Hanging a surfboard in a colourbond shed

whatsaname's picture
whatsaname started the topic in Thursday, 2 Nov 2017 at 2:22pm


I've been look for ways to store my surfboards that keep them out of the way.

Was thinking of getting some pulleys to hang them from the ceiling in my shed.

My only worry is will the head do any damage to them? The shed gets pretty damn hot in summer and obviously the roof will be the hottest part.

I could put some insulation etc up there but not convinced it will make a huge amount of difference.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Thursday, 2 Nov 2017 at 6:37pm

Insulation will make a huge difference without they will twisted in no time......also add a whirly or better is a vented ridge cap

Roof blanket o.k. but R 3.5 batts up there would be much better

whatsaname's picture
whatsaname's picture
whatsaname Friday, 3 Nov 2017 at 10:25am

Thanks, I didnt think about putting a whirly bird in, that will move a fair amount of the heat.

It's a large shed, 3m (from memory) so wouldnt have to raise them all the way up too.

Will hit bunnings over the weekend and have a crack.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 3 Nov 2017 at 10:52am

I've got a big Colorbond shed with a whirly fan in the roof and I still wouldn't put boards in the rafters during summer. No problems down at ground level, I keep a board rack in there, and I'll shove the odd gun in the rafters during winter, but summertime can get like a kiln up there.

Like Udo said, I'd be thinking insulation bats to go with it. Though if your shed has a north facing wall then it's gonna heat up that way, and the hot air will still build inside.

Graveyards's picture
Graveyards's picture
Graveyards Friday, 3 Nov 2017 at 1:08pm

Heat from two sources can damage your boards. These are radiant and convective. I hang my old "gunna" fix/ride/clean boards in the rafters of my weatherboard wall and uninsulated colourbond roof garage. I protect them from radiant heat by laying old board covers on them, and have vents under the eaves and at the roof ridge for venting out the convective heat (but i cant claim the vents as mine). I've never had wax melting or any other problem. Those old foam board covers with holes in the nose and buggered zips are perfect for insulation. Vents are a bit more involved...

whatsaname's picture
whatsaname's picture
whatsaname Friday, 3 Nov 2017 at 2:13pm

Turns out storing boards that I rarely ride (including two sups) is a bigger pain than I thought.

They are always in the shed, up against a south facing wall, and have no issues but I know there is a huge difference between floor level and ceiling.

If I can work out how to post a photo I'll show you how high the ceiling is as I could get away with hanging them 3/4 of the way up, which might minimise some issues.

loungelizard's picture
loungelizard's picture
loungelizard Friday, 3 Nov 2017 at 3:47pm

stored a beautiful wayne lynch single fin gun, grey deck, red rails at the in-laws garage up high. they didnt tell me they were going to pay someone to clear their shed.. it still hurts

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 3 Nov 2017 at 4:43pm

That explains how people keep finding those gems on the Vintage Surfboards Collector page.

One persons misery is anothers joy.

whatsaname's picture
whatsaname's picture
whatsaname Friday, 3 Nov 2017 at 5:22pm

Had a mate suggest I build a loft for storage (a lot of car parts laying on the floor while I pull that apart too), which gave me an idea to build the lost and then hand the boards under that.

Heat won't be an issue then and they will be out of my way, as well as the car parts.

toneranger's picture
toneranger's picture
toneranger Sunday, 19 Nov 2017 at 5:41pm

personally,just found a great way to fix the problem.i've been a bit of a magpie with everything in my life and now i'm applying the same principles to my surfboards as the rest of the stuff in my shed.if you haven't surfed em for a year -sell them.just got rid of two and feel liberated

Optimist's picture
Optimist's picture
Optimist Sunday, 19 Nov 2017 at 7:01pm

Get some air cell insulation in your roof and you can do anything...If you can't do the whole roof wrap your boards in it. It comes in 6mm and 8mm thick and is silver on one side blue on the upside..same insulation as 100mm thick fibreglass insulwool...