Australia - you're standing in it

Pop Down wrote:base six
I read you note , respect your opinion , had 5 surfs in 4 days on the weekend and I can B a bit grumpy and let OFF some Steam 2 , surely .
I am not fn interested in being fn Perfect Pop FFS !
That sounds fn terrible imho .
ffs Andy weak as PISS , again !!!
I am NOT going to fn read some SMUCK I don't even know opinion , on anything !!!
U fn read it and stop fn googling some random article and tell ME what the 1 Topic Peta is wrong on .
Then I will do ANY work that is required to debate it like adults .
Are you Coco, Pops. .? Looks like we’ve all been getting a few days of waves. Autumn is ace. AW

Hello AW
The water at Bondi was great ( one afternoon surf in boardies ) but mainly straight handers .
I did try a brand New manoeuvre on My last wave on my new small board ( 8'2') and went for an Air Thingy !
Had a fun last surf and was chatting to a group of beginners out the back , making sure they all avoided the double Up dumpers .
Was going so well , thought I maybe had found a New Interest and will Winter like a Whale in Sydney and help these guys .
One of the Girls was super hot and after a slow beginning , am sure she was warming 2 Me .
Thought I would ask her 4 her number but then two Big Waves , came through .
I took the Second , made the drop and there was a group of beginners lined in front of me .
The girl I liked chucked her board right into my path , so had NO option but 2 try and Jump her board .
So , I gave the board a pop and jumped .
She came up all tangled around the girls next 2 her and I asked if she was ok and she smiled yes .
I asked her about her board and was surprised it was not in 2 , she said fine .
Then I saw a big Fin Chop and asked if the big white line was there before as I thought I had run over the board .
She saw the chop and her face turned to stone .
I said sorry and went straight in , thinking I got some air .
Most beginners in Bondi ride Soft Boards , luckily !
So , feeling tanned and popping , a bit like a Coco Pop ( full of Coffee ) .

Jeez, haven’t you got some sand in your undies Pop, you little right wing fanboy!
You kind of strike me as a more senile Alan Jones, full of piss and vinegar.

Hey Andy
Not really a fanboy and very keen to learn but U have Nothing to give mate .
Never watched or listened 2 AJ , but do know he had a tremendous career and was willing to back up his views .
Andy Sandy Pandy with Views that are so far , full of piss and no vinegar .
I Have had Sand in my Pants 4 Way 2 long .
Life creates some scars , some can be permanent .
I am really hoping , 4 a few more , bring it ON .
I don't give a fuck what you think Andy , I am popping off as U are starting to give off a stench Ptf !

Yep, you’re definitely popping off

andy-mac wrote:Here's a list poppy.
Haha call that a real kick in the groin Andy.
Cretlin got a mention in Nemesis as well from members of her own party stuff that won't go on the resume.

"Pocock's interrogation of parliament officials has turned up the extraordinary revelation that more than 2,000 people — an unknown number of lobbyists among them — have all-access rights to Parliament House, and yet the public is not allowed to know who they are, nor for whom they work."
Senator Pocock is encouraging accountability in government. A refreshing surprise.

velocityjohnno wrote:"Pocock's interrogation of parliament officials has turned up the extraordinary revelation that more than 2,000 people — an unknown number of lobbyists among them — have all-access rights to Parliament House, and yet the public is not allowed to know who they are, nor for whom they work."
Senator Pocock is encouraging accountability in government. A refreshing surprise.
Good on him!
Him and Andrew Wilkie are very much needed.
More of it please.

Like him or not, he has balls....

100,000 people migrated to Australia last month. What is Labor’s plan here?
What will the total per year be with that trajectory ?
Madness on a grand scale. So many Aussies with no home.
What’s the underlying scheme? I’m lost on this one.

Commies at IMF on about economic management again....

100,000 per month is 1.2 million per year! That will create an absolute hunger games for young Australians and those renting! (who will keep voting for it - Stockholm Syndrome)
I thought they said they would reduce it to 375,000 this year, then 250,000 the next year as per their immigration crack down?

velocityjohnno wrote:100,000 per month is 1.2 million per year! That will create an absolute hunger games for young Australians and those renting! (who will keep voting for it - Stockholm Syndrome)
I thought they said they would reduce it to 375,000 this year, then 250,000 the next year as per their immigration crack down?
Where does this fit into puzzle?

Well Andy-mac, the lowered birth rate is a second tier consequence of the economic hardships facing young Aussie couples as a direct result of Albo and co’s mass immigration Ponzi scheme.
Albo and his “opposition” both bring in millions of immigrants requiring housing. This pushes the price of housing till untenable heights. Young couples need to both work full time to even be eligible for the indentured servitude of a mortgage the size of Tuvalu’s GDP. They are can’t afford to live on asi Glen wage to raise a kid, let alone the extra expenses involved in raising those kids.
ALP and LNP created , foster and enlarge this anti-Australian program and then they have the hide to declare that the resulting decline in birth rates requires mass immigration to make up for the tiny decline in gross population numbers.
It’s a fucked up doom loop that you can’t vote your way out of in the current political trajectory.
Never ever vote ALP / Greens / LNP unless you hate Australia

andy-mac wrote:Commies at IMF on about economic management again....
Chalmers is an absolute unemployable clown. He’s never had a job that required any quantifiable achievement or measurable success and the Guardian ( double lolol ) thinks we should suck his toe’s because he’s bringing in the equivalent of 1 1/2 extra Canberras every year to try and cook the books.
No one wins in this situation except Chalmers and the unskilled coolie labour he is firehosing into his corporate masters dragnet of exploitable labour and units of consumption.
Chalmers is too stupid to be evil but he still manages to pull off a great impression of it.

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Well Andy-mac, the lowered birth rate is a second tier consequence of the economic hardships facing young Aussie couples as a direct result of Albo and co’s mass immigration Ponzi scheme.
Albo and his “opposition” both bring in millions of immigrants requiring housing. This pushes the price of housing till untenable heights. Young couples need to both work full time to even be eligible for the indentured servitude of a mortgage the size of Tuvalu’s GDP. They are can’t afford to live on asi Glen wage to raise a kid, let alone the extra expenses involved in raising those kids.
ALP and LNP created , foster and enlarge this anti-Australian program and then they have the hide to declare that the resulting decline in birth rates requires mass immigration to make up for the tiny decline in gross population numbers.
It’s a fucked up doom loop that you can’t vote your way out of in the current political trajectory.
Never ever vote ALP / Greens / LNP unless you hate Australia
Yep agree it's fucked up, don't know what solution is. No quick fix as has been decades in the making...
As for Chalmers, you can correctly bag the ALP all you like, but by pretty much every international measurement they out perform lnp govts, but you will never hear any Oz msm report that.
As for voting, you cannot with our preferential voting system really not vote for one of the majors. Yep I don't like the system, but that's what we have and it is a lot better system than probably 90% of countries world wide.
As I have mentioned, we need more Pocock's and Wilkie's keeping the bastards honest.
Again if you think Dutton and co would be doing a better job, I will respectfully disagree with you.

The security guard at Bondi junction who helped people is getting permanent residency. Cool.
Why the fuck is there a person from Pakistan here on a visa to work as a security guard at a suburban shopping centre anyway? Skilled labour shortage!

I feel for that guy, no matter where he comes from. Tough first day to pay the ultimate price. Got gun in face, hostage & armed holdup on the last day of my first week in my new postgrad banking career, the one my olds were so proud of. Ruined that field for me tbh.

andy-mac wrote:Yep agree it's fucked up, don't know what solution is. No quick fix as has been decades in the making...
That's easy, immediately lower immigration to 70-100,000 per year, end all post study work rights and let the unis sink or swim. End negative gearing, end all lobbyists in the house, reintroduce treason legislation. Royal commissions galore.
Let house prices correct to their mean level, rescind all stimulatory schemes. Let bad loans go bad, do not bail out overexposed players.
This would create chaotic, recessionary times and end the game of the last 40 years. No one would like this, but Australia would be a nation afterward.
As this would throw a massive spanner in the current economic model, introduce strong, real reindustrialisation policies, change energy policy to make ours the cheapest in the world once again. Might as well do a Millei to govco as well. Keep the safety net, keep health, keep the fair go that makes Australia itself, let prices of everything readjust and end their continuous doping.
Coming out, have family friendly policies for young Australians, and yes that would include things like social housing. Make it inexpensive for locals to have children.

Albo has granted that Pakistani guy the right to permanently reside in the back of his car like other Australians….nice.

every month!
an MCG full...
no one can possibly think this good 'policy' in the current climate
Every month.
— Ben B (@bennyb082) April 16, 2024

Julie Inman Grant really thinks she can control the internet.
— Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 (@BillboardChris) April 18, 2024

all that fancy language doesn't change the fact albo is censoring the internet...

""This would create chaotic, recessionary times and end the game of the last 40 years. No one would like this, but Australia would be a nation afterward.""
Which political party would be able to sell these policies to electorate with as you rightly point out would cause probably the biggest economic and social disruption in our nations history.
Anyway I'm not sure what would be a solution, but I'd be looking at limiting how many properties can be neg geared, changing CGT and more social housing, if can find people to build em, which without immigration is unlikely. Catch kinda 22.
Would have to be done gradually, or I would fear than the cure could be worse than the disease

Yeah it wouldn't be fun Andy, but those of us who were young in the last recession might go 'ah well, it happens' and be alright through it. It was a very poor economic start to working life, for sure.
Edit: I don't know if it would be a disruption on the scale of the 1920s or 30s tbh. Currently, the population changes get my vote for biggest disruption since then. The emergence of large scale homelessness is alien to everything Australia has stood for.
Meanwhile, in fertility land:
populate or perish, crew

sypkan wrote:
which content is she talking about Sypy? Footage of the attacks?

A World Record January and now THIS ? 100 k , the G in a Month ???
Oh My Stars , the Flood is getting worse , its bloody Pouring and our Population Level is increasing , at a terrible rate go knots .
The Flood Levies are now Breeched and we are drowning in people , we haven't even met ffs .
Australia is charting a ridiculous course , with NO hands on the Steering Wheel .
Looks like The Immigration Election , is making Albo and Labor List very badly .
They had better get the Numbers Stopped ( even a reduction 2 300k is now , NOT an option ), or Albo will Capsize our Country .
Then voters , will really abandon ship .
NOW , Only drastic Action , can Save Our Ship .
Send out the SOS , Albo !
Get ALL hands On Deck , grab Hold of the fn Immigration Steering Wheel and fn Change Course , quick !
We are heading into a Winter Ice Berg !
Stop the number NOW , June is already way too late !
VJ has suggested some Right Actions .
I really wish the removal of Negative Gearing on Property was not included , as have argued that Investment Property should B taxed the same as Other investments .
As our Housing Crisis is SO Out of Control , CHUCK it into the Mix .
Urgent Times , requires Urgent fn Action !
Give this a Go , 4 2 years and then change , whatever is NOT working and Beef Up what is , simple stuff .
A few months ago we were chatting about how 700k last year , put Immigration on the Agenda and how Albo had a year , to get the numbers down . .
At our current rate of growth , we will be at 700k , around the end of July FFS !

velocityjohnno wrote:andy-mac wrote:Yep agree it's fucked up, don't know what solution is. No quick fix as has been decades in the making...
That's easy, immediately lower immigration to 70-100,000 per year, end all post study work rights and let the unis sink or swim. End negative gearing, end all lobbyists in the house, reintroduce treason legislation. Royal commissions galore.
Let house prices correct to their mean level, rescind all stimulatory schemes. Let bad loans go bad, do not bail out overexposed players.
This would create chaotic, recessionary times and end the game of the last 40 years. No one would like this, but Australia would be a nation afterward.
As this would throw a massive spanner in the current economic model, introduce strong, real reindustrialisation policies, change energy policy to make ours the cheapest in the world once again. Might as well do a Millei to govco as well. Keep the safety net, keep health, keep the fair go that makes Australia itself, let prices of everything readjust and end their continuous doping.
Coming out, have family friendly policies for young Australians, and yes that would include things like social housing. Make it inexpensive for locals to have children.
But that’s a free market, libertarian approach? Not very popular in this country.

Meanwhile, HECS will get indexed by more than 4% again. What a ripoff the government is; they sell bonds at 3% but then they charge broke students at 4-8% interest. What a money making scheme, I wish I was allowed access to capital like this.

andy-mac wrote:""This would create chaotic, recessionary times and end the game of the last 40 years. No one would like this, but Australia would be a nation afterward.""
Which political party would be able to sell these policies to electorate with as you rightly point out would cause probably the biggest economic and social disruption in our nations history.
Anyway I'm not sure what would be a solution, but I'd be looking at limiting how many properties can be neg geared, changing CGT and more social housing, if can find people to build em, which without immigration is unlikely. Catch kinda 22.
Would have to be done gradually, or I would fear than the cure could be worse than the disease
Albo is already causing the biggest economic and social upheaval in our nation’s history.
Housing is unattainable for an entire generation due to Albo’s policies. People aren’t reproducing due to Albo’s policies. The country is deteriorating by every social measure due to Albo’s policies.
What part about this don’t you understand?
Him and his government have already fucked everyone over. The government doesn’t have to sell the idea of any of their policies - as evidenced by their commitment to nation destroying mass immigration Ponzi despite overwhelming opposition from the population- so there is no excuse to not take the medicine and begin the healing.
That’s what a leader would do. But Albo and his brigade of useless and ideologically broken men and women aren’t leaders. They’re fucking traitors

flollo wrote:But that’s a free market, libertarian approach? Not very popular in this country.
to be fair there's a bit of socialism in it as well with the health and housing and helping young Aussies have kids. Wait till gold and silver become legal tender then (sound of swat team bashing down door)

sypkan wrote:
Yep….she’s evil. Anyone noticed how women are now chosen to perform the most anti-social tasks within government and corporate life? The thinking is that the generally held idea of female empathy beguiles and bewilders the herd into not noticing how much of an odious cvnt the individual is when judged by their actions.

Slackjawedyokel wrote:andy-mac wrote:""This would create chaotic, recessionary times and end the game of the last 40 years. No one would like this, but Australia would be a nation afterward.""
Which political party would be able to sell these policies to electorate with as you rightly point out would cause probably the biggest economic and social disruption in our nations history.
Anyway I'm not sure what would be a solution, but I'd be looking at limiting how many properties can be neg geared, changing CGT and more social housing, if can find people to build em, which without immigration is unlikely. Catch kinda 22.
Would have to be done gradually, or I would fear than the cure could be worse than the disease
Albo is already causing the biggest economic and social upheaval in our nation’s history.
Housing is unattainable for an entire generation due to Albo’s policies. People aren’t reproducing due to Albo’s policies. The country is deteriorating by every social measure due to Albo’s policies.
What part about this don’t you understand?
Him and his government have already fucked everyone over. The government doesn’t have to sell the idea of any of their policies - as evidenced by their commitment to nation destroying mass immigration Ponzi despite overwhelming opposition from the population- so there is no excuse to not take the medicine and begin the healing.
That’s what a leader would do. But Albo and his brigade of useless and ideologically broken men and women aren’t leaders. They’re fucking traitors
Nonsense mate, situation is decades in the making....

Slackjawedyokel wrote:The security guard at Bondi junction who helped people is getting permanent residency. Cool.
Why the fuck is there a person from Pakistan here on a visa to work as a security guard at a suburban shopping centre anyway? Skilled labour shortage!
Was the French guy (Bollard Man) the security guard was killed.

The fire of destruction has been burning hotter and hotter for over two decades of both ALP / LNP government. Now Global Albo has come mincing along and thrown a gigalitre of jet fuel on the flames.
Albo turned the volume up to eleven and doesn’t give a fuck who watches him do it.
Unparalleled housing crisis and Global Albo is firehosing unprecedented coolie slave labour immigration housing demand all over it. Albo is treasonous scum.

A great example of how something gets stuffed by governments .
There is NO reason why any Government should get a Clip , from ANY loan , especially Student Loans .
Governments can get stuffed ( like State Stamp Duty ) and just let the Banks do this work , with Governments fn Funding a Student Discount !
Australian's are getting sick and tired of Governments Stuffing UP !
The Liberals are known by the electorate , 2B more Liberal .
Voldys Party and the Nationals , might get another Free Kick ?
Andy - the Numbers have grown over 10 years BUT , have EXPLODED on Albo's watch !
MATE , He has 2 fix this now , really .
IF Albo doesn't take Drastic Action now , he will be remembered as a Nero .
That Guy just watched , as his city burned around him .

velocityjohnno wrote:andy-mac wrote:Yep agree it's fucked up, don't know what solution is. No quick fix as has been decades in the making...
That's easy, immediately lower immigration to 70-100,000 per year, end all post study work rights and let the unis sink or swim. End negative gearing, end all lobbyists in the house, reintroduce treason legislation. Royal commissions galore.
Let house prices correct to their mean level, rescind all stimulatory schemes. Let bad loans go bad, do not bail out overexposed players.
This would create chaotic, recessionary times and end the game of the last 40 years. No one would like this, but Australia would be a nation afterward.
As this would throw a massive spanner in the current economic model, introduce strong, real reindustrialisation policies, change energy policy to make ours the cheapest in the world once again. Might as well do a Millei to govco as well. Keep the safety net, keep health, keep the fair go that makes Australia itself, let prices of everything readjust and end their continuous doping.
Coming out, have family friendly policies for young Australians, and yes that would include things like social housing. Make it inexpensive for locals to have children.
Jeez I love the sound of that VJ.
Shit would massively crash and burn in the short to medium term but after a while we might just have a society, a nation again.
Unfortunately it's totally impossible for all the usual reasons - voting demographics, media, crony capitalism, self-interest of politicians etc etc

velocityjohnno wrote:sypkan wrote:
which content is she talking about Sypy? Footage of the attacks?
yep, which is kinda silly... everyone's already seen it, and those that hadn't... have now...
that and more obviously... albo just gave her another 10 or 20 mil...
that ain't to chase the dead horse that's already left the gate...
her one sentence with the least corpro-babble was the most revealing
hence the corpro-babble...

and, the 90's weren't that bad...
better than the alternative
(which could be $2 mil mortgages for properties worth half the price... japan style...)

Slackjawedyokel wrote:The security guard at Bondi junction who helped people is getting permanent residency. Cool.
Why the fuck is there a person from Pakistan here on a visa to work as a security guard at a suburban shopping centre anyway? Skilled labour shortage!
Yeah your right Mrs just filled me in, there was another security guard injured in hospital Elbow is giving Aussie citizenship too.

Immigration numbers here note the high number of short term

flollo wrote:Meanwhile, HECS will get indexed by more than 4% again. What a ripoff the government is; they sell bonds at 3% but then they charge broke students at 4-8% interest. What a money making scheme, I wish I was allowed access to capital like this.
Flolo...simple, convert to islam and borrow from arab (islamic) banks.
They do not charge interest on loans to muslims the quran forbids it.
Quaran allso chastises the jews for interest...usury.
Mentioned this a month ago in the "house prices" thread and the conversation stopped, no posts since.
Wonder what happens now?

Not many Australian kids that want 2 go 2 Uni , would B willing 2 Convert , mate .
Try another Simple suggestion , maybe ?

Pop Down... were you called Blowin previously on here?

sameaswas wrote:flollo wrote:Meanwhile, HECS will get indexed by more than 4% again. What a ripoff the government is; they sell bonds at 3% but then they charge broke students at 4-8% interest. What a money making scheme, I wish I was allowed access to capital like this.
Flolo...simple, convert to islam and borrow from arab (islamic) banks.
They do not charge interest on loans to muslims the quran forbids it.
Quaran allso chastises the jews for interest...usury.
Mentioned this a month ago in the "house prices" thread and the conversation stopped, no posts since.
Wonder what happens now?
Yeah, it’s all smoke and mirrors. They still pay in a round about way…it’s just not called interest.

elon v albo...
Get em Elon!
— The Central Poster (@TheCentPost) April 20, 2024

sypkan wrote:elon v albo...
I dont get it?
Isn't it up to him and his platform what they allow?

seems that's his position...
but also that it's out of oz government jurisdiction... apparently they already censored the vids within oz
gonna be interesting, albo going all 'the great firewall' on us...
seems public sentiment ain't with albo reading comments here
Social media giant X says it will not comply with requests from the Australian eSafety commissioner to take down content referencing the Wakeley stabbing.
— ABC News (@abcnews) April 20, 2024

it's an interesting case... and its not real clear why the government is going so hard on it...
one could imagine the usual excuse would be to try to stop copy cat events. but haven't seen anyone refer to this...
seems to me the gov. is having a self inflicted social cohesion wigout... and this is their rather reactionary response...
the baby boomer lefty's i follow on twitter are all in the same headspace
personally I think they are totally misreading the situation and reacting with totally flawed logic...
yes there's been some pretty ugly anti migrant stuff getting around following the terrorism attack, ...but confusing / conflating this miniscule percentage with the totally justified anger at labor's immigration policies is all kinds of dumb...
to their demise I would suggest...

The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.