz Perfection wash over ya...then > Check the YouTube counter...[121] Views Shh!
Ben's Tunes Special Treat > Keep it a Secret...STFU!
Makes tbb's job supa easy...simply salute the crew that put this LP together!
All know what they like...plenty to like here...Enjoy yer timeless transfusion of Young Blood.
Supadoopaplainridiculoushowbagsurprisebonustreat just for Ben's Tunes inner sanctum.
Officially stoked by swellnet drum circle!
Our Secret Shit Hot Band...keep it on the down low 3peat...Yep! One of those!
Ya mean like a Sacred Cow that keeps on givin' said it Man...Just Chill & enjoy!

Great work TBB, I have that compilation on cassette still. Will give it a roll later, thanks for bringing back some memories.

Cheers blackers...Correction tbb has Young Blood [1] LP + [2][3][4] CD's
Yes...they do keep up the Quality...very good Collector set!
Be interested if ya check Cassette...There is an Anomaly on the You Tube [1] CD version...
On both track listings shown above...neither resemble the LP.
tbb's fav song is missing
Battledress by Brizzo Band '1313 Mockingbird Lane'
Ya just gotta get this Roo Art recording of this Track..
Can share the rough Alt version...but these guys polished it into real Powerhouse Gem.
You can listen & read the same...about the rough (Poison Girls Crass Like Edit) here...
Roo Art really kick this track as the standout tune but also a credit to Bris' Bands!
tbb thinks they were made to pull the Band as it clashed with US psych band.
Mainly coz it links to US Band on some reviews!
Makes the LP even more rare...just get the Young Blood edit of Battledress (It's that Good!)
Lifts this 'Crass Like' track into overdrive...if any can cue it...Yes! Please!

you're right, tbb, they really stepped it up a notch ; )

blackers wrote:Great work TBB, I have that compilation on cassette still. Will give it a roll later, thanks for bringing back some memories.
You still own something to give it a roll on?
Blackers on next series of Hoarders!

seeds wrote:blackers wrote:Great work TBB, I have that compilation on cassette still. Will give it a roll later, thanks for bringing back some memories.
You still own something to give it a roll on?
Blackers on next series of Hoarders!
Ha funny fecker. I have a stereo from years back that keeps on giving. Vinyl, tapes, CD and radio even. Inputs for digital even. The cassette output quality is nearly CD level if the tape is in good condition. The young uns love this sort of stuff, its worth a bomb now - check ebay.

Ha. Bloody love it.
Made em to last back then!

Musical interlude III,
Sorry, wrong thread

A tune from the greatest tribute band ever - The Misfats.

I too know a truly great tribute band.

^ haha, but wait..... there's more ;)
- stumbled upon this on me way to planet heaven

....and something more palatable
- still involving interstellar outfits ;)

velocityjohnno wrote:I too know a truly great tribute band.
Blimey. Had to check. Guess it was them that did this one all along then? Equally good quality.






Re: Young Blood LP. Seeing the Trilobites on there sent me down memory lane. I'm pretty sure the track (All hail the new right) was on a surf movie back in the day - which led me to buying Savage Mood Swing.....It was awesome to relisten after so many years.
On another topic, I've been listening to "Shake some Action" - an audio book by Stuart Coupe. While a lot of the bands he mentions don't ring a bell, many of the others do and it's also sent me down a Flaming Groovies rabbit hole. I mention the book, because this guy holed up in Adelaide in his early writing years and I know there are a couple of SA music fiends out there. B6 and Ben from memory amongst others. Probably worth checking out for you guys.

Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.