The United States(!) of A

Said it before here, economically I reckon Biden team did well - look at the huge reindustrialisation of US in high tech industry like chips that is undergoing capital deployment at present, the Inflation Reduction Act hoovered up tech to the US, there are big infrastructure deployments going on. They took the trade shock politics of Trump 45 and ran with the theme in a bipartisan way, and if you look at GDP growth around the world at present it's US then daylight. Prediction is Trump continues this bipartisan policy, with much noise, but basically continues the industrial rebuilding of the US.

Trump just Declared National Emergency at The Southern Border of The US of A (Again!)
Prez power appoints Austrian born Jew to Leader of German Nazis...nothing will become of that!
Prez can appoint wealthiest o/s born Nazi as Emergency US Prez without even having to run for Prez!
That's this one here...
Trump 15th Feb 2019 > Revoked by Biden Day 1 on 20th Jan 2021
Trump 20th Jan 2025 >

Optimist wrote:I’m glad there will be just boys and girls again.
I was starting to forget all the different species.
(haha, yeh, thank Christ for that. Must've been a harrowing time for so, so many, having to endure all the sensationalised bits n' bobs the last few years.)
the majority of people wanted to get rid of the democrats by having a jeff daniels kinda leader for prez with an aaron sorkin as speechwriter. reality is they got a tubby orange snake-oil narcissist with a donkey-faced martian bond-creature attached. it was as close as they had to what was wanted, in terms of choice. so naturally people've convinced themselves this isn't the most boring spectacle of vacuous nothing in political history.
how depressing for humanity that america is the world's richest country, while also being one of the most unimpressive and embarassing.. hope trump can lift USA up to where we'd all like to see it, without continually just punching down.
(never gets old, written half a decade before Trump-for-prez was even a thing).

No SexyJeff for the last 4-5 pages. Makes for a pleasant change.
Next 4 years looks like an interesting ride, particularly for the USA.

Trump's o/s Doge City Sheriffs sued for reintroducing slave trade...Bummer!
Boils down to Trump's Gubernatorial giving reporters the Heebie-Jeebies
Breaking News : Trump's Notorious Gubernatorial Dodge City Sheriff Ramaswamy...
Note : (Not the one wearing the Prayer Robes singing at GOP Convention but the one wearing down his beads)
Yeah him...he's gonna hand in his DOGE City badge...
No not now, but some time next week...during the Court case...

Optimist wrote:I’m glad there will be just boys and girls again.
I was starting to forget all the different species.
I'm glad we can go grab em on the pussy for the next 4 years!

“We don’t want to be one of those single-planet species,” Musk said in 2021 at the launch of a SpaceX rocket into orbit. “We want to be a multi-planet species.”
Musk never lost his superhero mindset. As Sam Altman (said) “Elon desperately wants the world to be saved. But only if he can be the one to save it.”
Cut to Inauguration Day 2025:
“This was no ordinary victory. This was a fork in the road of human civilization.”
“We’re going to take DOGE to Mars.”
Here he comes. The Saviour. The Man with the Plan.
“This is what Victory feels like… thank you… mUahahaha.” Yep, you won alright. You’re welcome. And wow, that laugh? Pure Dr. Evil. Almost funny, but like, not really?
Goes kinda well with that “My heart goes out to you” gesture thing. That he did twice. Wonder if that will take off?
Geez, people reckoned Bannon MAGA was a worry.
At least - compared with the last mob - it’s all out in full view with this lot.

velocityjohnno wrote:Also an External Revenue Service - ie the tax man, for collecting tariffs.
Out of interest, the nascent US government when it was small and watched like a hawk, raised most of it's income from tariffs.
Be a good time for the tariff/free trade argument on these pages: Trump says he will tariff America's way to prosperity; everything neoclassical economics teaches is that this will create less choice for consumers, more expensive choice for consumers. I'd add it would benefit domestic producers at the expense of consumers - what do you all think about this?
Well, he has to create 25million new jobs for the illegals who came across the border under Kalamitiyes watch.Some are self employed though.The drug and gun dealers,terrorists and known criminals.

Optimist wrote:I’m glad there will be just boys and girls again.
I was starting to forget all the different species.
Amen to that Opti. Common sense prevails here. Now it’s just back to a mental illness again. Nothing wrong with mental illness, most of us have it in one way or another.

This is pretty good

Brilliant and illuminating performance by the Don signing the Executive Orders. It showed how confident and knowledgeable he is across a wide range of topics. Cracking down on illegals and cartels were my 2 favourites.

Hopefully the tariffs will bring back businesses that make things that last.
If the world is serious about a clean planet then we need to go back to quality goods that are a bit more expensive…..look after a good product and make it last.
Even the rich Chinese buy imported goods like Harley’s etc etc.
I for one will buy Australian , American or Japanese goods over Chinese any day and pay the extra…
I think the world will go this way again hopefully and be more self sufficient.
My relatives made the first towels in Australia at Bonds in Sydney.
Wouldn’t it be nice to make stuff at home again and save all that fuel.

velocityjohnno wrote:
Shouldn’t it be Pistachios over people. Wonderful Pistachios over people. What about POM over people. Or you could believe the horse shit above.

"Wait, Biden could have just closed the border? Surely it isn't this easy?"

soggydog wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:
Shouldn’t it be Pistachios over people. Wonderful Pistachios over people. What about POM over people. Or you could believe the horse shit above.
Radical environmentalism... haha.
They should get Barnaby over there as a consultant to investigate, he can send in his report by text messages.
Mother nature will win in the end.
I thought the fires were from the lasers coming from planes spreading chemtrails that are being activated and directed from 5G towers by our vaccine enforcing reptilian overlords who are herding us sheeple into small 15 minute cities....
Geez prove I'm wrong....

Where has Chelsea-facto and rottenjeff gone?

goofyfoot wrote:Where has Chelsea-facto and rottenjeff gone?
Not sure about Sexxy but today couldn't have been pleasant.

fitzroy-21 wrote:No SexyJeff for the last 4-5 pages. Makes for a pleasant change.
Next 4 years looks like an interesting ride, particularly for the USA.
Yeah and no Jelly for weeks too, you can really see the difference the thread isn't clogged up with video's, but actual conversation and debate with just the odd video thrown in the mix.

quadzilla wrote:Optimist wrote:I’m glad there will be just boys and girls again.
I was starting to forget all the different species.I'm glad we can go grab em on the pussy for the next 4 years!
Care to elaborate on what this comment means?
Pretty crass from a casual observers perspective.

Obviously a joke, piss take but yeah was in bad taste.

Innocent people don’t need preemptive pardons. Can’t wait to see what trump and his team have on fauci and bidens family.

indo-dreaming wrote:Obviously a joke, piss take but yeah was in bad taste.
It's more than bad taste @indo.

Optimist wrote:Hopefully the tariffs will bring back businesses that make things that last.
If the world is serious about a clean planet then we need to go back to quality goods that are a bit more expensive…..look after a good product and make it last.
Even the rich Chinese buy imported goods like Harley’s etc etc.
I for one will buy Australian , American or Japanese goods over Chinese any day and pay the extra…
I think the world will go this way again hopefully and be more self sufficient.
My relatives made the first towels in Australia at Bonds in Sydney.
Wouldn’t it be nice to make stuff at home again and save all that fuel.
Amen to that Opti. Some of my rellies did textiles in the early Industrial Revolution. We have 30yo Aussie made dryer, got beaut Aussie made fireplace, found Aussie oven to upgrade in last couple of years too. They are well built, good quality products made by creative people and companies here. Still got my Japanese built power tools for board shaping I bought new in 1993, great solid quality power tools.

I focus wrote:This is pretty good
Got a lot of that right but was also pretty wide of the mark a few times too.
I mean, why not give Trump the Nobel Peace Prize? Obama won the 2009 prize and then went on to approve more drone strikes in his first year in office than G.W. Bush carried out during his entire administration.
In 2016 Obama gave the go-ahead for the dropping of over 26,000 bombs.
And if he thinks Trump was a "blip", he hasn't been paying any attention to the rise of neoliberalism, its affect on both the middle and working class and how this feeds populism.
Also if he doesn't realise the U.S. has been using bullying to get their way for hundreds of years, well I don't know what history books he's been reading.
Similarly, it's been an oligarchy and a plutocracy for decades.
Agree with how impotent the Left has been and how it has almost totally abandoned its traditional territory.
For mine it's complicit in the "re-emergence of serfdom" but again, this pre-dates Trump and Musk by decades as well.

stunet wrote:goofyfoot wrote:Where has Chelsea-facto and rottenjeff gone?
Not sure about Sexxy but today couldn't have been pleasant.
Spoke too soon.

burleigh wrote:Innocent people don’t need preemptive pardons. Can’t wait to see what trump and his team have on fauci and bidens family.
Wait to see Trump pre-emptively saving his own arse in 4 years is my prediction.
Let’s not forget he just pardoned 1500 crims today.
Strange system where the law and the courts can be over ridden by one person.

I think it would've been a cool gesture if Biden pardoned Corn Pop, even though he was a bad dude.

Hahaha I just googled that. That is hilarious. Wonder if there’s any truth to the matter.

^ haha, same..
We do know, however, that Biden – at least according to himself – is unafraid of violence. In 2018 he suggested that in a hypothetical situation, Donald Trump would be in physical danger.
“A guy who ended up becoming our national leader said: ‘I can grab a woman anywhere and she likes it,’” Biden told an audience in Florida.
“If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.”

When I get banned for being too boring I’m coming back as CornPop

Can't believe you've never heard of Corn Pop.
He was a cereal offender.

Whaahaa too good!!!


Ha haaa ha- gold!

Ok let's see who will make the most money during Trump's term. And let's track those investments so we can replicate.

From Seeds....... to Corn Pop. (shrug) Makes sense to me.

Over 8 Worldly regions celebrate 1,000's of years of over 50 various ancient intersex cultural icons.
Most born from natural environmental intersex toxins permeating water supply & dietary resources...
Regenerative Algae nourishes critters and spawning humans resourcing intersex plant / food chain
Fast tracking climate / tides of industrialized toxic goop spawns another 60 mutating sex variations.
Yet Trump is mandating that in USA only (2) Sexes > Male named Adam & Female named Eve exist.
Despite Trump's green glow golfing herbicide spawning more weirder intersex by the hour...
More overly fertilized sexes emerge not can't wish mankind's intersex away as outcasts!
tbb could share how devastating it is to deny them basic human existence...or to be killed at birth..
Trump Golfing State of Florida ranked #6 US intersex pop = More on the Sports News...well durr!
Also got higher pre term pregnancies...anyone for a round of Golf? Thought not...fuckin' dumbarses!
Man up & deal with life facts & celebrate diversity...instead of censoring and hiding like a coward.
Most intersex are born from Island Diets & local Industrialized Toxins fast tracking pre term labour!
Sex organs / Sphincter last to develop > More industrialization = more acid reflux & intersex births.
Very reason most of Oz is off limits to raise a Family...all Mothers flock to diminishing havens...
Coz most of Oz / Hawaii is poisoned with Heavy Metals & Pesticide run off that will mutate births!
Yes! There are high risk zones with higher intersex birth & long term culture of intersex...
Some are natural Ladyboys tribes others are highly industrialized shit holes...ain't no chick visiting!
Soon all born with life long disability = Real Estate Sea Change Hot being polluted...
Seachange Fisheries / Oysters / Bi Valves Estuaries - all promote intersex everywhere!
Many Ports / Marinas / Mines / Crops / Tips are all no go zones for birthing a child...all poisoned.
Wastewater ocean outfall likewise a risk just for a mum to bathe in...golden breed era is over!
Quite a lot of intersex born from pregnant mothers bathing in common Pathogens if only for a day!
Most of them Ancient Stories are based on fact ...of real proven enviro ramping resulting in intersex...
How far ya wanna explore...Birth of Medicine / Ports / Amphitheatres are all Ancient intersex Hubs!
#1 Reason chix need Gold Standard Real Estate to raise a Healthy family = Housing health crisis!
Aging mothers ain't gonna be wheel chairing pre term mutated > Whatever Trump denies them.
Here's some light reading on Hawaii's Intersex...A wake up call!
1/10 (4,700 Hawaiian Intersex Kids) Despite Trump today claiming they don't exist...Huh!
Warning! This is not pretty reading...(So sad!)
3.8% are born Questioning their sexual physicality?
50% feel sad for weeks on end + Emotionally hurt
44% Cut'n'burn themselves 43% bullied 29% of that bullying is at school
35% Intersex Kids have suicide plans 33% acted on them 26% are bullied online
25% Forced into sex > 18% Physically > 25% Raped > 25% cut outta school
65% Never talked to mentors about Drugs...etc...
49% Alcoholics 34% Pot heads 50% Vape 50% Abuse Pills 36% Smoke 20% Binge 25% Shoot up.
Reminding > just Kids that Trump banished off Hawaiian Island as trash...they no longer exist!
What to do about it...that's pretty fuckin' low...
They need a helpin' hand & Ignorant dumbarse Trump just squished these wretched souls like bugs...
They all now got targets painted on their foreheads...[Trump signature : Not a human being!]

Hey TBB..... don't worry Quaddie, Opti, Burls and others tell us that's all over with now. Just the two sexes again. Let the collateral perish. It's a bright new dawn.

goofyfoot wrote:Where has Chelsea-facto and rottenjeff gone?
They were invited to Mar A Lago for the after party!
Back in 4 years

southernraw wrote:quadzilla wrote:Optimist wrote:I’m glad there will be just boys and girls again.
I was starting to forget all the different species.I'm glad we can go grab em on the pussy for the next 4 years!
Care to elaborate on what this comment means?
Pretty crass from a casual observers perspective.
DUH, straight under ya head eh?

Did Bill & Hill get a pass ?

In 4 years the US won’t be a better place than it is now. This inauguration is little more than Trump swinging his dick and having everyone stroke his ego.
The divide between everyday people and Trump and the wealthy will only be bigger. Trump won’t accomplish much of substance. Most of the world has figured him out. Most is just huff and puff and talk.
Musk cares less about people than Trump does…and ain’t that saying something.
The greatest con by a grifter will be fascinating to watch. Buckle up.

Roadkill wrote:In 4 years the US won’t be a better place than it is now. This inauguration is little more than Trump swinging his dick and having everyone stroke his ego.
The divide between everyday people and Trump and the wealthy will only be bigger. Trump won’t accomplish much of substance. Most of the world has figured him out. Most is just huff and puff and talk.
Musk cares less about people than Trump does…and ain’t that saying something.
The greatest con by a grifter will be fascinating to watch. Buckle up.
One thing is certain I reckon, he will disrupt.
Reckon the MAGA's will feel like jilted lovers in a year or so...

andy-mac wrote:Roadkill wrote:In 4 years the US won’t be a better place than it is now. This inauguration is little more than Trump swinging his dick and having everyone stroke his ego.
The divide between everyday people and Trump and the wealthy will only be bigger. Trump won’t accomplish much of substance. Most of the world has figured him out. Most is just huff and puff and talk.
Musk cares less about people than Trump does…and ain’t that saying something.
The greatest con by a grifter will be fascinating to watch. Buckle up.
One thing is certain I reckon, he will disrupt.
Reckon the MAGA's will feel like jilted lovers in a year or so...
I doubt it will take a year.
You just have to look at who was on stage with Trump to know where the focus and attention will be. And who will be setting the agenda via new media.

So day one is done.
A couple of things to note.
The first day Trump wasn't a dictator, cause yes it was a joke a piss take.
He hasn't ended the Ukraine war yet which at one time he did said would happen before getting in. (the other time in one day)
Action already started like closing of borders to illegals is underway.
I wonder how many on that long list of celebrities have left USA as promised if Trump got in ?
I expect like last time most wont stick to their word.

quadzilla wrote:southernraw wrote:quadzilla wrote:Optimist wrote:I’m glad there will be just boys and girls again.
I was starting to forget all the different species.I'm glad we can go grab em on the pussy for the next 4 years!
Care to elaborate on what this comment means?
Pretty crass from a casual observers perspective.DUH, straight under ya head eh?
No mate. I think you mistake these forums for some kind of mens club.
Keep in mind it's a public space. You know, women and children.
Unless i'm the one mistaken??

Is it worth keeping up with the news updates? Here's a couple from various sources, as the journo's report on what Trump is doing:
Noted was he hasn't gone with full tariffs on China day 1, as he probably realises the inflationary repercussions... stay tuned on that development though. Markets liked that part of it today, with indexes deciding to rally.
Here's extended footage of him last night signing executive orders - while multitasking riffing with journalists and sometimes hostile questions in front of a news scrum. He appeared to be in his element with all the attention and a bit of controversy:
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank