Australia - you're standing in it

A Salty Dog wrote:andy-mac wrote:Crazy!
Knew Craig, trained and hung with him a bit when living in Bali.
Fark he cleaned up!!
Not a great look for our leader of the opposition, but no doubt will be ignored.Jordie should stock up on fire extinguishers: someone will get their Calvin Kleins in a twist over this.
Guy has balls no doubting that.
He has and is upsetting some powerful people.
I have fears for his safety.
Really need some 'real' journos if they still exist in Australia to follow up, but won't hold my breath.

How good is the UK?
14 years of Tories govt

^ rumour is the brummies want to slowly transition to a peaky blinders themed city.

Dutton…polling above the current PM. Lol
Sea legs Dutton vs Air miles Albo.

basesix wrote:^ rumour is the brummies want to slowly transition to a peaky blinders themed city.
could be worse

adam12 wrote:adam12 wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:& for Adam, the 10 Mercs sound wonderfully ostentatious, a mate's mum had the late 70s 280 sedan, that thing was a tank. Always loved cars but have very pedestrian taste - collect the ones you want if you can, and enjoy them. Teaching my youngest manual on a 5L V8 was a colourful experience.
Yep, think your mates mum's was probably a w116 280, they did them with carby (280S) and fuel injected (280SE), they were the early S series mercs. I had a 280SE, beautiful white one with the rare headlight grilles, sold it last year. They also put the same engines in the smaller chassis w114 mercs, I've still got one of them, a rare rust free one sitting in my shed waiting for a resto. But the "beast"or "tank" from that era is the magnificent w116 450 SEL 6.9, biggest engine MB ever put in a production car, a 6.9L V8, was the fastest car on the road for a long time. It had this one off amazing fluid suspension system in that model, smoothest drive you could imagine and plant your foot and it peeled your eyeballs back in their sockets. I had a silver one about a decade ago, my favorite ever car and have regretted selling it ever since the day I did. A guy offered me stupid money for it when I was trying to sell him another car.
Anyway, here it is, the 6.9 in all it's glory, this one is the milano brown, from the movie Ronin, check the J turn at the start of this clip...
The 6.9 was also the car used by Claude Lalouch in this famous short film from 1972, "C'etait un Rendezvous" where he strapped a camera to the bumper and took a white knuckle ride through the streets of pre dawn Paris. He dubbed a Ferrari engine over the sound track to disguise it, and to disguise the fact that it was him driving his own car. Everyone thought it was a racing car driver in a Ferrari, but Claude later told the truth, it was his car, he was driving, and I think I remember reading he had his mother in law in the back seat for the whole ride.
Reposted this for VJ, in case he missed my reply on the other pge
Just caught up with it Adam, yes friend's mum's car must have been the 280SE. The 6.9 is crazy! I always loved the GS Fairmonts, you could take a Fairmont and option it up to GT level, but it was a bit more discreet. Love the 302Ws, one of ours is 54 now and it turns over like butter, better than new cars do.

"Guy has balls no doubting that.
He has and is upsetting some powerful people.
I have fears for his safety.
Really need some 'real' journos if they still exist in Australia to follow up, but won't hold my breath."
where's the real journos indeed?
but more importantly, where the fuck is labor?
like really really where the fuck!
you cannot tell me two bit comedian jordies knows this shit and they don't...
please don't try and tell me that
yeh, they say a word here and there... but cannot lay it all out?
It's just like the ICAC
the club protects it's own...
(australia must be the best in the world when it comes to covert corruption... public taken for absolute suckers... again...)

sypkan wrote:"Guy has balls no doubting that.
He has and is upsetting some powerful people.
I have fears for his safety.
Really need some 'real' journos if they still exist in Australia to follow up, but won't hold my breath."where's the real journos indeed?
but more importantly, where the fuck is labor?
like really really where the fuck!
you cannot tell me two bit comedian jordies knows this shit and they don't...
please don't try and tell me that
yeh, they say a word here and there... but cannot lay it all out?
It's just like the ICAC
the club protects it's own...
(australia must be the best in the world when it comes to covert corruption... public taken for absolute suckers... again...)
Yep agree....
Thought they would have gone hard on him and others, plenty of dirt I am sure as well as parliamentary privilege....
But alas, no....
NACC proved to be a limp lettuce with Robodebt, but hopefully something will see light of day.
Dr Hughes offered a creative solution for Mr Irwin to bounce back.
"Call one of the crocs 'Pauline' or something at your farm. And go,
'Pauline, she's always cranky but we have to feed her still.'

GuySmiley wrote:How good is the UK?
14 years of Tories govt
There was a daming ABC one a little while ago quoting the numbers for the whole of the UK showing the mess left from conservative rule for the life of me I cannot find it.
PS this The UK is poorer, sicker and more unsafe. Did the Conservatives break Britain?
As recently as 17 years ago, Britons were the richest people in any of the world's large economies.
Since then, they've gone backwards, more than any other large economy.
So what was the austerity program, and how much is it to blame?

Yes but they don't have to bow to Brussels anymore so they are winning, no?

blackers wrote:Yes but they don't have to bow to Brussels anymore so they are winning, no?
^^ NO

blackers wrote:Yes but they don't have to bow to Brussels anymore so they are winning, no?
^^ NO

Sadly there are some over there who still believe that Guy. Btw, I like the way you felt so strongly about my little joke you made your point twice.

^ classic

Just paid my rego , must be the Only Bill I pay that has gone down , since the Good Old Days .
Also received today an Infringement Notice from the Police .
I somehow drove on a bloody Toll Road , that I wasn't Registered 2 Drive on ffs .
Dodge one bullet on the Roads and got hit in the Pop Bum , by another ($192) .
Pops GPS needs an Upgrade , as have been banned by code: 2354 , from cruising .

Just watched the press conference.
Bunch of Muppets, wouldn't trust them to organise a hot dinner, never mind nuclear power...

^^ Nationals tail wildly wagging the Liberal dog to death

andy-mac wrote:Just watched the press conference.
Bunch of Muppets, wouldn't trust them to organise a hot dinner, never mind nuclear power...
heard most of it on ABC radio...
my gawwwds, they certainly gone all in on nuclear...
looks like we're gonna have a nuclear election!
in more ways than one...

might be just enough to save albo's arse...
I dunno though

Going Nuclear , started Voldy's focus on Energy and has blown Up the 2030 Target Things !
The Theme is getting attention and publicity .
7 Sites , enough Power to Power a State or 2 .
Seems like Australian's aren't THAT scared of Nuclear Energy .
Good !
If Nuclear gets the Tick , Gas will Bloom .
One Page is more than Enough , 2 get Dutton on TV , talking about High Electricity prices .
He is Blowing up Albo at the same time , as he will do nothing , except try and scare us !
Dutton is offering a Solution 2 a major problem , that's a start .

Renewable/Nuclear saga rolls on while nobody notices the gas

Thanks VJ !
David sums it up .
Gas is the Elephant in the Room , when discussing Australia's clean Energy Transition , if you want cheap Electricity .
We lack ONLY , the Political Will , to let an Industry do what it does so well , Get Gas out of the ground .
As soon a the PM gives it the tick , the Banks will Lend companies the money , to build these Australian Owned Gas Stations .
All the Gas can stay here .
We also Change the Export Gas Tax's , to Qatar Style .
No exceptions .

personally I'd prefer more gas through this transition stage until the technology sorts itself out
be that renewables or nukes...
unfortunately labor went all anti-gas about 2 years ago in their zeal... they corrected course a little, a few weeks ago...
but copped shit for it
one thing where dutton's got it over them - and Its a big one - a big one where labor totally fucked up...
the nuke reactors will be commonwealth owned!
I'm still anti-nukes... but for anyone with a nasty big power bill, from a nasty big corporation...
this is a massive advantage/selling point
(labor picked at the post by liberals!
...undoing the massive failure that is neoliberalism...)
labor labor labor....

"the nuke reactors will be commonwealth owned!"
Until built and then sold to their mates.... Ala Telstra etc.
Socialise the loss, privatise the profit.

Let me fix that for you Andy- "Until built then sold at a huge discount to their mates via a closed-door tender process... Ala Telstra etc."
There you go. In the interests of transparency.

zenagain wrote:Let me fix that for you Andy- "Until built then sold at a huge discount to their mates via a closed-door tender process... Ala Telstra etc."
There you go. In the interests of transparency.
Thanks Zen, always happy to be corrected!

Telstra was the Biggest Float ( IPO ) , at a time when ALL the Mum's and Dad's loved Floats .
Qantas ,CSL and Cochlear helped this .
Every Broker was involved .
Every Tom , Dick and Harriet , plus their Dogs , applied 4 shares .
ALL the Small Applications were Accepted .
All the Big Australian( Now Labor managed ) Super Funds , also bought shares .
The LNP must have lots of Mates ffs !

^^ how does Labor manage super funds @poops??

Labor couldn’t manage a chook raffle.
Anyone really think we’d be better off with all the sell offs still being run by the gov?

Ummm... good point.

Putting aside the politics - At the very least the coalition has brought the topic front and centre to the national conversation around our energy needs, challenges, security and climate change mitigation. It's a great step towards the inevitable of bringing nuclear into our energy mix. Based off the polls - encouragingly - the youth agree. The ones who have the most to lose in the climate emergency, biodiversity & habitat collapse, rental & home ownership and cost of living crisis we are living through. Tired of listening to NIMBY middle aged men with (multiple) multi-million properties with their rooftop panels and batteries who are all for renewable virtue signalling unless of course it impacts their property value or Greenpeace wet dreams from decades ago. We may need to wait for the dinosaurs and ideologs to die off.. but first step - get the legislation through. Lift the ban. Bring it.

zenagain wrote:Let me fix that for you Andy- "Until built then sold at a huge discount to their mates via a closed-door tender process... Ala Telstra etc."
There you go. In the interests of transparency.
"Until built then sold at a huge discount to their mates via a closed-door tender process who then do not reinvest in the infrastructure and jack prices for consumers."
We could have a bit of fun with this line

^^ come on @poops I’m waiting on your advice on how labor manage industry super funds. As someone who worked for one for a decade and who routinely met with the executive and the full board this is all news to me but I await your greater knowledge in this area.

bonza wrote:Putting aside the politics - At the very least the coalition has brought the topic front and centre to the national conversation around our energy needs, challenges, security and climate change mitigation. It's a great step towards the inevitable of bringing nuclear into our energy mix. Based off the polls - encouragingly - the youth agree. The ones who have the most to lose in the climate emergency, biodiversity & habitat collapse, rental & home ownership and cost of living crisis we are living through. Tired of listening to NIMBY middle aged men with (multiple) multi-million properties with their rooftop panels and batteries who are all for renewable virtue signalling unless of course it impacts their property value or Greenpeace wet dreams from decades ago. We may need to wait for the dinosaurs and ideologs to die off.. but first step - get the legislation through. Lift the ban. Bring it.
Bonza. Hi.
Where are you going to dispose and store the waste ?
Do you want your grandchildren and their grandchildren and their grandchildren to keep inheriting the ‘elephant in the room’ syndrome, toxic nuclear waste.
Dutton just talking what people want to hear, he doesn’t t know shit, low energy cost, reliable energy, all the words Joe Punter loves, promised jobs, he’ll be gone before the first reactor is only half built, it’s not clean and you very well know it.
Again, I suggest the selfish gene comes into play again in this nation, let’s just worry about our poor pity little circumstances of high costs at present.
Selfish ideologies, let’s make it good for us now and let others in the future deal with the shit.
Toxic attitude in my opinion, the typical Australian way, bury ya heads in the sand.
You’re smart, you know the half life of the waste. What are you and your future families going to do about the nuclear problem when it becomes one ?
Edit. And just because Dick Smith and Bill Gates thinks it’s ok, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Shit individuals, I remember Dick Smith when winding up his business conglomeration , admitting he’d shafted Australians left right and centre to accumulate his wealth, great Australian, meh!!.
Bill Gates, out of the same mould, yeah, donated millions, tax dodges, but made billions
Use your own brain.
I’ll await to hear your solution to my first question. AW

Dutton is in with the Gas lobby up to his shiny dome. What do you think about the idea is it’s a front for the fossil fuel lobby.
Vows to throw out targets, gets the public arguing a about something he has a one page plan for and greases the track for the gas/oil lobby to keep shafting Australia. Casts a shadow on renewables and gets us thinking about something that already was (not) the solution along time ago. If it was that good/safe/viable we would already an old one.
He’s playing tricks on behalf of a different interest entirely. I think that is worth considering.

AlfredWallace wrote:bonza wrote:Putting aside the politics - At the very least the coalition has brought the topic front and centre to the national conversation around our energy needs, challenges, security and climate change mitigation. It's a great step towards the inevitable of bringing nuclear into our energy mix. Based off the polls - encouragingly - the youth agree. The ones who have the most to lose in the climate emergency, biodiversity & habitat collapse, rental & home ownership and cost of living crisis we are living through. Tired of listening to NIMBY middle aged men with (multiple) multi-million properties with their rooftop panels and batteries who are all for renewable virtue signalling unless of course it impacts their property value or Greenpeace wet dreams from decades ago. We may need to wait for the dinosaurs and ideologs to die off.. but first step - get the legislation through. Lift the ban. Bring it.
Bonza. Hi.
Where are you going to dispose and store the waste ?
Do you want your grandchildren and their grandchildren and their grandchildren to keep inheriting the ‘elephant in the room’ syndrome, toxic nuclear waste.
Dutton just talking what people want to hear, he doesn’t t know shit, low energy cost, reliable energy, all the words Joe Punter loves, promised jobs, he’ll be gone before the first reactor is only half built, it’s not clean and you very well know it.
Again, I suggest the selfish gene comes into play again in this nation, let’s just worry about our poor pity little circumstances of high costs at present.
Selfish ideologies, let’s make it good for us now and let others in the future deal with the shit.
Toxic attitude in my opinion, the typical Australian way, bury ya heads in the sand.You’re smart, you know the half life of the waste. What are you and your future families going to do about the nuclear problem when it becomes one ?
Edit. And just because Dick Smith and Bill Gates thinks it’s ok, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Shit individuals, I remember Dick Smith when winding up his business conglomeration , admitting he’d shafted Australians left right and centre to accumulate his wealth, great Australian, meh!!.
Bill Gates, out of the same mould, yeah, donated millions, tax dodges, but made billions
Use your own brain.I’ll await to hear your solution to my first question. AW
Nuclear waste is already being (temporarily?) stored at more than 100 sites across this country.
Ironically, it’s the misinformed who protest against the safe long term storage of nuclear waste in Australia - one of the most stable geologically countries in the world - that prevents our governments to follow the science and international protocols on how to manage it correctly.
So traditionally we have exported our medical nuclear waste to other countries to deal with it. France UK etc.
Perhaps you prefer that?
Or are you just happy to breathe in the waste from gas and coal fired power stations which will continue to operate thanks to the reality of the situation. You know the stuff that actually kills people on mass every year unlike nuclear.

Let me know when you want to talk about the pending solar panel, turbine & battery waste challenge on our route to next zero and the toxic shit that releases into landfill.


bonza wrote:Let me know when you want to talk about the pending solar panel, turbine & battery waste challenge on our route to next zero and the toxic shit that releases into landfill.
Bonza. Last I checked, batteries, copper, lithium, whatever other element you throw up, are millions of miles away from the radioactivity levels of nuclear waste.
You repeatedly refer to storage. That’s not the/a solution, whoopy do if Australia is geologically and tectonically stable, many other countries are also.
I asked you to provide me with a solution regarding the waste, not how you propose its storage.
I despise gas, coal, in fact any fossil fuel for gross energy production.
The capital to build and maintain nuclear operations could be better spent on enormous parabolic, tracking solar dishes, and other grand scale solar systems ,it’s gotta be big, the technology is out there, it just needs a ballsy government to set it in motion, problem is , we don’t have them in this country.
I agree there is environmental damage to install renewables, but so to your proposed system.
The primary damage installing wind turbines in ecosystems is somewhat of a worry, but a lesser one than a planet screwed up by fossil fuel or nuclear, no life on a dead planet.
My other concern is the global rate of the removal of extractive industries products from geological systems to make major components for renewables .
Anyway , I’ll take that over any damage the a nuclear disaster would dish up.
Quite a while back you mentioned Chernobyl and how great it is now, yes there is improvement, a lot of wildlife has started to recolonise the area.
How many humans are living in there ?
I was close to Chernobyl in 1986, travelling around in a fried out kombi.
How come I haven’t been able to give blood some 38 years later ?
You know the answer, taking up nuclear is easy, dealing with its by products is not.
I’m still interested in you informing me in a detailed comprehensive manner how you are going to dispose of the radioactive waste, not store, dispose. AW

Eric Clapton was a wife beater.
Life I said.. the dinosaurs will die.

soggydog wrote:AW,
Dutton is in with the Gas lobby up to his shiny dome. What do you think about the idea is it’s a front for the fossil fuel lobby.
Vows to throw out targets, gets the public arguing a about something he has a one page plan for and greases the track for the gas/oil lobby to keep shafting Australia. Casts a shadow on renewables and gets us thinking about something that already was (not) the solution along time ago. If it was that good/safe/viable we would already an old one.
He’s playing tricks on behalf of a different interest entirely. I think that is worth considering.
Dutton is just throwing a.......

Rocking song live!!

Well you dig a big bloody hole and wrap it in concrete.
You do realise how little material is required to generate electricty don’t you from radioactive material?
You also do realise that how fuel rods can be reduced and recycled?
"Combined death toll from Chernobyl
To summarize the previous paragraphs:
2 workers died in the blast.
28 workers and firemen died in the weeks that followed from acute radiation syndrome (ARS).
19 ARS survivors had died later, by 2006; most from causes not related to radiation,
15 people died from thyroid cancer due to milk contamination.
There is currently no evidence of adverse health impacts in the general population across affected countries, or wider Europe"
What else you got?

soggydog wrote:AW,
Dutton is in with the Gas lobby up to his shiny dome. What do you think about the idea is it’s a front for the fossil fuel lobby.
Vows to throw out targets, gets the public arguing a about something he has a one page plan for and greases the track for the gas/oil lobby to keep shafting Australia. Casts a shadow on renewables and gets us thinking about something that already was (not) the solution along time ago. If it was that good/safe/viable we would already an old one.
He’s playing tricks on behalf of a different interest entirely. I think that is worth considering.
Soggydog. Hope ya well.
Firstly, I can’t even believe that Dutton was elected to his current position.
I wouldn’t know, probably a front, he gives nothing because he’s got nothing.
Don’t we have anything better in the stockyards than this clown?
Nothing credible or original comes out of that tiny little mouth and brain.
All his rebuttals just throw shit at the opposition with nothing new or fresh from his.
How about some original or promising new ideas, not ones pedalled by him for his ‘mates’ in industry . He’s such a reactive figure, nothing proactive.
Where are all the smart people in Queensland, hello, anyone home ?
We are rooted.AW

bonza wrote:Well you dig a big bloody hole and wrap it in concrete.
You do realise how little material is required to generate electricty don’t you from radioactive material? also do realise that how fuel rods can be reduced and recycled?"Combined death toll from Chernobyl
To summarize the previous paragraphs:2 workers died in the blast.
28 workers and firemen died in the weeks that followed from acute radiation syndrome (ARS).
19 ARS survivors had died later, by 2006; most from causes not related to radiation,
15 people died from thyroid cancer due to milk contamination.There is currently no evidence of adverse health impacts in the general population across affected countries, or wider Europe"
What else you got?
I’ve got this, very little materials are used to generate electricity you say, you’re avoiding the question.
Where will the waste go from that production ?
Leaving it for the future , hardly a progressive society . I was married to a Scandinavian, she remarked on many occasions that most of Sweden were against storing waste. You gotta have some moral conscience don’t you ?
I’ll scribe to you when there’s a disaster. Thanks for chatting, I’ve my view, you’ve, yours. A short term mental society, that’s what we’ve become. Only worrying about ‘the now’ AW

AlfredWallace wrote:bonza wrote:Well you dig a big bloody hole and wrap it in concrete.
You do realise how little material is required to generate electricty don’t you from radioactive material? also do realise that how fuel rods can be reduced and recycled?"Combined death toll from Chernobyl
To summarize the previous paragraphs:2 workers died in the blast.
28 workers and firemen died in the weeks that followed from acute radiation syndrome (ARS).
19 ARS survivors had died later, by 2006; most from causes not related to radiation,
15 people died from thyroid cancer due to milk contamination.There is currently no evidence of adverse health impacts in the general population across affected countries, or wider Europe"
What else you got?
I’ve got this, very little materials are used to generate electricity you say, you’re avoiding the question.
Where will the waste go from that production ?Leaving it for the future , hardly a progressive society . I was married to a Scandinavian, she remarked on many occasions that most of Sweden were against storing waste. You gotta have some moral conscience don’t you ?
I’ll scribe to you when there’s a disaster. Thanks for chatting, I’ve my view, you’ve, yours. A short term mental society, that’s what we’ve become. Only worrying about ‘the now’ AW
No worries aw. Good chat thanks. Like I said - the very little waste goes in the ground. Safe. simple scientific. Check the links I posted
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.