~ Board Review Vids ~

Machado not Cado but pretty Groovy.

Gone FISHn around February

ReVo MAX ...its an hour and a quarter long.

I love flat deck boards….i haven’t been a twin guy but that board is impressive and looks the goods.
Might have to try one.
If you like flat deck boards a good way is to pick stock plan shapes and just have them made 1/16” to a 1/4” thinner…
…obviously you need to think a little bigger planshape to get the same volume but the flex and forgiveness of a thinner flat deck board feels good I reckon.
I can’t handle rolled decks….hate em.

Optimist wrote:I love flat deck boards….i haven’t been a twin guy but that board is impressive and looks the goods.
Might have to try one.
If you like flat deck boards a good way is to pick stock plan shapes and just have them made 1/16” to a 1/4” thinner…
…obviously you need to think a little bigger planshape to get the same volume but the flex and forgiveness of a thinner flat deck board feels good I reckon.
I can’t handle rolled decks….hate em.
Optimist. Hi mate. Hope ya well
We are of the same vintage, never in my wildest dreams would I’ve thought of riding a twin fin. Purely an unsubstantiated view in the brain department blocking any consideration of their use.
Well, at almost 60years, I’ve now got two of them and I love them, it’s all horses for courses type stuff.
I choose a board for the type of surf that’s in front of me on any given day.
The slightly flatter deck, less front rocker and you’ll find it’s easy to catch waves, less paddle power required, once you’re up and riding you can milk the wave for all it has to offer. Quads are my boards in general, but I’m really liking the twinnies as well.
MOTE Fiji, 6’1” , triple stringers and flyers, channelled bottom with medium sized fins. Had larger fins which came with the board, no good, way too loose, was liking trying to ride a skateboard on a wave.
The other is a 6’6”” Arakawa rounded pin twinnie, it’s the best board I have. The Glide fins engage immediately when you drop them into the wall and off you fly.
Us oldies can still have fun with modern day tweaks on boards. Try one !.AW

Dear Alfred,, thanks for the advice, …I’m going to give them a go. My Christian brother Eric A would be a good choice of a 6’6” keel twin. …where did you get yours in Australia?
I also am a big fan of quads….especially backhand….especially on fast beach breaks……
My favorite all time boards included an arakawa that a backpacker brought into the shop I was working in to sell …..he picked it up in Hawaii and wanted a $100.
I thought it was Christmas and loved it to bits for quite a while….it was a 6’5” swallow with the old palm trees decal….what a friggin board….it was one of my memorable boards.
Did you know Brutus got saved and became a Christian in Eric’s church in Hawaii.
Another rough diamond being steadily polished by Jesus….
OK keel twins….on my list for sure.
Who would have ever thought me on a twin….but there is something going on I admit.

Optimist wrote:Dear Alfred,, thanks for the advice, …I’m going to give them a go. My Christian brother Eric A would be a good choice of a 6’6” keel twin. …where did you get yours in Australia?
I also am a big fan of quads….especially backhand….especially on fast beach breaks……
My favorite all time boards included an arakawa that a backpacker brought into the shop I was working in to sell …..he picked it up in Hawaii and wanted a $100.
I thought it was Christmas and loved it to bits for quite a while….it was a 6’5” swallow with the old palm trees decal….what a friggin board….it was one of my memorable boards.
Did you know Brutus got saved and became a Christian in Eric’s church in Hawaii.
Another rough diamond being steadily polished by Jesus….
OK keel twins….on my list for sure.
Who would have ever thought me on a twin….but there is something going on I admit.
Optimist. Hi.
I’m a backhand surfer here on the Torquay coast, can’t remember the last time I went left, so yeah,the boards I described work a treat.
The Eric A.board is that Mysto model, got it through connections, let’s just say I didn’t pay too much for it. Can’t really disclose my contact sorry.
I know Brutus, his outcome is good, he nearly left this world.
Merry Xmas to you and yours. AW

AlfredWallace wrote:Optimist wrote:Dear Alfred,, thanks for the advice, …I’m going to give them a go. My Christian brother Eric A would be a good choice of a 6’6” keel twin. …where did you get yours in Australia?
I also am a big fan of quads….especially backhand….especially on fast beach breaks……
My favorite all time boards included an arakawa that a backpacker brought into the shop I was working in to sell …..he picked it up in Hawaii and wanted a $100.
I thought it was Christmas and loved it to bits for quite a while….it was a 6’5” swallow with the old palm trees decal….what a friggin board….it was one of my memorable boards.
Did you know Brutus got saved and became a Christian in Eric’s church in Hawaii.
Another rough diamond being steadily polished by Jesus….
OK keel twins….on my list for sure.
Who would have ever thought me on a twin….but there is something going on I admit.Optimist. Hi.
I’m a backhand surfer here on the Torquay coast, can’t remember the last time I went left, so yeah,the boards I described work a treat.
The Eric A.board is that Mysto model, got it through connections, let’s just say I didn’t pay too much for it. Can’t really disclose my contact sorry.I know Brutus, his outcome is good, he nearly left this world.
Merry Xmas to you and yours. AW
Optimist. Hi again.
Here’s a couple of photos of these large fins for the Arakawa Mysto.
I wouldn’t be putting keel fins in this type of board.

Trip does the best reviews, I’ve bought quite a few boards from watching him.

The trend of not wearing a leg rope
to show how good you might be

Exxotixjeff wrote:The trend of not wearing a leg rope
to show how good you might be
Jeffy Boy, NO KOOKS in this section matey...stick to your BS somewhere else.

Wooly in the pool and ocean on the Pisces.

TJ with his spiel on the new twin with a Zeee

Just ADD fins!

I don’t really get the twinzer thing….it dosent really add up to me….. but, if it works for you it works I suppose.

Optimist wrote:I don’t really get the twinzer thing….it dosent really add up to me….. but, if it works for you it works I suppose.
Whats old is new again....longboards, fish, twin fins, twinZers which were never a significant part of surfboard design anyway.When twinZas first arrived, I thought probably not as stable as a quad,so didnt explore the concept at all.I personally wouldn't outlay the sort of money, just to try them out.However, having plenty of old boards that I can put a couple of plugs in and try out the concept, might happen.
I'm always of the opinion that a slight change can be a benefit for specific people,Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Optimist wrote:I don’t really get the twinzer thing….it dosent really add up to me….. but, if it works for you it works I suppose.
My first magic board was a Pottz Twinzer I surfed for six months in '91. Which is all the more unusual as I don't like twin fins.
I tried to get it recreated - foolishly not by Stuart D'Arcy who shaped the original - and the shaper incorporated features of the day: nose curve, deck roll, narrow planshape, and unsurprisingly it didn't surf very well.
I rode another one recently that went OK despite not having what I'd want. That being, width, thickness, flatness, all in the service of small wave speed.
Don't really understand why you'd put them on a mid-length but each to their own.

I loved quads. My go to boards for many years were ci Fred rubble quads with light glass. Probably the best all round and reliably “magic” boards time after time I’d ever ridden…..round pin and swallows equally as good.
The quad spacing gave the drive I needed …but on point breaks with long walls where long bottom turns are required a thruster vee swallow tail was the only board for me.
The twinzers just don’t look drivey enough to me….although I am often wrong….ask my wife…..it’s the reason I got married….i can’t live without constant supervision.

I've had some fun small wave twinzers.
I pulled one out from under the house recently and it felt terrible.
Really weird handling. It went back under the house.

Optimist wrote:I loved quads. My go to boards for many years were ci Fred rubble quads with light glass. Probably the best all round and reliably “magic” boards time after time I’d ever ridden…..round pin and swallows equally as good.
The quad spacing gave the drive I needed …but on point breaks with long walls where long bottom turns are required a thruster vee swallow tail was the only board for me.
The twinzers just don’t look drivey enough to me….although I am often wrong….ask my wife…..it’s the reason I got married….i can’t live without constant supervision.
Optimist. Morning mate.
I think you and I are similar surfers. I’ve still got three CI Fred Rubble quads, all rounded tail, 6’0”, 6’1”, 6’3”. I’ve done my best surfing in the last five years on those boards, especially away in the tropics, bottom turns and reo’s on those boards are sublime.
Certain board plans suit certain people that’s for sure. AW

udo wrote:Jim Banks is just about to make an Announcement about Twinzers . . .
That he invented them..?

AW…if I only had the one board with me and it was a bottom turning day, I switch the 5 fin box to thruster for the rubble….the quads I’d surf on the steep fast days especially backhand…..I’ve never had a better board backhand than a rubble quad.
I’ll never forget Kelly at that big day cloudbreak comp on his 5’9” rubble quad….
He came and said “ I can’t surf any better than that…that’s the best I can do”…ha ha.

Kelly at 1: 30....I rest my case.

That was pretty sick Opti but the best barrel in that clip imo was CJ's.
I'm a quad convert too.
Board review vids..