House prices

basesix wrote:have you been back since the fires AW?
(I seem to recall from prev posts, you have)
Basesix. I was there before the severe fires, albeit when I was there in a January/February, had a house for two weeks in Kingscote and there were fires in isolated areas. I was astounded as to how hot it was considering it’s an island and surrounded by water that often buffers and modifies temperature ranges.
I recall mentioning here how I had to assist a Koala who’d burnt his feet crossing that main East/West road right in the centre of the island.
Had a surf at Stokes beach with my son and swam in that natural ocean pool that’s half a billion years old.
Love to go back, great flora and fauna and food.AW

"@Andy M, true that, but I've had the odd girlfriend back in the day that used to like to "jump" on my head, or some that would belt my head and plenty of scratches, some from amorous encounters, some from extreme displeasure at my behavior. Had one once who would crack the shits about something I'd said or done, say nothing, and wait until I was lying asleep or half asleep in bed next to her and fkn back fist me in the dark, in the face. she had a habit of it. Be lying there and next minute, bang, seeing stars. Drove me crazy. Probably deserved it though."
Yeah I guess we all have to experience at least one firecracker girlfriend.
I had one who was a real handful.
Had a savage mouth on her and could back it up physically, she came from a big family with four big brothers who all played rep footy.
So me and her were running a backpackers hostel and at one stage the next door house was the local party house, they used to go full-on till three in the morning night after night.
Naturally, our guests couldn't handle it and would bail out, costing us a fair bit of money.
One afternoon my girlfriend fronted these three chicks and the chat went pretty much like this -
Girlfriend - "Hey look you guys are being pretty loud late at night, would you mind keeping it down?
Chicks - "We don't give a fuck"
Girlfriend - "I don't think you understand, this is our income and people are walking out the door because of you"
Chicks - "Tell someone who gives a shit"
Girlfriend proceeds to throw three beautiful, accurate punches from both hands which sit all three chicks on their arses in about 2 seconds.
It was quite impressive.
Not so good when we split up, she left me with chipped teeth and some nice little scars on my neck where she, you know, tried to climb my head and scratch Christ out of me :) :)
Fucking classic!

Supafreak wrote:I wonder if pinky found a good home .
Jesus that was brutal!!
Like falling into a steroid induced cactus.

I know 4 a fact , Adam 12 thinks that Pinky was Provoked , by the poor Salesperson for the Homeless Animal Shelter , by having Pinky on a Lead , really .
That he would take the feline from hell into his home , without any restrictions and think it would purr like a kitten and give it some milk FFS lol haha .
I can't imagine Pinky being a docile cat , at all !
He loves dealing with crazy pussy and getting scratched and bitten .
Even moves spiders around , I hear .
Since he posted that fn video of that crazed Cat , I can't get the Pinky Plight blighted from my brain .
Imagine a poor old pop like me , getting Pinky as a gift for one of my daughters .
Takes Caveat Emptor to far imho .
However, stock market rallying like never before......soooo here's my current thoughts. Stock market rallys solidly during most of 2024, reaching massive ATHs, before a huge crash possibly as early as end 2024, but me thinks more likely in 2025, led or in parallel with unprecedented housing bubble burst. The only thing that MAY save Aussie homes from the massive slump that US of A will see is if the Gov turns on the huge immigration tap again. Which is highly likely to save their face.

Your guess is as good as anyones .
For the US Stock Market to crash , the Big Money needs to move to another Asset Class .
With US Bonds also at a Recent High and likely to drop , where will this money go .
Not to Europe !
US Bond Holders , the REALLY Big Money, has made a fortune , in the last 12 months .
Some of those holders would be selling down and taking huge profits .
This money is not going to Asia or Europe and probably going into Stocks .
The size of this market dwarf's ANY other Asset Class , including World Property !

@Andy M,
Bit of a delay in responding to your post, been busy the last few days.
Yep, wild, wild women, eh.
I think I can top that cracked tooth of yours though.
That same girlfriend I spoke of. We were out one night at the King St. nightclub I later went on to work at and eventually owned for a while, but this was before that. I didn't want to go out that night, had a big Moot Court test on the Monday coming and wanted to study, but she insisted and so the deal was we'd leave before midnight. So just as we're about to leave her cousin shows up and she wants to stay. I wasn't happy, wasn't going to leave her there (should have), we have an argument and eventually we go. She's pissed at me big time. Still arguing in the car and she just gets out at the lights on Spencer St, and says she's going back. So I get out, leave the car there at the lights, we're having this screaming match on the footpath and next thing, boom, she throws a haymaker, gets me flush in the mouth and I watch one of my teeth go flying off into the night. I'm stunned, and hurt, and spitting blood, and she takes off down the street.
I go chasing after her and as I get within range there's a carload of seedy looking guys slowed down calling out to her cruising next to her. I catch up with her, scream at these guys to "fuck off", pick her up and carry her back, kicking and screaming, to my car still sitting at the lights, engine still running, passenger door still open. I probably copped a backfist or two that night in bed as well.
I'm probably being a bit unkind to her memory and making her sound a bit feral which she wasn't at all, the opposite really. She came from a great, large family in Geelong, very respectable, great people. She was actually very big on "etiquette", always lecturing me that "That is not proper etiquette Adam". I was really the feral one. And she was a stunner. Guys, mates and strangers alike, used to come up to me and tell me she was the most beautiful girl they had ever seen, and how the fuck did I ever manage to get her. (Good question btw, used to ask myself the same thing) She had a cousin who was in the Miss Universe or World contest for Australia one year which pissed her off a bit because she thought she was better looking, which she probably was. I eventually fucked up and she dumped me after we were together about four years.
So there is a sad, tragic and horrible end to this story.
A few years ago she was killed by her partner in Florida. I was watching the news one night and the story comes up, big shock, it was pretty big news here, even got a tearful speech and tribute to her in Federal Parliament by a female Senator who was a close family friend. This guy strangled her, rang the cops and confessed then hung up the phone and shot himself. It really rocked me I must say and absolutely devastated her family. Just an absolute tragedy and waste of a great person really.
Made me ponder what a dickhead I was back in those days for fucking things up and sliding door moment kind of thing because I would have probably married her and she would have still been alive.
In spite of her temper, and mine was probably way worse, she was a keeper, very talented, and really a beautiful person, inside and out.
So I'll just leave this little tale with my brother's reaction, which was kind of funny, but not really considering the tragic thing that happened to her, when I rang him, a bit upset, to tell him the news and the first thing he said to me was "I bet she probably backfisted him".
Like I said, not really funny at all, but my brother has this way of getting a laugh out of me, even in the grimmest of situations. My special skill seems to be taking over threads here with personal stories totally unrelated to the topic at hand, which I often regret doing later and which I must stop doing really and am about to because I'll be offline the next few weeks on a bit of an unpleasant adventure I'm obliged to take and reluctant to make so will catch up with you boys down the track.
I'm sure my old mate @Pop will be keeping everyone here amused, and confused, as is his way.

adam12 wrote:@Andy M,
Bit of a delay in responding to your post, been busy the last few days.
Yep, wild, wild women, eh.
I think I can top that cracked tooth of yours though.
That same girlfriend I spoke of. We were out one night at the King St. nightclub I later went on to work at and eventually owned for a while, but this was before that. I didn't want to go out that night, had a big Moot Court test on the Monday coming and wanted to study, but she insisted and so the deal was we'd leave before midnight. So just as we're about to leave her cousin shows up and she wants to stay. I wasn't happy, wasn't going to leave her there (should have), we have an argument and eventually we go. She's pissed at me big time. Still arguing in the car and she just gets out at the lights on Spencer St, and says she's going back. So I get out, leave the car there at the lights, we're having this screaming match on the footpath and next thing, boom, she throws a haymaker, gets me flush in the mouth and I watch one of my teeth go flying off into the night. I'm stunned, and hurt, and spitting blood, and she takes off down the street.
I go chasing after her and as I get within range there's a carload of seedy looking guys slowed down calling out to her cruising next to her. I catch up with her, scream at these guys to "fuck off", pick her up and carry her back, kicking and screaming, to my car still sitting at the lights, engine still running, passenger door still open. I probably copped a backfist or two that night in bed as well.
I'm probably being a bit unkind to her memory and making her sound a bit feral which she wasn't at all, the opposite really. She came from a great, large family in Geelong, very respectable, great people. She was actually very big on "etiquette", always lecturing me that "That is not proper etiquette Adam". I was really the feral one. And she was a stunner. Guys, mates and strangers alike, used to come up to me and tell me she was the most beautiful girl they had ever seen, and how the fuck did I ever manage to get her. (Good question btw, used to ask myself the same thing) She had a cousin who was in the Miss Universe or World contest for Australia one year which pissed her off a bit because she thought she was better looking, which she probably was. I eventually fucked up and she dumped me after we were together about four years.
So there is a sad, tragic and horrible end to this story.
A few years ago she was killed by her partner in Florida. I was watching the news one night and the story comes up, big shock, it was pretty big news here, even got a tearful speech and tribute to her in Federal Parliament by a female Senator who was a close family friend. This guy strangled her, rang the cops and confessed then hung up the phone and shot himself. It really rocked me I must say and absolutely devastated her family. Just an absolute tragedy and waste of a great person really.
Made me ponder what a dickhead I was back in those days for fucking things up and sliding door moment kind of thing because I would have probably married her and she would have still been alive.
In spite of her temper, and mine was probably way worse, she was a keeper, very talented, and really a beautiful person, inside and out.
So I'll just leave this little tale with my brother's reaction, which was kind of funny, but not really considering the tragic thing that happened to her, when I rang him, a bit upset, to tell him the news and the first thing he said to me was "I bet she probably backfisted him".
Like I said, not really funny at all, but my brother has this way of getting a laugh out of me, even in the grimmest of situations. My special skill seems to be taking over threads here with personal stories totally unrelated to the topic at hand, which I often regret doing later and which I must stop doing really and am about to because I'll be offline the next few weeks on a bit of an unpleasant adventure I'm obliged to take and reluctant to make so will catch up with you boys down the track.
I'm sure my old mate @Pop will be keeping everyone here amused, and confused, as is his way.
Adam12. Hi mate.
Personal stories are reflective of life, past, present and futuristic.
Great to share, they can be painful or painless, better to hang them out to dry than leaving them soaking wet on the clothesline .
People who don’t enjoy others stories are devoid of their own experiences , which in a way is sad, possibly a sheltered life lived.AW

Thanks mate, and that plane sounds safe too, but none of them feel safer than two feet firmly planted on Mother Earth to me. But if that trip ever happens, you'll probably get inundated with all the stories I couldn't repeat here so get ready for some entertainment, or something.
Probably shouldn't have told that one here, especially what my brother said to me, but who cares, and my brother is just that kind of guy. Can always count on him for a laugh. He even heckled me while I was giving the eulogy at my mother's funeral with a line that brought the whole congregation to laughs at my expense. @PopDown was there, sure he remembers it.
Anyway, gotta go and look forward to catching up with these threads and all you guys when I'm back online. Cheers.

Interesting little article.
"Paradise lost: Inside Australia’s abandoned tropical resorts and the uncertain fate awaiting them
There’s something intriguing about the downfall of Australia’s glittering resorts of yesteryear, once alive with holiday cheer and laughter but now lying empty, silent and eerie.
Crippled by financial failure, levelled by cyclones, and often looted by vandals, they now exist as scars on idyllic landscapes – as inglorious beacons of the past.
A handful of once-abandoned resorts have now reopened and are thriving, including Hayman Island and Daydream Island, while Lindeman Island resort was bought late last year after lying empty for 10 years."
Continued here:

^ love that sort of stuff. Ayam church update:

AlfredWallace wrote:adam12 wrote:@Andy M,
Bit of a delay in responding to your post, been busy the last few days.
Yep, wild, wild women, eh.
I think I can top that cracked tooth of yours though.
That same girlfriend I spoke of. We were out one night at the King St. nightclub I later went on to work at and eventually owned for a while, but this was before that. I didn't want to go out that night, had a big Moot Court test on the Monday coming and wanted to study, but she insisted and so the deal was we'd leave before midnight. So just as we're about to leave her cousin shows up and she wants to stay. I wasn't happy, wasn't going to leave her there (should have), we have an argument and eventually we go. She's pissed at me big time. Still arguing in the car and she just gets out at the lights on Spencer St, and says she's going back. So I get out, leave the car there at the lights, we're having this screaming match on the footpath and next thing, boom, she throws a haymaker, gets me flush in the mouth and I watch one of my teeth go flying off into the night. I'm stunned, and hurt, and spitting blood, and she takes off down the street.
I go chasing after her and as I get within range there's a carload of seedy looking guys slowed down calling out to her cruising next to her. I catch up with her, scream at these guys to "fuck off", pick her up and carry her back, kicking and screaming, to my car still sitting at the lights, engine still running, passenger door still open. I probably copped a backfist or two that night in bed as well.
I'm probably being a bit unkind to her memory and making her sound a bit feral which she wasn't at all, the opposite really. She came from a great, large family in Geelong, very respectable, great people. She was actually very big on "etiquette", always lecturing me that "That is not proper etiquette Adam". I was really the feral one. And she was a stunner. Guys, mates and strangers alike, used to come up to me and tell me she was the most beautiful girl they had ever seen, and how the fuck did I ever manage to get her. (Good question btw, used to ask myself the same thing) She had a cousin who was in the Miss Universe or World contest for Australia one year which pissed her off a bit because she thought she was better looking, which she probably was. I eventually fucked up and she dumped me after we were together about four years.
So there is a sad, tragic and horrible end to this story.
A few years ago she was killed by her partner in Florida. I was watching the news one night and the story comes up, big shock, it was pretty big news here, even got a tearful speech and tribute to her in Federal Parliament by a female Senator who was a close family friend. This guy strangled her, rang the cops and confessed then hung up the phone and shot himself. It really rocked me I must say and absolutely devastated her family. Just an absolute tragedy and waste of a great person really.
Made me ponder what a dickhead I was back in those days for fucking things up and sliding door moment kind of thing because I would have probably married her and she would have still been alive.
In spite of her temper, and mine was probably way worse, she was a keeper, very talented, and really a beautiful person, inside and out.
So I'll just leave this little tale with my brother's reaction, which was kind of funny, but not really considering the tragic thing that happened to her, when I rang him, a bit upset, to tell him the news and the first thing he said to me was "I bet she probably backfisted him".
Like I said, not really funny at all, but my brother has this way of getting a laugh out of me, even in the grimmest of situations. My special skill seems to be taking over threads here with personal stories totally unrelated to the topic at hand, which I often regret doing later and which I must stop doing really and am about to because I'll be offline the next few weeks on a bit of an unpleasant adventure I'm obliged to take and reluctant to make so will catch up with you boys down the track.
I'm sure my old mate @Pop will be keeping everyone here amused, and confused, as is his way.Adam12. Hi mate.
Personal stories are reflective of life, past, present and futuristic.
Great to share, they can be painful or painless, better to hang them out to dry than leaving them soaking wet on the clothesline .
People who don’t enjoy others stories are devoid of their own experiences , which in a way is sad, possibly a sheltered life lived.AW
Maybe you guys should get a face book account and really go to town with your stories for one another? Great place for boring private recollections and stuff people who might actually enjoy them can be together apparently .
These forums are topic related , this one is house prices and quite interesting at times . It's about houses and how much they cost.
Perhaps you could start your own new forum even? That way others don't have to be in the way with their pesky comments that aren't related in any way to your interest point .

Nothing wrong with a quick digression:)
I figure I’ve posted more than enough valuable information on this topic to have earned an off-track.

mikehunt207 wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:adam12 wrote:@Andy M,
Bit of a delay in responding to your post, been busy the last few days.
Yep, wild, wild women, eh.
I think I can top that cracked tooth of yours though.
That same girlfriend I spoke of. We were out one night at the King St. nightclub I later went on to work at and eventually owned for a while, but this was before that. I didn't want to go out that night, had a big Moot Court test on the Monday coming and wanted to study, but she insisted and so the deal was we'd leave before midnight. So just as we're about to leave her cousin shows up and she wants to stay. I wasn't happy, wasn't going to leave her there (should have), we have an argument and eventually we go. She's pissed at me big time. Still arguing in the car and she just gets out at the lights on Spencer St, and says she's going back. So I get out, leave the car there at the lights, we're having this screaming match on the footpath and next thing, boom, she throws a haymaker, gets me flush in the mouth and I watch one of my teeth go flying off into the night. I'm stunned, and hurt, and spitting blood, and she takes off down the street.
I go chasing after her and as I get within range there's a carload of seedy looking guys slowed down calling out to her cruising next to her. I catch up with her, scream at these guys to "fuck off", pick her up and carry her back, kicking and screaming, to my car still sitting at the lights, engine still running, passenger door still open. I probably copped a backfist or two that night in bed as well.
I'm probably being a bit unkind to her memory and making her sound a bit feral which she wasn't at all, the opposite really. She came from a great, large family in Geelong, very respectable, great people. She was actually very big on "etiquette", always lecturing me that "That is not proper etiquette Adam". I was really the feral one. And she was a stunner. Guys, mates and strangers alike, used to come up to me and tell me she was the most beautiful girl they had ever seen, and how the fuck did I ever manage to get her. (Good question btw, used to ask myself the same thing) She had a cousin who was in the Miss Universe or World contest for Australia one year which pissed her off a bit because she thought she was better looking, which she probably was. I eventually fucked up and she dumped me after we were together about four years.
So there is a sad, tragic and horrible end to this story.
A few years ago she was killed by her partner in Florida. I was watching the news one night and the story comes up, big shock, it was pretty big news here, even got a tearful speech and tribute to her in Federal Parliament by a female Senator who was a close family friend. This guy strangled her, rang the cops and confessed then hung up the phone and shot himself. It really rocked me I must say and absolutely devastated her family. Just an absolute tragedy and waste of a great person really.
Made me ponder what a dickhead I was back in those days for fucking things up and sliding door moment kind of thing because I would have probably married her and she would have still been alive.
In spite of her temper, and mine was probably way worse, she was a keeper, very talented, and really a beautiful person, inside and out.
So I'll just leave this little tale with my brother's reaction, which was kind of funny, but not really considering the tragic thing that happened to her, when I rang him, a bit upset, to tell him the news and the first thing he said to me was "I bet she probably backfisted him".
Like I said, not really funny at all, but my brother has this way of getting a laugh out of me, even in the grimmest of situations. My special skill seems to be taking over threads here with personal stories totally unrelated to the topic at hand, which I often regret doing later and which I must stop doing really and am about to because I'll be offline the next few weeks on a bit of an unpleasant adventure I'm obliged to take and reluctant to make so will catch up with you boys down the track.
I'm sure my old mate @Pop will be keeping everyone here amused, and confused, as is his way.Adam12. Hi mate.
Personal stories are reflective of life, past, present and futuristic.
Great to share, they can be painful or painless, better to hang them out to dry than leaving them soaking wet on the clothesline .
People who don’t enjoy others stories are devoid of their own experiences , which in a way is sad, possibly a sheltered life lived.AW
Maybe you guys should get a face book account and really go to town with your stories for one another? Great place for boring private recollections and stuff people who might actually enjoy them can be together apparently .
These forums are topic related , this one is house prices and quite interesting at times . It's about houses and how much they cost.
Perhaps you could start your own new forum even? That way others don't have to be in the way with their pesky comments that aren't related in any way to your interest point .
Oh its the Mr Boring with the offensive to females moniker.
We are not fools Mike, you don’t get on here to discuss and talk houses, you’ve hardly mentioned house prices of late, you’re just a jerk who keeps throwing retaliatory barbs at me because I criticised your obnoxious to women moniker MikeHunt207.
Still haven’t changed my view on that, alas this is an opinion forum and that’s my opinion. Lump it or leave it.
We didn’t change the topic others did, why don’t you take your silly primary school playground sooking and go join another thread or even better change that offensive name or drop the whole charades and we could be mates.
Balls in your court fella or sheila, who knows what gender you are.
Just thought you may want to know, surf was spot on early this morning whilst you were at home mid morning lamenting house prices AW

Hey AW
Spot on on the East Coast as well and still is .
Surfed with an old surf buddy and it helped 2 Pop :)
First wave was the best wave I have had in 2 long .
Was a big 1 out the back and the left lined up all the way 2 shore for about 60 meters .
A good start with almost everything , seems so important , still .
There were some nice barrels out there .
Indian Summer yet ?

Pop Down wrote:Hey AW
Spot on on the East Coast as well and still is .
Surfed with an old surf buddy and it helped 2 Pop :)
First wave was the best wave I have had in 2 long .
Was a big 1 out the back and the left lined up all the way 2 shore for about 60 meters .
A good start with almost everything , seems so important , still .
There were some nice barrels out there .
Indian Summer yet ?
Pops Hey. Good day in the ocean for sure, toasty water temp.
Glad you got a big bomb, makes ya day.
BTW, You wouldn’t have happened to had the time to check out a few house prices on the MP for MikeHunt207, he’s feeling very aggrieved by all of our digressions and is a little edgy at present not knowing what the markets are doing .
See if you can help him out a little. AW

It wasn't that big haha and I don't know a Free Market from a Supermarket or Black market .
Only ever bid on 1 property , kept my hand up till the end and bought right at the top of the Market in 2007 .
Really trying 2 not help anyone , 2 much , with any stuff .
Most people would do well , 2 do the opposite of what I say , as I can make very Edgy calls imho !

but..but...wait...I thought price gouging was the cause of inflation..surely the whole Australian Treasury must be far right fascist capitalists...definitely all heterosexual white males too and Trump supporters...surely the left can't be wrong that we're all defenceless victims in a Marxist struggle against exploitation by evil corporations...
"Confidential Treasury analysis shows decade high wages growth that has pushed the average fulltime salary above $100,000 is now the biggest driver of consumer price inflation, undercutting claims widespread corporate profit gouging is to blame.

Only last June, the RBA noted that “some firms were indexing their prices, either implicitly or directly, to past inflation. These developments created an increased risk that high inflation would be persistent..."
And assuming that wage rises actually are pushing up inflation, I don't see the logic that it means that price gouging isn't contributing.
Seems like a bullshit argument.
As an aside, according to the ABS the average Australian income is about $98k and the median is about $67k.
This huge disparity points shows just how much high earners skew the average and also hints at the reality of a large class of working poor.
Again, how do you buy food, pay rent or a mortgage, run a car and possibly raise kids on $900 net per week?
Anyhoo, I'm digressing - companies are price gouging, end of story.

This vid will surprise...tbb honestly thought this Vid would prod wrong...
Cutting Edge Migrant Housing Policy...more than any need to dare ask or know! WIKI Migrant Housing Vid!
These Migrants will share more than what yer Govt will...way more attuned to Worldly Migration.
Extremely professional...makes ya wonder if we need Migrant split / Housing Ministers...OMG!
Ministers should canvas similar crews to formulate Govt Policy...Why Not start with this lot!
These guys have fingers on every next policy & will inform on such!
tbb was gonna race a menu then tripped over the Migrant's own Pro Menu...Strewth!
Try & find the weakest link in this lot...all are on it!
This flies over our heads at any Oz BBQ...also speak better English than most Aussies.
Great Job Guys...this helps...for sure! If these Guys are up to speed then why not our Ministers!

Some very good stats and graphs in this article.

Not all doom and gloom, maybe the corner is about to be turned??

Not all doom and gloom, maybe the corner is about to be turned??

I am not In Property , or looking 2 buy atm .
Have just been hearing about people dealing with the NEW tax's in Victoria , recently .
A number of instances of new People , Renting out , their second home , 2 Pay 4 the Land Tax .
Spoke to a chap yesterday , a property Maniac .
He lives in Sydney and Selling All his Rental Properties in Victoria .
Looking 2 buy in Cairns , really !
Land Tax's for him have gone up 50 % , really !
He also said he ALSO has a NEW , Rent Tax 2 pay !
I said , NFI , WTF !!!
The affects of these tax's will take Years , to really Reveal themselves .
I have NFI about ANY markets .
There are lots of wonderful properties in Oz , I would LOVE 2 own , right now .

The wealth effect, in full effect.

Perhaps a few of the 770 000 people who moved into Australia last year , have the money 2 buy a home .
As there is Stuff all Supply coming onto the market ( 2700 new FNP homes 2 B built in 10 years with each costing $1.4m ) , Demand is keeping Home Prices elevated atm .
We need the Future Fund involved in Public Housing , they have the BIG money AND make sure its Spent wisely .

freeride76 wrote:The wealth effect, in full effect.
Did you read the full article Steve? Most cash paid regions were highly regional. Eg highest % of properties paid for by cash in QLD was in Tara with the median property price paid $82k. Hardly wealthy people buying these properties.
Title of article is rather misleading in its wording.

""urban centres" had the highest overall value of cash purchases due to their higher property prices and greater number of purchases."
Top 10 locations by aggregate cash purchases in NSW, QLD and VIC are anything but regional.

donweather wrote:Some very good stats and graphs in this article.
Yep, I agree with this. Inflation is an erosion of the standard of living. And to Kohler’s point, rate cuts will be late. That last rate hike was completely unnecessary.

Especially as US PPI just came in hot
Inflation is a dilution of the value of currency via creation of a greater supply of it

Haha, interestingly many will argue you on that point. Especially the MMT crowd.

Looking at it retrospectively, fiscal stimulus during covid was a failure of epic proportions. It was hard to judge back then but we're living through the impacts now. Blaming inflation on Putin and other bullshit like that is exactly that - bullshit. Yes, there was an impact but the core problem was always covid madness money printing, fiscal stimulus and associated supply chain bottlenecks.

Bring back the fibro shack…They aren’t asbestos anymore, they are cheap to build and with a coat of acrylic render look like brick.
Stop the land covenants too where you have to build a certain size…let people start small.
We need the govt to give people 5 years after moving in to roof overhead stage to get the lining up to the new so called energy spec…people need a roof now.
. We also need the govt to give people a cheap block of land to which we have plenty.
I heard Albo bragging in Singapore to the leaders the other day …quote” you have all the tech but we have all the land”….so come here and invest and build.
Too bad Albo has no cheap land for things like……people.
He’s right though …we do have all the land, it’s just that the govt isn’t going to give it to anybody….they have filthy rich developers for that.
But hey I’m sure they subsidise backpack swags for the homeless and stuff…
Such generosity from the ex houso and friends.

Optimist you are spot on. Back in the day that was normal but it is now illegal. Regulation and its bureaucrats are out of control. Also, a commercial lease for an industrial/warehouse facility in Sydney is now at $270 per sqm. This is an article from last year but explains the situation well.

flollo wrote:Haha, interestingly many will argue you on that point. Especially the MMT crowd.

flollo wrote:Looking at it retrospectively, fiscal stimulus during covid was a failure of epic proportions. It was hard to judge back then but we're living through the impacts now. Blaming inflation on Putin and other bullshit like that is exactly that - bullshit. Yes, there was an impact but the core problem was always covid madness money printing, fiscal stimulus and associated supply chain bottlenecks.
Yes to all of this. The more you print, the more your people suffer later. If I recall there was some special RBA facility that allowed the banks themselves to continue to borrow at a ridiculously low rate throughout covid - voila, there's a portion of the mad house price rises as they then used these funds, perhaps
looking back at that link now, it seems stupendously insane

Optimist wrote:Bring back the fibro shack…They aren’t asbestos anymore, they are cheap to build and with a coat of acrylic render look like brick.
window to another world... spent time around these, they are mint

I did the maths and if you do your owner builder course and hire trades yourself to do everything ,a fully rendered fibro home will cost you $1000 per sq metre finished on a slab with pine frame and trusses & colourbond roof…
Or less for a roof over your head and finish later which the govt should allow if they were smart.
So, a nice little three bedroom house of 120 sq metres will cost you $120,000 to build.

Cool link VJ.
"I suspect the hut is an archetype and as such speaks to many of us symbolically, in the language of poetry, in metaphor, contradictions and paradox. Simplicity, separateness and ephemerality are its essence". Dianne Johnson .. (from link)
I feel way more comfortable and at home in the old fibro and/or tin shacks than any modern built home.

Optimist wrote:I did the maths and if you do your owner builder course and hire trades yourself to do everything ,a fully rendered fibro home will cost you $1000 per sq metre finished on a slab with pine frame and trusses & colourbond roof…
Or less for a roof over your head and finish later which the govt should allow if they were smart.
So, a nice little three bedroom house of 120 sq metres will cost you $120,000 to build.
As an owner builder doing everything myself except plumbing and electrical i can do it at about $700-$800 a m2. (even including some high quality materials like solid hardwood floors)
But if i paid tradies to do everything i think it would be almost double that.
Building per m2 cost these days is about 2K to 4K or as low as 1.3k-1.5k if a big volume building company as they get materials much cheaper as buy in big volume's and pay tradies under's.(they often give tradies a price they must do it for, rather than tradies giving the builder a quoted price)

The figures are correct, it’s a fibro house quote don’t forget.….i live on the mid north/ north coast of nsw which is different to you poor buggers that live in Victoria.
We have good tradesman average joes that work for $500 a day each here.
Raft slab $120 a metre laid.
I had a quote for all trusses and frames stood by a licenced chippie including crane for $3700…it’s a 2 day job.
…Fibro from Bunnings 2.7 x 1.2 m is $ 41 a sheet to clad….all trusses, 90mm frames, roofing, gutters and facias all up $28000 including all sundries delivered as a package….roofers and chippies $500 a day each.
I did this to show battlers they can build a Barry basic fibro home on a somewhere quiet block with no covenants cheap…
Do the owner build course, it’s easy …hire your own trades and you’ll save a mint.
Paint fibro with a product like dulux acratex render….waterproof it first.
Add council fees and your draftsman/ govt . portal consultant.

Well done opti. You’re spot on. Sadly, it’s not a trend. I see plenty of those ‘no backyard’ new builds. Walls to the fence kinda a thing. Sometimes the block is tiny so I get it. But even when it gets a bit bigger like 700sqm you still see these monstrosities with no backyard. Yes we have a housing crisis. But we also have a size crisis; houses in this country are just getting bigger. Look at the below:
‘Over the past 60 years Australian homes have more than doubled in size, going from an average of around 100 square metres in 1950 to about 240 square metres today. This makes them the largest in the world, ahead of Canada and the United States.’'s-addiction-to-big-houses-is-blowing-the-energy-budget#:~:text=Houses%20getting%20bigger,about%20240%20square%20metres%20today.

Sorry about the vicco crack…I’m still thinking Dan was in charge so things will be better now. It’s a beautiful place for sure.
My first build was 114 sq metres…around 16+ metres long x 7 wide from memory .3 bed 2 bath …galley kitchen…master bed and ensuite backed onto laundry at one end and 2 bedrooms and main bath at the other end with the main living area separating them in the centre.
I put a cheap 2 metre wide verandah running around it and also 8’6” ceilings.
It felt plenty big…if you want a little house to feel big, go high ceilings…9 feet plus if your a long boarder.
That was on a cheap sloping block so I went with duragal steel adjustable legs and floor frame.
Don’t be scared of sloping blocks when you have steel legs that are fully adjustable….
You just get all the holes dug….assemble the frame with the legs in the holes….when it’s all level and you’ve put an extra coat of cold gal paint on the legs , pour in the concrete and set them.
Yellow tongue flooring …pine frame and fibro weatherboards . It was a great little home with the slope providing a garage underneath.
It was a super cheap build…and 114 sq metres felt big.
If your owner building and having trouble finding trades just drive around the project homes and steal their guys for a day….theyll be all over it for some extra money as they are on tight contract rates and love some extra coin.
Like flollo says and in his article which was very good ..BUILD SMALL…why carry all that debt and energy waste for a house where you spend nearly all your time in two areas of it.
Find a cheap as you can block and find the solutions for a cheaper life.
Forget keeping up with the Jones’s …a lot of my friends are millionaires through long years in the same jobs and generous inheritances.
I had none of those things being a surf bum with no rich relllies and yet they all love coming to my humble little house to visit.
Keep it simple…love Jesus…live well.

Optimist wrote:The figures are correct, it’s a fibro house quote don’t forget.….i live on the mid north/ north coast of nsw which is different to you poor buggers that live in Victoria.
We have good tradesman average joes that work for $500 a day each here.
Raft slab $120 a metre laid.
I had a quote for all trusses and frames stood by a licenced chippie including crane for $3700…it’s a 2 day job.
…Fibro from Bunnings 2.7 x 1.2 m is $ 41 a sheet to clad….all trusses, 90mm frames, roofing, gutters and facias all up $28000 including all sundries delivered as a package….roofers and chippies $500 a day each.
I did this to show battlers they can build a Barry basic fibro home on a somewhere quiet block with no covenants cheap…
Do the owner build course, it’s easy …hire your own trades and you’ll save a mint.
Paint fibro with a product like dulux acratex render….waterproof it first.
Add council fees and your draftsman/ govt . portal consultant.
this works well as long as the trades are quality, and you have a fair idea yourself on how things should work and go together , can also go pear shaped pretty easily

Optimist wrote:The figures are correct, it’s a fibro house quote don’t forget.….i live on the mid north/ north coast of nsw which is different to you poor buggers that live in Victoria.
We have good tradesman average joes that work for $500 a day each here.
Raft slab $120 a metre laid.
I had a quote for all trusses and frames stood by a licenced chippie including crane for $3700…it’s a 2 day job.
…Fibro from Bunnings 2.7 x 1.2 m is $ 41 a sheet to clad….all trusses, 90mm frames, roofing, gutters and facias all up $28000 including all sundries delivered as a package….roofers and chippies $500 a day each.
I did this to show battlers they can build a Barry basic fibro home on a somewhere quiet block with no covenants cheap…
Do the owner build course, it’s easy …hire your own trades and you’ll save a mint.
Paint fibro with a product like dulux acratex render….waterproof it first.
Add council fees and your draftsman/ govt . portal consultant.
Yeah okay i still think you are being quite optimistic (hence your name) cost always blow out, especially with decent finishes inside like bathrooms & kitchen's, flooring and if add on cost of things like decks etc plus all other cost, plans/drawings, permits, hooking up water, sewerage, electricity etc
But yeah there probably is advantages to building in a warmer climate cost wise, for instance in Victoria getting our high energy rating needed now mostly for heating is quite expensive, it's very hard to get the rating without using double glazed windows which are quite expensive if decent quality.
If i was to build the cheapest place possible, it would be pretty much be a rectangle box with a skillion roof with outriggers, the roof running all at one angle, no eave sheets, no fascias/bargeboards, cuts down cost in materials and labour and actually looks quite good if done right.
Then no roof trusses just LVL's you can even put them up with one person, no need to order trusses or crane in anything and gives you a nice high raked ceiling inside making a smaller house feel larger than it is.
And then clad all of it in zinculum or colorbond sheets, cheap and quick to do and no need for painting.
kinda in this style, although I dont like the window placements of this place, id spend a bit extra and have a few double sliding doors at the front so can open things up onto a deck area, but you get the idea.

A Fibre Home sounds a bit weak to Me ( house of Straw ).
I have gone through a few of those walls .
Any home built needs to be very durable , in the Outback and here in Melbourne .
A home here needs Heating and Cooling Technologies , in the NT , just Cooling .
All need bedrooms , kitchen , toilets and need to B a safe Place .
The program in the NT , has been going for years !
Surely , they have a Template , 4 the Ideal NT FNP Home , they NEED 2 build !!!

It's kind of weird cause i know what you mean PD the old fibro houses you could pretty much kick a hole in the wall easily they were very thin and brittle, but lots of cladding products that are now made of cement sheet type material are actually quite strong and they a quite good in regard to fire ratings etc, but most aren't cheap unless just generic flat no frills fibro cement sheets.

This was a really great idea and I always wondered what came of it . The paywalled story ( sorry I’m not a subscriber ) tells basically what’s happened , a real shame as it was such a good concept and apparently did well in rebuilding some cyclone hit pacific islands . edit …. When I clicked on afr a second time the full article showed up .

indo-dreaming wrote:It's kind of weird cause i know what you mean PD the old fibro houses you could pretty much kick a hole in the wall easily they were very thin and brittle, but lots of cladding products that are now made of cement sheet type material are actually quite strong and they a quite good in regard to fire ratings etc, but most aren't cheap unless just generic flat no frills fibro cement sheets.
The old asbestos fibro was way tougher than what you buy now, it's soft brittle in comparison.
I wouldn't put fibro or any hardies products from Bunnings on a dog kennel.
Colorbond is ok but makes your house look like a shed if you do the whole house. Also marks/scratches easily, get's hot, everytime a hail storm hits a town all the roofs get replaced, walls would be no different.
I have business that does away with all that and painting.
House prices - going to go up , down or sideways ?
Opinions and anecdotal stories if you could.