free to air telly

Other than AFL and maybe the News I only really watch TV on demand these days
I like "International house hunters" :D (on channel 9) mostly the Asian or Mexico episodes.

Salvage hunters, American Pickers, Pawn stars, all the sort of cable tv produced stuff my kids watched before we hooked up the tv to streaming services. Easy to fall asleep to I'm sure. The missus spends an inordinate amount of time searching for something to watch on all the paid services and the on demand ones. I can't be arsed, too much to sift through, and am happy to watch reruns of British comedies, game shows, police procedurals or docos on the various iterations of free to air stations. Unless it is footy season at which point I re-subscribe to Kayo and immerse myself in wall to wall football for 9 months.

Catch ups didn’t go so well, b6?
I’m like you Blackers. Have all the streaming but can’t be arsed.

I’m glad there was some positive revelations/affirmations.

1976 Program Guide ...Tune into Aukus Nuke Sub Live Action.
VLF is able to penetrate the surface of the ocean to provide one-way communication to the Free World's most powerful deterrent force.
The Nuclear Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine...
So what channel is that on tbb...
The Harold E. Holt Naval Communication Station...
Is that the 1970's Chariots of the Gods Mystery Channel...think so!
Says here their TV masts can withstand 30 foot Tidal Waves...
No mention of surfboards but ya can surf the local Hammerheads

I rate this medium. And its downhill slide. Prolly cos I only experience it about 5 weekends in a year, but there it is.